As the Olympics get ready to kick off in Brazil, now is probably a good time to read Steven Cohen’s piece in The New Republic on the country’s long history of faking progress.
Donald Trump sees a lot of things on television that aren’t actually on television.
Apparently, Trump okayed Mike Pence endorsing Paul Ryan but ixnayed his effort to endorse Kelly Ayotte and John McCain. Here’s what McCain’s good buddy has to say about that.
I remember traveling with John McCain to Indiana to campaign for, several times, for a desperate Mike Pence. Shame on him. #Karma
— John Weaver (@JWGOP) August 4, 2016
Earlier, I wrote about Clinton cancelling ad buys in Colorado. Now she’s “pausing” ad buys in Virginia. In both cases, she feels likes she’s so comfortably ahead that she doesn’t need to waste the money.
There are more and more of these videos coming out of people who Trump ripped off:
Maybe Trump learned his scams from his father rather than his uncle, but I still can’t help but thinking about this song:
And, of course, that old story about the frog and the scorpion.
Of course, I prefer this version:
One of my favorite songs to play on the guitar — thank you for the link.
Nice commentary from the AFL-CIO. I do recall similar ads/videos during Mitt RMoney’s run in 2012 bc he did somewhat similar stuff. Not exactly the same as this situation, but RMoney- via Bain – bought up strong healthy businesses and then ran them into bankruptcy, while RMoney walked away with millions. A little different but similar outcome.
I can remember GOP voters flattering Mitt for what a “great businessman” he was. Many GOP voters feel the same about Trump.
Show them these videos, and they punch the guy who’s driving the car saying he’s weak, or he’s stupid, or similar.
It’s sad that many citizens simply don’t get predatory capitalism, and how widespread these types of, essentially, criminal deals happen. I have friends from other countries, who say these types of practices could never happen in their countries and WTF is wrong with our bankrtupcy system?
Yeah. Indeed. WTF is wrong with our Bankruptcy system?? I ask myself that often.
Federal judges.
Up by 15?
Some supporters said they wouldn’t care of Melania worked illegally because they’re fine w/ “Europeans coming here”
~Ema O’Connor, Buzzfeed
Getting ejected from a Trump rally for silently holding up a copy of the Constitution is a winner; protesters have finally found an effective, sustainable statement which is at once respectful, patriotic, non-violent and stunningly powerful, speaking directly to the problem. More of this please, and thanks to the Khans for the inspiration.
Trump’s campaign cannot continue ejecting these protesters but will his crowds understand?
“at once respectful, patriotic, non-violent and stunningly powerful”
Use this method enough and his head will explode. For various reasons, I’ve generally been neutral on the protesters. But this will work.
I also tend to be pretty neutral about protesters and protest tactics – and I say this as someone who was at quite a number of those a few decades back. What I like about these protesters and their approach is that it isn’t merely obnoxious theatre – it is done in a way that should have a fairly mainstream audience sympathetic to their message as opposed to alienated.
nice new twist, Trump claims on the stump that we paid ransom with video proof & then his campaign says yeah that’s not true it the prisoners being released in Geneva but Trump repeats the claim right after
In this post-modern election is not Trump’s ‘text’ also valid?
post-fact election
I can’t even keep up with this shit anymore. I’m beginning to feel like the unfrozen caveman of the 2016 election season.
This made me laugh out loud:
Me too! Thanks for the link.
If Trump chose five Mike Penises running mates, could it be said that Trump’s running mate fits him like a glove?
Want to hear Pat Buchanan quote MLK while he conspires with Hannity to form a plan for surrogates to further attack Khazir Khan? I thought you might:
Lovely people. They’re ready to fight to make Trumpism the future of the Republican Party. I can’t say that I want them to succeed in that, but if they could help make the conservative movement thoroughgoing poison at the ballot box, I might like that.
Here’s an oldie but a goodie
Nope has not changed a bit