Well, Bernie is at it again. This time he’s attacking Hillary for declining a Fox News request for a debate in California. In declining the request, Hillary stated that it’s time to move forward and talk about why Donald Trump should not be president, and will use her time in California to meet directly with the voters, and make her case to them.
Sanders wasted no time attacking Clinton. “I think it’s a little bit insulting to the people of California, our largest state, that she is not prepared to have a discussion with me in helping Californians address the major crisis that they face. Democracy and respect for the voters of California suggest that there should be a vigorous debate in which the voters will determine whose ideas they support”.
Tell me Bernie, why would Hillary have a debate with you once again?? Is there anything the two of you will say that you haven’t already said before?? Why are you in bed with with a network as Fox, the most disgusting, anti-Democratic, racist, homophobic network in history??
The fact that Sanders wants a debate show just how desperate he has become. He’s running low in money, so he wants free airtime, his campaign is becoming less and less relevant. Maybe it’s the fact that the latest polls in California have Hillary up big and his massive ego can’t handle it.
Whatever the reasons, Hillary Clinton debating Bernie Sanders would be pointless. She has already pivoted to the general election, going after Trump, and that’s where her time and energy should be. Bernie Sanders should stop wasting his time and our time with his abject stupidity.
Bernie for asking Hillary to debate him.
Sanders said: “I think it’s a little bit insulting to the people of California, our largest state, that she is not prepared to have a discussion with me in helping Californians address the major crisis that they face. Democracy and respect for the voters of California suggest that there should be a vigorous debate in which the voters will determine whose ideas they support.”
It ain’t over until it’s over, ecm…and…it ain’t over until someone wins the nomination at the convention. “There’s many a slip ‘twixt the cup and the lip” as the old Irish proverb has it.
Sanders clearly thinks that the DNC and a great deal of the rest of the DemRat power structure is rotten to the core. That’s not “unstable”…a good 40+% and growing of the electorate of this country (The smart ones as far as I am concerned.) seems to agree with that general assessment of both parties and of the whole federal bureaucratic mechanism that they support.
You don’t?
On more than plentiful evidence to the contrary?
You want to “stabilize” this mess in which we are living by electing one of the prime architects of what can increasingly plainly be seen to be a failed system?
And you call Sanders “unstable?”
“Unstable” in this sense means “insane.”
A useful definition of insanity follows:
Get thee to a therapist, ecm. Seems like you’re stuck in a rut.
But don’t worry…you’re far from alone.
If the supposed boss of my party was Debbie Wasserman Schultz, I’d be raising hell too.
Hopefully, one will not have to look at Debbie Wasserman Schultz after Nov. 8. She has been another disaster for the establishment Dems. The Democratic party needs an infusion of politicians like Tim Canova or its curtains for the party.
Hey, ecm
You want Bernie to go? Well, Bernie wants DWS to go!
It’s already “curtains,” karl.
You mean it’s all over?
I’m thinking you didn’t have to photoshop anything with the eyes
or did you cut and paste from Demon Sheep. [sorry, I know, I’m just a rude Sanders supporter]
DemRat stable!!! Gee Arthur. I see where you’re coming from. What ya going to say on June 7th when Hillary passes 2383??
wow, speaking of ask a stupid question. Everyone on this blog who is not a troll knows precisely what AG will say on June 7.
I don’t think unstable describes Bernie Sanders. Would you settle for crazy Bernie Sanders?
You Hilly boys will go away after the nomination, right?
If you stick around, where do you want her first war to be?
We’ve had 9 debates. Enough already!