Ed Kilgore is properly mystified that Donald Trump has revoked Washington Post reporters’ press credentials, effectively banning the paper from access to himself and his political events. Ed identifies the immediate culprit here as WaPo reporter Jenna Johnson, whose piece on Trump’s remarks about the massacre in Orlando pointed out that Trump has a history of repeating outlandish conspiracy theories and then sticking with them even when corrected by the whole world. What Johnson wrote was a matter-of-fact recitation of recent history. After all, Trump is the nation’s most famous Birther, and he’s repeated a completely discredited story about New Jersey Muslims celebrating the 9/11 attacks, just to give two memorable examples.
Seems clear to me that Trump got caught in a clumsy and audible dog whistle and instead of shrugging it off as he often does, he decided to make an example of Johnson and the Post (assuming being excluded from Trump events is a punishment) for some reason beyond my understanding. But it did so by way of asserting what amounts to a right to be incoherent, and that’s a new one, even for Trump.
The “clumsy dog whistle” is a reference to Trump saying that there is something “inconceivable” about the president’s refusal to use the word’s “radical Muslim extremism” that people just don’t want to believe. What might Trump be referring to? Well, he said that “[Obama] doesn’t get it or he gets it better than anybody understands — it’s one or the other, and either one is unacceptable.”
If the president doesn’t understand the threat of Islamic terrorism, Trump said, he ought to resign because, I guess, he can’t keep us safe. But if he understands the threat just fine but won’t do anything to stop it?
It’s clear that Trump is saying that the latter possibility is what’s “inconceivable” and that people don’t want to believe it.
We can quibble about whether Jenna Johnson characterized this precisely right when she wrote:
Donald Trump seemed to repeatedly accuse President Obama on Monday of identifying with radicalized Muslims who have carried out terrorist attacks in the United States and being complicit in the mass shooting at a gay nightclub in Orlando over the weekend, the worst the country has ever seen.
Did Trump “seem” to suggest “complicity”?
It certainly “seemed” that way to a lot of people who heard Trump’s remarks on Sunday night and in a follow up interview on Fox News Monday.
According to the Washington Post’s story on their own banning, the Trump campaign has already blacklisted reporters at “Gawker, BuzzFeed, Foreign Policy, Politico, Fusion, Univision, Mother Jones, the New Hampshire Union Leader, the Des Moines Register, the Daily Beast and Huffington Post,” but those bans have been temporary in some cases and unevenly enforced. I think this ban is higher profile and probably more permanent.
In a statement, Post Executive Editor Martin Baron said: “Donald Trump’s decision to revoke The Washington Post’s press credentials is nothing less than a repudiation of the role of a free and independent press. When coverage doesn’t correspond to what the candidate wants it to be, then a news organization is banished.
“The Post will continue to cover Donald Trump as it has all along — honorably, honestly, accurately, energetically and unflinchingly,” Baron continued. “We’re proud of our coverage, and we’re going to keep at it.”
Ordinarily, the idea behind banning (or, more commonly, threatening to ban) a reporter is to get his or her editors to back off asking for tough and critical coverage. Most papers would find lack of access to a presidential campaign rather crippling. But that kind of intimidation will never work with an organization as powerful and well-placed as the Washington Post. What this has assured is that the Post has no remaining incentives to pull any punches.
It’s true that Trump might not notice much difference. Things haven’t been going well with the Post since he met with the editorial board in March and exposed himself as an ignoramus. You should revisit the transcript of that meeting because it’s somewhere between hilarious and terrifying, just like the Trump campaign itself.
It’s not unprecedented for a president to have a strained relationship with the Washington Post, but it didn’t end well for Richard Nixon. I can’t imagine how things would go for President Trump.
Birtherism is a frame of reference for Republican perceptions of the “first black President”. The three slurs in that frame are:
He’s a Kenyan –> foreigner, not authentic American, not legitimate President under the US Constitution
He’s a muslim –> not a Christian in a “Christian nation”, a heretic, a jihadi sympathizers, a terrorist accomplice
He’s a socialist –> not a flag-waving Cold-War-fighting American, a Russian, Chinese, Cuban, and North Korean sympathizer, expanding the size of government into tyrannical authoritarianism by executive decree
And Republicans have use repetitions of this slur to manipulate US policy into confirming actions (shifting to executive orders — “decrees” — because Congressional obstruction is near complete) or into compensating behavior to disprove them that implements Republican priorities (most of Obama’s foreign policy and failure to close Guantanamo).
Trump is not idly slurring the President, he is manipulating an executive about to embark on campaigning for Hillary Clinton. And the entire Republican caucus is nod-nod-wink-wink going along with Trump on this messaging while keeping their distance. It gooses their base.
The Washington Post in one? several? articles started to deconstruct Trump’s rhetorical game. Canceling their credentials was a shot across the bow to other media who might be thinking of reporting the Trump campaign straight (it could happen if the bosses get scared enough of a Trump Presidency). We’ll see whether snaps to and gets back in ranks. If it doesn’t, Trump could tolerate it or cancel more credentials. At some point canceling credential pulls a shade across the limelight that Trump has basked in for free for so long.
