Had US Marine stickers on his car “Semper Fi” and wanted to join the police force …. see selfies with NYPD shirts. He too was paternalistic, authoritarian beating his wife, brought in from a dating site as a bride from Uzbekistan.
Bought just last week, Omar Mateen obtained his weapons legally as he had been screened by FBI in 2013 en 2014 and Omar worked as a security guard for G4S. Recall the organization from the London Olympics – G4S failures prompt further military deployment .
Neighbor who knew Omar Mateen
tells @WPTV he had U.S. Marine
stickers on his car, including one
that read Semper Fi.[h/t MoA]
Born in USA as Omar Mir Seddique from Afghan immigrants in 1987
Mass shooter Omar Mateen’s father Seddique Mateen recently visited Congress, the State Department and met political leaders during a trip to Washington, DC. Mateen, who made the trip in April, is seen in social media posts posing in front of the State Department and Democratic Foreign Services Committee offices.
The Afghanistan native, who also regularly writes open letters to President Barack Obama, has expressed gratitude Afghan Taliban who hosts the Durand Jirga Show on a channel called Payam-e-Afghan, which broadcasts from California.
“Payam-E-Afghan TV is an Afghani-centric satellite television network based in Los Angeles, California, launched in 2007. It features news, music, and entertainment shows in primarily the Persian and Pashto language. It is a channel owned and supported financially by Omar Khatab.”
« click for more info
Seddique Mateen opposed ISI and Pakistan's interference with Afghan people (Photo - Daily Mail)Photo captions from his DC trip describe meetings with the Foreign Relations Committee and a trip to a hearing for Afghanistan security, according to the Independent Journal.
Pictures from 2015 show Mateen meeting Reps Charlie Rangel, Dana Rohrabacher and Ed Royce. Royce is the Chairman of the United States House Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Dozens of videos are posted under Mateen’s name on YouTube, where he speaks on a range of political subjects in the Dari language. One video shows him declaring his candidacy for the Afghan presidency.
Posts include topics such as ‘Rise Afghan people against Pakistan’ and ‘Intelligent service and Military of Pakistan real Enemy of the USA (sic)’. In one video the elder Mateen holds up a sign that reads: ‘ISI Pakistan and Military is Destroying 14 years of US work in Afghanistan to cut AID to killers’.
I have another read on the Florida killer. I wrote it in answer to something that RUKidding wrote on Booman’s recent post Taking a Break and I am reposting it here.
I don’t know how far this will go, how long it will continue before we experience a total breakdown of the system as it now operates. I really don’t. If you were to personify the entire U.S. culture as one person, that “person” would be easily seen as someone veering ever further into a violent form of insanity.
Maybe it’s guilt-driven. We certainly have enough guilt to go around.
AG, that’s one of your best comments. I do not see things changing, although I hope I’m wrong. As I wrote in a comment below, the discussion of solutions to curb these mass shootings is framed mostly in political terms: he said–she said. Because politics has infiltrated every air molecule, the solution is predetermined to be political; but the parties have locked horns, so there will be no solution–only more lip service. Conclusion: no solution–more violence. Media rushes to report more violence. There are many culprits in this story.
AG–I think the words you’re looking for are these: Sociopath. Sociopathy.
The role of sociopathy in social dysfunction is IMHO way under-rated. Give guns to a sociopath like Mateen and you get a massacre. Give power to a sociopath like Trump and you might get World War Three.
○ Israel: Netanyahu Signs Up with Estremist Right
In the media, everything is seen through the Dem and Repub lenses. As a result, both “sides” are presented and solutions to deter another horrifying event are offered only in political terms. This way, nothing gets done regarding these extreme cases of violence because the 2 parties are gridlocked. I can remember when there were past mass murders (they were rare), and experts in the field of psychology, sociology, and psychiatry would be interviewed. Solutions would be discussed and politics was on the back burner. How long has it been since we have seen solutions to our problems framed in non-political terms? The media smothers us with politics, violence, sex, materialism, and celebrity status and our downward spiral marches on. Our household is in the process of pulling the plug on our satellite service and buying rabbit ears. Why contribute to own’s own demise? That’s nuts and think of the savings! Most importantly, think of the freedom and the pleasure of removing such a toxic product from the home. More of our friends and family are doing the same.
From a comment @MoA
○ Jewish State of Israel Run by Islamophobes
○ Don’t give ISIL the Islamophobia it wants
○ Israeli Pride as Pinkwashing
There are guards–I can’t tell you whether they are armed or not–at many if not all Jewish establishments in Paris. If you visit the Jewish Museum, say, you have to go through the same sort of security rigamarole as in an airport.
