[UPDATE1] ○ David Cameron resigns after EU referendum result | LIVE! The Guardian |
Thank You Midlands, North, Wales and the SouthEast / SouthWest provincial regions!
The Dardanelles was Churchill’s biggest defeat 100 years ago, today David Cameron’s worst nightmare became reality with the British EXIT from Europe.The Pound falls 10%, Ladbrokes goes broke with it’s prediction of Remain, it’s a good day for Europe’s independence from military aggression of team UK and US. NATO will go through a period of uncertainty. Sanctions on Russia were extended for another six months, perhaps it’s wise to undo them for economic stability of the EU in the next round.
Indeed, Tory leader Cameron just made history! Did the Russian oligarchs and the monarchs of the Gulf States too lose 10% of their wealth? I surely hope so. Now Brussels and Juncker can display their statesman- and leadership for the European Union. I do welcome Scottish Independence and it’s request to become EU member on a fast track.
Cameron, we will see you with your bowler hat and attaché case coming into Brussels for two years of EXIT negotiations. The Eurotunnel provides excellent access to “Old Europe” David, you incompetent overrated fool. Margareth Thatcher is turning in her grave.
The EU democratic deficit as the best explanation why the British voters ruled the waves of discontent.
Primary reasons why Exit is OK
Ever since Margareth Thatcher, the British have changed the social face of the EU.
- undermining labor rights
- lowering minimum wage
- pulling out of institutions EU human rights
- massive attraction of wealth from oligarchs, dictators and monarchs of the Gulf States
- not providing support for ordinary, working class people
- London City with banking and financial institutions at the heart of the 2008 crisis
- supporting above dictators with military arms
- waging imperial wars outside NATO territory
- Syrian chaos caused by western powers UK, France and US
- migrant crisis is a follow-up of immoral policy
- giving Erdogan support due to refugee crisis [Turkey with Qatar and Gulf states gave support to jihadists traveling to Syria]
Hoping Europe will return to a union of statesmanship, democracy and peacemakers.
For the US election, a warning Trump may yet pull an upset win in November. Voters are fed-up with the establishment as they see the 0.1% or 1% grab all of the economic benefits in the last decades.
Another black eye for President Obama and his failed foreign policy … hoping a British Exit will shut-up the warmongering senators of US Congress. Will HRC once again do a make-over before November?
Oui, Why do you blame nearly everything bad with the EU as the result of British influence? Have you never heard of the United States of America? And are you not aware of the treachery of the European ruling class? Nothing will shut up the warmongering US politicians and State Department plants…nothing, that’s how they do their jobs well.
Just review the long line of British leaders from Margareth Thatcher (Ronald Reagan), John Mayor (George Bush I), Tony Blair (Bill Clinton just as easily as George Bush II), Gordon Brown (Who?) and David Cameron (Barack Obama). All British leaders were closer on world politics and issues of war or peace, to the United States. It’s the responsibility of Downing Street 10, not Pennsylvania Ave in Washington DC. Look who shares all financial transactions, digital espionage, Five Eyes, joins the US adventures in Iraq, Libya and Syria. UK is a tax haven for the Russian oligarchs and uses the political clout to put in place an aggressive military posturing against the Kremlin. Expecting a lot more tranquility across Europe from now on.
The UK with its “neoliberalism” on economic reform has pressure the EU on labor rights, and with the City of London is a display of wealth and inequality …. the bank director contributing less income tax than the cleaning lady. It’s about time to put matters in the right perspective and if it takes Brexit, so be it!
○ The Age of Globalization and Neo-liberalism:
Epochal change, epicentres and the collapse of the class compromise: enter struggles over redistribution and recognition
○ The European court of human rights’ judgments that transformed British law
○ The tumultuous relationship between the UK Government and the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR)
Using immigrants as scapegoats for the impact of your neolib policies has its dangers…
“What people miss is that EU migrants pay tax, which could fund public services. Indeed EU migrants tend to be young, so they are likely to pay more tax in than they are likely to take out from using public services…
Which means that in reality EU migration creates more resources that allows the government to spend more on the NHS and other public services. Not only do EU migrants pay for themselves in this respect, they also make access easier for natives…
Yet this is an argument David Cameron was reluctant to make, because it raises an obvious question. If EU migration is not the reason why the NHS is in crisis, what is? The answer is that his government has chosen to shrink the share of national income going to the NHS, when there are good reasons why this share should be rising. In other words the government has taken the taxes EU migrants pay, and used them to cut taxes or cut the deficit. Because Cameron will not make the case for why EU migration helps the NHS, that case is not heard by voters. Instead they are told all the time that the NHS has been ‘protected’. Hence the poll result.
…What the poll above suggests is that what people really want is a better NHS, and that they incorrectly believe that less EU migration is a way to get it.