One can only hope for a epidemic of the Wall Street media telling the truth about this election and its candidates.
They should all refuse to cover him–including and especially TV.
Extremely astute.
Well said and accurate. Trump has been saying all of this for a very long time, and Trump is adroit at using situations, like Orlando, to his advantage. Calling into question Obama’s bona fides on all levels: a) Obama’s not a “real” American – dog whistle that he’s not white, b) Obama’s a Muslim, no matter what – not even dog whistle here, c) Obama is out to destroy America; he’s a commie socialist who pals around with our enemies, aka, the Cubans, the Commies, North Korea, Iran, etc. He pals around with them, not being “tough” enough, like Trump would be.
It’s all red meat all the time to the slavering base.
Trump appears to be refining his approach somewhat, and I would speculate that’s in order to be more appealing to the upper orders of the riff-raff who might be sitting on the fence about voting for Trump due to his vulgarity, his bigotry, etc.
Nothing that Trump said yesterday is any different from anything he’s spewed over the past 6 or 7 years. He’s just refining and polishing it for the general election.
Some of the media are actually tippy toeing into question some aspects of Trump – like his shady business deals and how he’s ripped off his workers and such – well similar reporting occurred vis Mitt Romney and GW Bush. To their credit (much as I don’t like to give either any credit), while they probably dismissed such reporting about them (don’t remember but think they did), they didn’t remove reporting privileges.
What Trump’s supporters don’t get is how very dangerous a move like this is.
I take it very seriously. While the WaPoo can certainly continue to report on Trump, what Trump is doing is a bold move to control the media even MORE than it’s already controlled.
Free Press? Not if Trump gets in the White House.
IMO: dangerous. Just saying…
This bears repeating as often as necessary:
Confidential to Eric Krupin: I misread the first two words of your post as “The bears” which of course immediately reminded me of Count Floyd sneering “the Bears…” at the technician with whom he’s making book, when we’ve “cut back too quickly” after the fake Bergman clip.
Trump might just succeed in making WAPO relevant again. Will they get to host a TV debate? Will their reporters be asked on TV shows to represent an anti-Trump view? Having the Washington establishment against him may just burnish Trump’s self image, but he’s going to need some friends in order to maintain a credible campaign. He’s running out of options if he looks to find them outside hard core republican organs.
If the establishment press decides Trump loses, then Trump loses. They did it to Gore and they can do it to him.
(They’re also really good at deciding that we’re going to war, as we know.)
So we’re going to have one less reporter sticking a microphone in the candidate’s face while hoping to get a turn to ask a question which the candidate will not answer?
Maybe the Post will realize that this “privilege” adds not a thing to their ability to describe and analyze the election. Is it too much to hope for that they also realize that people pay for their ability to aggregate the news and their expertise in relaying it?
As CAToasters makes clear, it’s kind of hard to see any massive restriction or impingement on actual reporting by WaPo that this sort of juvenile tactic involves. Hitler wasn’t granting interviews to his newspaper opponents in the “poisoned kitchen”, as Nazis called unsympathetic editors/reporters during the rise of Der Fuhrer, but they kept reporting that Hitler was a “political criminal”–until they were all killed post-1933.
Put in a more American lens, this is (once again) just the logical endpoint of the decades-old Repub whine about “The Lib’rul Media!!” Obviously, ban ’em if lib’rul papers/media refuse to be fair and balanced. Trump just takes Repub rhetoric to its obvious extreme. Ultimately, fascism finds its level…
This is supposed to hurt Trump, how? The GOP has been conditioned to think that the BezosPost is the enemy despite the very right-wing slant of its editorial board and the overall power-worshipping of the paper itself. As others have stated, this will show to the true believers that Trump is just putting the librul media in its place.
Trump’s bold move was to challenge #1 with the GOP base. Guess some folks here think that Trump lost that battle.
You write:
Ed Kilgore may be “proper” in terms of his allegiance with anti-Trump media (which consists of about 98% of the large mass media systems on all evidence) and he may be mystified as well, but “properly mystified?” No.
Why be mystified? Trump is being Trump. When attacked he counter-attacks, always and everywhere. He can’t afford to counter-attack the entire media system, so he chooses one example. He did this with Fox and won. Why not try it again? HIs counter-attacks on the media actually serve to provide more media coverage for him.
Is the Washingtoon Post justified in criticizing Trump? Certainly not. Is it equally justified in not criticizing HRC for all of her mistakes and failure?
Hmmmm…I guess not.
Not if the media fix is going to work, anyway.
Kinda like Booman Trib writ large.
So it goes.
Misprint above. Too many drafts. Sorry.
The phrase above that reads “Is the Washingtoon Post justified in criticizing Trump? Certainly not.” should read “Would the Washingtoon Post be justified in not criticizing Trump? Certainly not.” Then the post makes sense.
