After last Tuesday, when the results started to come in and leaving very little doubt that Hillary Clinton was going to be the Democratic nominee for president, (in fact we all knew several weeks ago that Clinton was going to be the nominee), there was Bernie Sanders in California, still talking about how he was magically still going to stay in the race until every last vote was counted. Even when Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, and others announced that they were going to back Hillary, there was Sanders, still in denial, back home for a brief visit think things over. Then Thursday, he met with Obama for about an hour, then stuck his nose in front of the microphones and still stated he wasn’t going anywhere.
Now you would have thought by now, Sanders would have gotten the hint, and done the honorable thing by dropping out and supporting Hillary, but Bernie, still being egged on by his massive ego, is still finger pointing in DC, still trying to convince himself that he is still relevant.
Back in 2008, when Hillary Clinton was in the same position that Sanders finds himself in, she made the hard choice to get out even though she was a lot closer to Obama in terms of both delegates and votes, then Sanders is now. Hillary ended up standing besides Obama, endorsed him and helped him get elected. She didn’t have the ego that Sanders has now.
There are indications that after the DC vote on Tuesday, Bernie will finally throw in the towel, and admit defeat, but I have no confidence that it will happen. You have surrogates like Nina Turner vowing to fight on all the way to the convention.
Whatever happens on Tuesday, Bernie Sanders is going to have to show me, and a whole lot of other people to say Hillary is the nominee, and I wholeheartedly endorse her. No strings attached, no having control on what happens at the convention, no getting rid of people he doesn’t like, and no demands that he knows won’t happen. The main thing now is to beat Donald Trump in November and Sanders says he will make sure that happens
The spotlight is on Bernie to come to his senses and do the right thing. If next Wednesday, both Bernie and Hillary are on the same stage, and Bernie endorses Hillary, the he’ll join the band and help Hillary when he can to defeat Trump. If that doesn’t happen, then Bernie is his own worst enemy, and the Democrats should cut all ties with him. The choice is up to him.
Hillary is such a likable person … NOT! Love her unconditionally like you do.
Sanders should not just exit with honor but should SURRENDER! That won’t happen …
it’s politics and the revolution is coming to Philadelphia … Feel the Bern!
Thx for posting … I needed to blow off some steam.
That’s what Hillary wants, Oui, abject groveling and humble begging to be forgiven for daring to oppose Her Majesty’s birthright. Just google “dailykos” and “fuck you Bernie Sanders”. You will find multiple diaries that call for him to not just quit, not just endorse, but to apologize and beg her forgiveness.
The Hilbots have blown away any chance of reconciliation. True, there are more posts on the order of “hold my nose and vote for HRC because Trump”, but I wonder how many are real. There are at least as many “Hell NO! If Bernie doesn’t run Indy, I’m voting for Jill Stein”. People like this eastcoastimmoderate are really boosting Stein’s numbers and visibility. Using these crude numbers, can the (D) party really afford to lose 25% of their voters?
I saw where the Green Party is scrambling to get on the ballot in all the states. Their numbers could have a serious impact on the presidential race. If I were the Dem elites, I wouldn’t be blowing off the impact of some Sanders voters who will vote Green. This 2016 election looks like a different bird to me. Using past predictive models to determine the effects of Independents could be risky. When conditions change, one would be wise to reconfigure their predictive models.
Too bad I can’t sign their petition, but I voted in the Democratic primary. Wasted my vote, I should say.
Missed the deadline in AZ last week. Voting for Stein is a little bit like Republicans voting for Santorum in the 2012 primaries.
Faced with Trump, Clinton, Johnson, Stein, staying home, leaving “President” blank, which of the six would you chose or recommend. Assume CA or IL. What if it were AL or MS?
Something to ponder — which is what I’d like to see some of us do in my Dilemma 1912 diary thread.
An excellent diary! Just came from there.
Posed the question with those states because it is highly unlikely that any choice would have an E.V. effect at all. If it does, Katy bar the door!
Transferred your question to my diary thread. Don’t like hanging out here.
Bernie Sanders is not going away because people do not want him to go away. If the Dem elites were smart and paid attention to the people, they wouldn’t have the problems they now have.
eastcoastmoderate turned extremist issues an ultimatum. Take notice before its too late: you might be banished to Daily Kos for the rest of your life, and Hillary Clinton is not planning to take any hostages if elected president.
Painful to you, a well-earned prominent place in this primary season to me. And many others. You’ll be seeing him and his followers for years. Enjoy.
Bernie is like Elvis. There will be a lot of sightings. HRC trolls will never get peace.
Bernie doesn’t owe you a damn thing. Get used to that.
Regardless of the idiotic things people like you write.
Good thing you ain’t in control of anything, cause just like teh donald your rhetoric is divisive and hateful, so good luck attracting the people you need in November with it.