The U.S. and Great Britain (along with France as a kind of English Channel satellite state) have made more enemies with their mutual brand of militarily supported economic aggression since the end of W.W. II than have all of the other countries of the world combined. Britain has been a thorn in the side of the EU since it joined. Once the economic repercussions of Brexit work themselves out…if indeed they do work themselves out without a worldwide economic breakdown…maybe Europe can get its (still basically democratic-socialist) act together before it’s too late and the skinheads take over.
Anthony Burgess knew…
Let us pray.
P.S. This Brexit thing looks to me to be another win for Trump in the U.S. There are certainly many countries in Europe that are now now at least leaning towards right wing so-called “populist” parties, and Trump is nothing if not a right-wing populist. He predicted Brexit and his whole act is…at least ostensibly…anti-multinational/anti-globalist. HRC is stuck with the multinational corporate thing that started in Clinton I’s administration and has been quite strongly developed during the Obama years. This Brexit development means that Trump is free to potshot at Clintonesque globalism for the next four months.
That’s right, me little droogies. Only four months left to stop Trump!!!
And if he is stopped?
Then what?
Madame Clinton?
OY! Indeed. Which narcissistic incompetent do you want elected? The racist one? Or the tool of Wall Street?
Well, that was fast. Politicians that make a game out of very serious and weighty matters for their own self-aggrandizement should always have to pay the piper. However, it Britain’s case, Labour has now been compromised (after first losing seats due to Cameron’s stunt). There were no winners last night (except the gamblers that took the long shot); only losers. What a mess and nobody seems to be driving the bus.
Winners last night were politicians who scapegoat immigrants.
On the BBC last night all the talk was about immigration, and income stagnation.
Already Le Pen is pushing for a vote in France.
Working class incomes have stagnated across the developed world, and the right is on the march as a result.
The right is always on the march. How long have the LePens been a third party losing fixture in French politics? The offer simple explanation for troubles and even more simple non-solutions. When their fortunes rise it’s because the political elites are totally screwed up (usually with the major party elites having colluded with each other) and offer nothing but more of the same to the people. It’s those same major party elites that have invested decades in demonizing political persuasions to their left and thus insured that when they failed, the only alternative would be the xenophobic fascism and post WWII that has been a no-go for most western countries. Now? Well, perhaps TPTB has screwed up too much and for too long that they can’t contain the anger that is being channeled into hatred for the wrong forces.
A pox on all the vermin in this grand political game.
Lee Fang:
Mitch Stewart:
I don’t know who Mitch Stewart is, but the responses to his comment on his twitter feed are funny, but Billmon captures it best:
Ah, question answered by Phil Perspective:
And Bill Clinton worked with Blair (and Yeltsin) and Blair worked with GWB, etc.
The “Hillary’llSaveUS” hashtag should get up and running real soon.
She’ll tell the Brits to just cut it out.
The days of US politicians telling the Brits anything may be drawing to a close. It probably closed over a dozen years ago, but this was the first opportunity that voters have had to express it.
Yesterday wasn’t a good day for Obama as the Brits rejected his “sage advice” and SCOTUS didn’t bail out his immigration executive order.
Perhaps bad week if we add in this SCOTUS decision. But I’m not convinced that Obama isn’t on board with reducing 4th amendment rights (and the stunt in Congress this week suggests that Democrats in general are sort of down with that as well).
HRC in her own words (her own as much as her books and speeches are)
Not as blatant as what Mitch Stewart said but essentially the same thing. She’s such a wanker.
Can’t say that Trump doesn’t have some cajones — BBC – Donald Trump in Scotland: ‘Brexit a great thing’. A really good showman wouldn’t make such an announcement from such a location. Thus, I’m forced to conclude that Trump is really just a bigoted and stupid and/or ignorant man.
RT — Scotland should `never leave EU’ – new independence referendum ‘highly likely’
This could increase the odds Scotland could exit. If they could get the referendum before it becomes obvious that Brexit was but a political stunt that crafted by a bunch of political hacks given to screwing dead pigs and comatose rubes.
Getting lonely in London City, Manchester, Liverpool and England on the whole. Next to losing Scotland, also
Northern Ireland and Gibraltar may prefer to stay in the EU. England and Wales most likely will keep Jersey and Guernsey. 😉
What a day!
Why would Scotland chose to hand control to Germany – because that is what joining the EU means if they adopt the Euro?
Scotland independence is snake oil.
Scotland hasn’t yet chosen to hand control to Germany. It’s possible that the currency question was what tipped the vote in Scotland to remain with the UK. However, outside the currency issue, the majority in Scotland have experienced being a member of the EU as a positive. Appears to be the same in Ireland.