Mention of WaPo and Nixon reminded me of the classic book, KATHARINE THE GREAT, about Katharine Graham. Ben Bradlee, after WWII, worked propaganda for the US networks in Europe out of the CIA station in Paris and was part of the program to gain support for the Rosenbergs’ executions. Bob Woodward, before he was a cub reporter, worked in the Office of Naval Intelligence with a high security clearance. And the Graham family has a long and storied history with various intelligence entities.
And WAPO owner Jeff Bezos is also CEO of Amazon, a company that recently got a huge and totally secretive contract from the CIA.
Naaaahhhhh…no Hlllary fix goin’ on here!!!
WTFU, folks. The fix is now in so deeply that it’s the whole act!!!
Can’t tell the hustlers from the honest media? That’s ‘cuz there ain’t no honest media. Not big enough for the fixers to worry about, anyway.
Move along…
The reason you don’t understand why Trump does things like this is because you’re part of the Establishment media looking through the exact same lens. Trump could care less about the Washington Post, same as a lot of people. Trump is speaking to his base that is busy uniting behind him. Attacking the Washington Post is attacking the Establishment, same thing he’s running against Hillary on because it resonates with such large portion of a pissed off electorate who is very angry because of what the Establishment has done to their lives. If the Washington Post is foolish enough to engage him, he just gets stronger.
As for the portion of the Democrat base determined to punish the Democrat Party for its Big Money corruption and Establishment voter fraud, what he says makes no difference at all…because TINA.
But what does this do to bring in anyone who might be sitting on the fence? Yeah, it appeals to those who already wholeheartedly support Trump, but I just don’t see this being an action that makes someone who is uncertain on Trump to finally sit up and take notice and say, “Hell yeah, now THAT’S what I want in a candidate”. It really does nothing to advance his electoral cause with the rest of the people that he needs in his camp.
Identity politics has a fatal flaw for Democrats in this election. It started out with Trump on the side of the racists protecting us from the other. Hillary is on the side that fears the racists propelling her to a nomination lead in the Deep South among people who have good reason to fear the racists. This is but the tip of the iceberg of social issues that form the basis of identity politics that quite frankly has worked far better for Republicans than the Democrats for a long time. Then something strange happened on the way to this election. It was pointed out in rather stark terms that the status quo for both Republican and Democrat Establishments had something truly awful in common; neoliberalism, something we no longer had to accept that was responsible for ruining our lives.
This revelation turned identity politics on its head. Instead of being divided along the lines of racist and fear of racist we are now divided along the lines of the Establishment screwing the people and the people being screwed by the Establishment. The Establishment is the Washington Post and Hillary while the other side is, well, almost everyone else; pick a side in this identity politics divide. Trump is attacking Hillary’s new Establishment identity group when he attacks the Washington Post.
Because there are far more people being screwed than people doing the screwing, this kind of identity politics is a loser for Democrats running an Establishment candidate.
Please remember that there are three main voting groups. Starting with the smallest group, the Republicans followed by the Democrats then lastly, by far the largest group, the Independents, the ones who have rejected both Republican and Democrat Parties and will decide this election.
The way to break identity politics is to run on the issues. But neither Hillary nor Donald have any issues or believability. That is not to say there are no issues that will decide this election because there are two rather big ones; which one of them is most likely to get your jobs back and which one of them is least likely to blow up the world. Trump has no track record while Hillary has plenty, some of it still under investigation.
What do you think Hillary can say to answer those two questions with any chance her answer will be believed enough to win over a large number of Independents using only her answers backed up by her track record, not relying on attacks against Trump?
Thanks for your questions. Given that the vast majority of “independents” (i.e., voters unenrolled in a party) are reliably supportive of one of the two major parties, we’re really only talking about 5-10% of voters in recent presidential elections who are “swing” voters.
Based on Clinton and Trump’s records, and their platforms/policies, it seems like a large number of “swing” voters are already shifting towards Clinton.
Charlie Pierce is marveling at the foolhardiness of this action. He wrote “Donald Trump Picked the Wrong News Editor to F*ck With. Trump is going to war with The Washington Post, but he doesn’t stand a chance against Marty Baron.” He concluded “If He, Trump wants additional clarification, I suggest he contact Bernard Cardinal Law at the Basilica of Our Lady Of The Clean Getaway in Rome. Or, if that’s too much trouble, he can find out what can come of getting in Marty Baron’s sights on-demand in whatever hotel room he’s in tomorrow.” In other words, watch “Spotlight” and see how willing Baron is to take on powerful people with a lot of popular support and encourage his reporters to do the same.
Original WAPO headline:
Some as yet undetermined time later:
Methinks the lawyers are parsing in fear of a lawsuit.
Why is this liberal congresswoman spreading anti-solar arguments?
Trump doesn’t need or want the Post’s coverage. His media strategy is centered on Twitter, cable news interviews, and live broadcasts of his rallies and speeches. It’s free and it works for him.