Progress Pond

The Right/Center/Left Does Not Understand Trump’s Strength

I originally posted the following as a comment on Booman’s post With Trump, Everyday is a New Buffet. I reconsidered after posting it. Here it is as a standalone article.


Booman  wrote:

I go to sleep and wake up and there’s always a fresh all-you-can-eat [Trump] buffet set up

That’s the secret of his success so far. Will it last? I dunno. It’s lasted over a year, hasn’t it?

He also quoted:

Meg Whitman, the Hewlett-Packard chief executive who ran unsuccessfully for governor of California in 2010, will back Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, joining other prominent Republicans troubled by Donald Trump’s candidacy.

“As a proud Republican, casting my vote for president has usually been a simple matter. This year is different,” Whitman wrote on Facebook. “Donald Trump’s demagoguery has undermined the fabric of our national character.”

Whitman, a major GOP fundraiser whose net worth is about $2 billion, also told the New York Times that she planned to raise money for Clinton.

More undecideds swing towards Trump every time some billionaire RatPublican says something like this. I cannot imagine how many made up their minds to vote for Trump after Mike Bloomberg threw in his two billion (two cents adjusted for inflation) recently. They feel…quite correctly…that the “fix” of which Trump speaks is indeed in, and the the proof of the pudding lies in this very kind of thing. The establishment is the enemy now in the minds of many Americans, and bipartisan support of Hillary Clinton seems to be sufficient proof of the matter for them.

Read on for more.
He also quoted:

Donald Trump on Tuesday defend his claim that the election will be rigged, offering no actual evidence but saying he hears and feels things.

“Well, I’m talking about at the voter booth,” Trump told CBS12 in Florida. “I mean, we’ve seen a lot of things over the years. And now without the IDs, you know the voter IDs, and all the things that are going on. And some bad court cases have come down.”

Asked if he had any reason to believe something illegal was going on, Trump offered the answer, “I just hear things, and I just feel it.”

You really don’t get Trump’s appeal to voters, do you?

He is saying “I’m just like you, only wealthier. I ‘just hear and feel things’ too. Do you think the system is crooked enough to go to those lengths to stop me from repairing it? I do, and I think you do, too.”

There was a great deal of evidence in the 2000 and 2004 elections that key electoral states were fixed. That evidence was stopped from having sufficient power to change things by Gore and Kerry’s public surrenders, ostensibly “for the good of the country.” Yeah, right. The Iraq War and the banking crisis and subsequent massive bailout were also “for the good of the country” as well, correct? Riiiiiight. Normal, walking-down-the-street people, people who also “just hear and feel” because they’re too fucking busy surviving to do much else are beginning to wake up to the truth of this matter, Booman. There is and has been an ongoing fix…a fix that has been propagated in numerous ways by the financial interests that own both parties…since at least the assassination years. Now the successes of Sanders and Trump are pointing towards an awakening of the general public to just this fact.

It took them long enough, but they’re finally waking up to that single fact.

Trump is openly running on that fact. The idea that he is if a crude, egomaniacal asshole does not seem to bother a large portion of the population. In fact, they seem to like it. They feel that he is one of them, that he is speaking for the people who have been massively injured by that fix.

Is he hustling them?

Yes. Of course. Hustlers hustle. It’s what they do. These people don’t care anymore. They have only two choices. It’s his hustle or the establishment hustle. The’re choosing his hustle.

Will this be enough to get him elected? We shall see, soon enough. Personally, I think that if the media just stopped its daily Trumpamania his campaign would begin to deflate within one week.

But…they aren’t going to do that. It’s too profitable for the media and the people who control the media simply aren’t smart enough or organized enough to get that done. Unless that happens? Unless the daily, fresh, all-you-can-eat Trump buffet is shut down and shut down soon, I think he’s either going to win outright…barring of course bipartisan vote fraud in a few states…or come so close that it goes right to the wire. And even then he won’t stop. Watch. I can see some version of the “Make America Great” party headed down the tracks already.


Hustlers never voluntarily put down a profitable hustle. He’l ride it until it no longer works, then he’ll tank it just as he has his other bankruptcies.



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