[UPDATE1]David Cameron resigns after EU referendum result | LIVE! The Guardian |

Thank You Midlands, North, Wales and the SouthEast / SouthWest provincial regions!

The Dardanelles was Churchill’s biggest defeat 100 years ago, today David Cameron’s worst nightmare became reality  with the British EXIT from Europe.The Pound falls 10%, Ladbrokes goes broke with it’s prediction of Remain, it’s a good day for Europe’s independence from military aggression of team UK and US. NATO will go through a period of uncertainty. Sanctions on Russia were extended for another six months, perhaps it’s wise to undo them for economic stability of the EU in the next round.

Indeed, Tory leader Cameron just made history! Did the Russian oligarchs and the monarchs of the Gulf States too lose 10% of their wealth? I surely hope so. Now Brussels and Juncker can display their statesman- and leadership for the European Union. I do welcome Scottish Independence and it’s request to become EU member on a fast track.

Cameron, we will see you with your bowler hat and attaché case coming into Brussels for two years of EXIT negotiations. The Eurotunnel provides excellent access to “Old Europe” David, you incompetent overrated fool. Margareth Thatcher is turning in her grave.

The EU democratic deficit as the best explanation why the British voters ruled the waves of discontent.

Primary reasons why Exit is OK

Ever since Margareth Thatcher, the British have changed the social face of the EU.

  • undermining labor rights
  • lowering minimum wage
  • pulling out of institutions EU human rights
  • massive attraction of wealth from oligarchs, dictators and monarchs of the Gulf States
  • not providing support for ordinary, working class people
  • London City with banking and financial  institutions at the heart of the 2008 crisis
  • supporting above dictators with military arms
  • waging imperial wars outside NATO territory
  • Syrian chaos caused by western powers UK, France and US
  • migrant crisis is a follow-up of immoral policy
  • giving Erdogan support due to refugee crisis [Turkey with Qatar and Gulf states gave support to jihadists traveling to Syria]

Hoping Europe will return to a union of statesmanship, democracy and peacemakers.

For the US election, a warning Trump may yet pull an upset win in November. Voters are fed-up with the establishment as they see the 0.1% or 1% grab all of the economic benefits in the last decades.

Another black eye for President Obama and his failed foreign policy … hoping a British Exit will shut-up the warmongering senators of US Congress. Will HRC once again do a make-over before November?