Progress Pond

HRC Compounds Her Error; Now "Regrets" Deplorablegate.


Clinton says she regrets labeling `half’ of Trump supporters `deplorable’

So what do voters hear/see now?

That HRC is not only politically tone deaf but weak.A dilly-dallier. An appeaser.

Tone deaf squared!!!


Trump is going to trounce her at the first debate.


Not only “Crooked Hillary.”

“Elitist Hillary”

“Weak Hillary”

“Sick Hillary”

“Over-coached Hillary”

“Bill-enabler Hillary”

“Tool-of-Wall Street Hillary”

“Entitlement Hillary”

“Email Hillary”

“Benghazi Hillary”

And on and on and on and on and on and…

He’s actually going have to be careful not to be seen as someone bullying a weakling.


Remember all of those leftiness lines about how Trump was trying to throw the election?

Long ago?

Like…last week?

Ditto here.


I knew she was not particularly gifted politically, but really!!!

Not like this!!!


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