I’m sure that a hundred years ago, many would have labeled Ireland independence as snake oil. (I have no vested interest in and therefore no opinion on Scotland’s independence movement. However, I do think that peoples should have the right to reconsider affiliations when they become intolerable, but must also fully recognize that divorce isn’t cheap nor easy.)
Especially when the United Kingdom was “united” by blood and iron.
Well, not too many places in the world that weren’t united by similar means.
Or untied.
Wait, you’re only figuring this out now?
Loved his response to the currency crisis this created – “Well, more people will come to my resort and I’ll make more money!” Sociopathic enough to not care about huge economic effects on a major country and clueless enough not to realize he’s at least supposed to care.
It was also a reasonable interpretation, but so too was that he was so media savvy and smart that he could play a segment of the rubes to the nomination.
If he’s merely a stupid man riding a racist/anti-incumbent theme (meme?), that doesn’t make him a sociopath because he’s too stupid to have any awareness of the economic effects for the people. Narcissists extrapolate from their financial well being to the whole (another way they display their inherent stupidity). If it’s good for him, then it must also be good for others and thus, it doesn’t compute for him when others claim he doesn’t “care.”
The asinine component of his stunt today is that he displayed ignorance about Scotland — that the independence movement is strong and that they voted overwhelming for REMAIN.
○ Egyptian president Sisi unveils multi-billion dollar Suez Canal extension at lavish ceremony | August 2015 |
Just what I have argued, confirmed in this article … Anglospheric ideals? WTF Obama warned of dire consequences for US-UK trade ahead of EU referendum. Obama doesn’t keep his promises!
○ TTIP: What is the future for UK-US trade?
○ U.S. Review: IMF Pleads for a Social, Progressive Face to Battle Poverty
○ S&P says Britain’s ‘AAA’ credit rating untenable after Brexit vote
The Norway option is not viable for Britain after Brexit, so the negotiations will follow the procedure of a “Third Nation.” UK’s Cameron is not invited for an urgent meeting of minds by EU leaders this week …
And No, there will be no Nexit of The Netherlands as news media have been speculating all day. Geert Wilders can posture as much as he can, but The Netherlands has only an advisory referendum. The Dutch constitution does not recognize a referendum on any trade deal. More important, a very major portion of its GDP is from export within the EU and the Dutch have a strong trade relationship with Germany.
○ Why the Dutch won’t rush to Nexit and follow Britain out of the EU
The Netherlands is a German province, always has been, the German mark and the Netherlands guilder were tightly linked. Lots of tomatoes cross into Germany from the Hague! Lots and lots. Oil too. Oui, you know this. No, Nexit is not in the cards. But the anti-TPP petition steadily gains signatures, conceivably triggering a referendum, though non-binding. Rutter and the gang are as non-binding as can be anyway.
Great stuff!!
○ Russia and Iran delight in UK’s rejection of EU
Photo archive: A delightful looking Vladimir Putin
And that’s why I’ve been saying that within England it was a fight among the Tories (including UKIP). In that way, it’s not different from what the GOP has been going through in the past year. One difference, the total UK electorate could weigh in on the question; whereas, here only Republicans had a voice. Can anyone say that if the entire US electorate was eligible to vote in a Trump v. Cruz race, that Trump would have lost? Or that a Trumpster based his/her vote on the same criteria as a leftie would have? That’s why I find so many of the “explanations” for the Brexit win too facile.
Her trust in PM Tony Blair on the Iraq War and her record for military intervention in Libya and Syria, makes her a corporate tool of MIC.
A natural ally of and representative as a Blairite. Her letter started the no-confidence vote to remove Jeremy Corbyn as party leader
before the coming General Election.
“If we’d had that strong, effective, decisive leadership, that might have made a difference.”
More and more there is a comparison between the people’s choice Jeremy Corbyn, the advocates of the Tony Blair years as Labour leader and
in the U.S. election between Bernie Sanders and the policy of DINO HRC. Look at the voting track records of two main actors to remove Corbyn.
○ London poverty profile: Barking and Dagenham
In the 2015 leadership election, Margaret Hodge nominated and voted for Liz Kendall.
○ Labour leadership contest in 2015: Margaret Hodge tells ‘union barons’ to ‘shut up’ and stop interfering
○ Make Labour’s rules up as you go along is still the 4.5%er preference | Left Futures |
It is of course entirely typical that those who kept silent whilst the party rules were bent, abused and simply made
up during the years of command and control in what Labour Party historian Lewis Minkin called a “rolling coup” in
his masterly work The Blair Supremacy described by Labour First`s Luke Akehurst as his book of the year in 2014.
What is more odd is that advocates of this change to PLP rules should do so when … [act with many contradictions (hypocrites) – Oui]
○ Breaking: It’s Theresa May!! Leadsom Quits Tory PM Race