I believe you’ll find that guards at synagogues and other Jewish establishments is common in Europe.
Perhaps your focus on Israel is a bit blinkered.
Dad came to the US from Afghanistan in the late 70s. What was happening in the late seventies in Afghanistan? Hint: CIA supplying weapons to bin Laden and the Mujahadeen.
The cable network is CIA/ISI.
Refer to the Tsarnaev brothers and their uncle Ruslan who ran a Chechen aid operation out of the address of Graham Fuller, the CIA guy who came up with the Iran-contra idea way back during Reagan’s years. The older brother was connected to the Jamestown Foundation in Dagestan, Jamestown being a CIA entity. The younger brother had a professor who was CIA.
By the way, getting dropped from the FBI watch list is not uncommon if you are ageny-linked and about to commit a really bad crime. Oswald allegedly went to Mexico City six or seven weeks before the JFK assassination. Someone impersonating Oswald went to both the Havana consulate and the Russian embassy seeking visas. So Oswald is being impersonated in Mexico City, going to the twin towers of evil in Langley, USSR and Cuba. A couple days after that the FBI dropped Oswald from their watch list.
When these things happen I ask myself who in the government wants me to be scared. Who?
The nightclub was a soft target. Those filled with murderous rage and armed with assault type weapons will always look for such a target and usually those already known to them.
It’s impractical (and economically unfeasible) to harden the soft targets that exist practically everywhere in modern life. Our schools today are already more like prisons that ever before with guards and metal detectors. And still a massacre took place at an elementary school.
The Intercept – Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton Call for Bombing ISIS After Orlando Shooting that ISIS Didn’t Direct
HRC has also been bleating: Remember 9/12!
Omar Mateen has some remarkable parallels to the Tsarnaev brothers (Boston Marathon bombing) and even Lee Harvey Oswald.
The first is that Mateen’s father has been operating a cable TV show being broadcast to Afghanistan through a CIA/ISI Pakistani propaganda outlet. Do the children of CIA assets just tend to be psychotic and violent? The Tsarnaev brothers had uncle Ruslan, who publicly condemned the young men in the days after the bombing. Ruslan was married to the daughter of Graham Fuller, the CIA muckity muck who was credited with coming up with the idea for Iran-contra back in the 80s. Ruslan used Fuller’s home address to run an “aid organization” for the Chechen rebels in Chechya in the 90s. If you recall, at the time Chechen rebels (a similar movement to al Qaeda and ISIS) were blowing up schools and subways in Russia. Ruslan also has worked with the Agency for International Development, another government agency that is used as cover for the CIA, as well as the oil business in Central Asia.
Both Mateen and the Tsarnaev brothers had multiple people connected with the CIA in their lives in the years approaching their murderous acts. The older Tsarnaev, when he visited Dagestan, had contact with the Jamestown Foundation, a CIA front. At that time Russia had him pegged as trouble. The US intelligence community ignored Russian warnings. The younger Tsarnaev had a professor at college who’d done writing for CIA journals.
Mateen has worked for a private security company that was once Wackenhut, a company that has been working in the margins for our intelligence community going back to at least the 70s. There are books out there about Wackenhut.
In September 1963 someone, either “Oswald” and/or someone imitating Lee Harvey Oswald went to Mexico City and tried to get visas at both the Russian embassy and the Cuban consulate. We know the person who contacted the embassies was not Oswald (you can google the CIA surveillance pictures on google, “fake Oswald Mexico City”) but someone impersonating Oswald.
Unlike what was reported at the time, Oswald was previously known to both the FBI and the CIA, the CIA having a 201 file which was being moved around Langley and the FBI having Oswald on its watch list. Immediately after the Mexico City trip the FBI took Oswald off its watch list. Counterintuitive? Like US intelligence ignored the warnings on the elder Tsarnaev brother when he came back from Dagestan. Just like the FBI took Mateen off its watch list.
What are we to draw from these parallels? That men with relatives who are CIA assets are prone to psychotic violence? That this is a pool of “lone nuts” groomed and sent off to create false flag violence in order to affect American public opinion? That the FBI extends a professional courtesy to the CIA not to keep an eye out for CIA assassins?
Another interesting coincidence. Mateen, during his rampage, allegedly said he supported Hezbollah and ISIS. They are enemies. It is much like the faked picture of Oswald in his backyard where he holds publications from competing Communist movements in the US.
That is, both alleged assassins seemed to have to real idea of their political beliefs within any movement.
The picture is beginning to become more cohesive. And shoots down all the initial suppositions. Looking like a toxic brew of personal hurt, anger, and revenge.