Now they run Tim Kaine up the media flagpole.
From Politico:
Kaine rises to top of Clinton’s veep list
The HRC campaign is as formalized and predictable as is kabuki theater.
Understanding Kabuki theater depends on the understanding of minute gestures and movements throughout a performance.
The play itself takes second place to the performance; so important is the actor and his virtuosic display of skill, that early kabuki was not based on scripts but rather on short scenarios.
The actor’s skill is comprised of a set of performance conventions in movement, voice, gesture, and dance. Kabuki consists of a finite repertoire of known movements and gestures as well as a repertoire of elocution, or the manner in which one speaks one’s lines. These well-known and traditional conventions are called in Japanese kata, which means “pattern,” “model,” or “form.”
Each gesture, each movement, each way of inflecting or speaking lines, is highly formal and traditional. As a member of the audience, you know exactly what to expect, what kinds of movements will come where, and all the excitement of the play lies not in anticipation of the dramatic elements of the play, bu the expectation of the actor’s execution of these movements, gestures, or speeches.
Have you ever read a better description of the presidential elections of the past 30 years or so? From the primaries right on up to the expected denouement? It’s all pose, all the time.
The election itself takes second place to the performance; so important is the actor’s virtuosic display of skill, national elections are not based on issues but rather on short sound bites.
The candidates’ (and their organizations’) skill is comprised of a set of performance conventions in movement, voice, gesture, and the dispersion of same through the media. Modern national U.S. politics consists of a finite repertoire of known movements and gestures as well as a repertoire of elocution, or the manner in which one speaks one’s lines. These well-known and traditional conventions are similar to Japanese kabuki kata, which means “pattern,” “model,” or “form.”
Each gesture, each movement, each way of inflecting or speaking lines, is highly formal and traditional. As a member of the audience, you know exactly what to expect, what kinds of movements will come where, and all the excitement of the play lies not in anticipation of the dramatic elements of the play, but the expectation of the actor’s execution of these movements, gestures, or speeches.
And there we have it in a nutshell. The only real “competition” has to do with how well the individual actors act out their parts.
Read on.
Now…HRC is running a very, very traditional campaign. Thousands of assistants strewn across a sprawling bureaucracy, money flowing like water from the traditional sources. etc. Trump, on the other hand, has literally invented a new set of kabuki katas to fit the new theater form in which they are being performed…the theater of instant news. (The instanet, to coin a phrase.) Instant visual news, instant video news where the participants’ acting skills can be viewed again and again and again by their audience. This style is much simpler and more direct than the previous styles, which consisted mostly of elision and the avoidance of saying…or acting…anything that could be considered less than what we laughingly call “presidential.” JFK and Barack Obama were the most successful predecessors of this simplification and development of what have become tiresome old acting cliches, but Trump has taken this to absolutely new heights. And in doing so he beat the pants off over 15 more or less “traditional” political kabuki actors during the RatPublican primaries. He took ’em all down.
Because his act is much more clearly and easily understandable to a much broader set of people than are the traditional acts. From his hairdo to his outfit and on to his various gestures and poses, there is absolutely no question about it being an “act.” He has embraced that idea and made it his own.
More from the link above:
Each of these styles conveys a particular type of meaning. For instance, the most crowd-pleasing and universal of the movement kata is the mie. In mie , the actor, in an emotional high point of the play, winds up with a couple movements and freezes in a certain position for a length of time, often for a very long time. He distorts his face and may even cross his eyes, and holds this dramatic pose while the tsuke player slowly pounds out three beats (a musical kata called battari). This is the pose that wood-block prints (ukiyo-e) of famous actors most frequently portray, and mie represents that moment in the play in which the character’s inner passion, anger, despair, or madness is about to break through the surface. The mie pose represents that point where the conflict between inner passions and outward behavior can no longer be maintained and the character is about to explode with passion, anger, madness, or violence.
Sound familiar?
It oughta.
So…between the two presumptive nominees, which one is the superior political kabuki actor given this new instanet system?
Pray on.
She’s gonna need one.
Terry McAuliffe is in hot water in Virginia for a number of things, so IMHO he won’t be able to deliver Virginia, as was hoped by the Clinton campaign. Kaine is a big face of the establishment and people are not in an establishment mood. Now the voter of Virginia is looking at 2 big faces of the establishment. Kaine has “no fire”, either. IMHO Virginia: Repub 2016
Here’s the latest on Terry, who is already under investigation by the FBI. Some people want Terry to go back to New York and view him as a carpetbagger.
Eric Cantor’s primary defeat 2 years ago could be prescient in regard to the problems of establishment candidates.
Indeed it could.
I don’t follow what the connection is supposed to be with Hillary Clinton. Cantor was defeated by a hard-core Tea Party crank. Those folks are already voting for Trump. The implicit argument here seems to be that there’s an army of pissed off people, aside from those anti-Cantor voters, who would normally vote Democratic but are going to throw their lot in with Trump this time. I understand that AG thinks that’s what’s going to happen, based on anecdotal evidence and his own interactions with John and Jane Q. Public. I’m just skeptical about his claim.
Uh huh. Just like there’s an army of people calling Newt Gingrich a carpetbagger and demanding he go back when he came, north of the Mason-Dixon Line.
But…the Manson-Nixon line has no boundaries.
It’s a state of mind.
Mostly delusional.
Only if it loses.
History is written by the winners.
Always and forever.
You’d be speaking German now.
I repeat:
Homicidal madness…as in the carpet bombing of SE Asia; as in Bush II’s “Shock and Awe” bombing of Iraq and the subsequent Blood For Oil War that continues to this day in the Middle East…is an equal opportunity destroyer.
And…what goes around always comes around again.
Bet on it.
Only if it loses.
If it wins?
It’s the law of the land.
Even if it wins, cause history marches on and years or even centuries later the truth is revealed, the delusion undone.
Slavery doesn’t exist any more, nor does legalized Jim Crow laws.
The internment of Japanese during WW@ and the fallout from it probably prevented the same post 9-11.
Galileo was vindicated and even the Catholic Church had to apologize under John Paul II, and we use his version not the one pushed by the catholic church.
Even the evil propagated by the November revolution didn’t last a century.
Reagan’s revolution has handed the far right that which they repudiate daily in this campaign, (see George Will for example).
Where is the FBI on Dr King now a days?
No delusional is always delusional, and history does work things like this out;
“The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.
not delusional thinking.
You write:
True…to be replaced by yet other delusions.
Human beings are by their very nature “delusionary,” clif.
On the evidence of all of human history.
It’s what we do.
It’s what’s for supper.
It’s how we make it through the day.
And I’ll reiterative that history keep popping the delusional bubbles as they expand, some quickly like in Europe circa 1933-45, some slowly like Galileo from early 1600’s to late 1900’s.
History does bend toward justice even if you personally have to live through a period where it moves slower than you want it to.
You write:
I have no particular preference for its speed, myself.
Much like our politicians…who are just a reflection of the larger universe when you get right down to it…”history” (which is simply a record of ongoing presents) doesn’t give a good goddamn what “I” want. It’s too busy doing what it must. All I can really do is sit back, enjoy the ride as best as I can and talk to my fellow travelers about the ongoing miracle of it all..which is a good description of what I do on this blog, come to think of it.
Enjoy the ride.
There’s no other means of transportation readily available.
Bet on it.
I am.