McBride wanted President Obama to make Ceasefire and similar programs part of his post-Newtown push to reduce gun violence. (https:/

A recent ProPublica story highlighted the accomplishments of Operation Ceasefire as confirmed by rigorous studies, as well as the difficulties community leaders have had in maintaining federal support for the programs.
/ (Read this one, if no others.  You will understand the cynicism.)

“Mass shootings, unsurprisingly, drive the national debate on gun violence. But as horrific as these massacres are, by most counts they represent less than 1 percent of all gun homicides. America’s high rate of gun murders isn’t caused by events like Sandy Hook or the shootings this fall at a community college in Oregon. It’s fueled by a relentless drumbeat of deaths of black men.”

Guess who DID fund Ceasefire?  The farking NRA.  Also, see Project Exile.

But we now advantage the “most worthy” in our system.  The ones making national headlines.  Why is this not part of the ASK for Democratic POC?