Leaving early and not feeling well …. deadly video.
○ HRC camp: “Feeling better now.”
Statement from spokesman Nick Merrill:
- “Secretary Clinton attended the September 11th Commemoration Ceremony
for one hour and 30 minutes this morning to pay her respects and greet some
of the families of the fallen. During the ceremony, she felt overheated so
departed to go to her daughter’s apartment, and is feeling much better.”
Speaking as someone who detests her, I’m still not convinced that this is anything serious. The physical stress of a presidential campaign is appalling even to think about. She’s an old woman, after all, and she may have just driven herself a little too hard today.
That said, the optics are ghastly. If she can afford to, she would be smart to make her complete medical record public before the first debate. But, in such matters, she is far from smart.
The thing is that she hasn’t had a demanding campaign schedule at all.
I recall from back in 2000 that the public wasn’t informed about GWB’s light campaign schedule and how much down time he had. Reporters in general didn’t find that odd enough to remark upon. Not until after the first debate when one report let the cat out of the bag, but even then it didn’t mean much to other reporters and the public. After his selection/installation, he/they went ahead and revealed that he was the sort of guy that required a lot of down time to sleep, relax, and exercise. A preemptive move because with only one person to cover — unlike during the campaign when there was two and one was running himself ragged — GWB’s non-availability would have seemed odder.
Piecing it back together, the narrative becomes clearer. Never about his physical health which was find. Several other factors were in play. 1) GWB is a low energy, lazabout sort of guy. That limited how much he could be pushed and that was in his/their interests to hide. 2) He’s not bright and limiting his public exposure helped mask that. Reduce the opportunity for GWB to say more stupid stuff. 3) Related to the first two, his handlers required a lot of prep time to get him ready for his public appearances. Thus, his standard light campaign schedule masked all the time that was being put into his debate prep. Gore, as an experienced debater, and his team didn’t notice that and concluded that with minimal debate prep Gore could wipe the floor with GWB. Gore and his supporters were caught completely off-guard when GWB remained standing in that first debate.
That history clued me in to notice HRC’s limited campaign schedule. I only remarked that she and Trump were being treated like hothouse flowers; whereas, the older Bernie Sanders was maintaining a schedule more like that of a much younger man, ie. Barack Obama. The only change I detected from her pre-planned campaign schedule was increasing the fundraisers. Her budget was $100 million for the primary and she had close to half that amount by June 2015 with a six to ninth months to raise the other half. Team Bernie put a bit of a monkey wrench in HRC’s plan.
However, her light schedule may only have reflected not squandering energy not needed to win and limiting the chance for an unintended awkward moment as Dole had when he fell off a stage or comment, ala “I did not have …” Her campaign was hard-wired and it appeared that she was hard-wired as well.
Other than the “Chai” moment (and there was nothing natural about that), she’s appeared to be healthy enough for a woman of her age, on the medications disclosed, and not particularly fit. That was good enough for Democratic primary voters, and those obsessively speculating about her health seemed to be out in left field as far as I was concerned. Today put her subpar for a woman of her age, etc.
As best as I can determine, she had nothing on her schedule for yesterday, the 9/11 memorial for this morning, nothing until Wednesday and not much else between now and the conclusion of the three debates.
Sounds like I have a more demanding schedule.
Well, thanks for a voice of sanity from a non-Clinton fan. Let me choose this spot to repeat what I said elsewhere, since you sound like you’d actually listen:
Here’s a better angle on the episode.
And if there was any doubt about how the campaign would handle it…
Hard to overstate the significance of this. I think the election just ended.
Scott Adams has said so. But I ain’t taking election handicapping from that nut.
I don’t recall a presidential nominee whose health was so obviously called into question. Ford had a number of stumbles, but that was put down to being clumsy, rather than a medical issue. Nixon was hospitalized during the 1960 campaign for a knee injury, but nobody questioned his overall health. FDR was extremely ill in 1944,but it was the middle of a war and was not reported, as far as I know. This seems to be a unique situation. It seems like the minimal expectation that a voter has for a presidential candidate is that the candidate be healthy, and a lot of people are going to have serious doubts about Clinton.
>>I don’t recall a presidential nominee whose health was so obviously called into question.
I don’t recall a presidential nominee whose everything was so continually questioned, and no question ever went away no matter how many times it was answered
Do you think Donald Trump’s mental health is adequate for a President? Hillary is a better candidate right up until the moment she’s pronounced dead.
Well, they still don’t believe Obama is a Christian, or was born in the US. Least Clinton’s ahead on those two measures …
Well I question whether any of the nominal Christians in politics are true followers of Jesus of Nazereth. The one that cam closest was atheist Bernie Sanders.
well no, everyone on this blog, who is not braindead, knows Trump is at least mentally unfit to be president if not genuinely mentally ill. that’s why anything that can hurt our candidate’s chances against him is a problem.
Worse than paranoid Nixon? And what specific pathologies do you refer to, other than obnoxious personality disorder or policy differences?
Really? Sticking just to the question of health. Did I imagine that McCain’s physical and mental health was questioned so much that he released a significant volume of his heath records? Not that such records generally shed much light on mental fitness, but in McCain’s case that question was somewhat answered by his choice for VP.
If there are reasons to question the health of a candidate, the MSM isn’t all that reliable. They tend to operate with a high bar as to reasons to question for candidates they favor. For those they don’t favor the bar is lower. It’s not as if they haven’t hidden what they knew or had good reason to suspect was true — JFK and Reagan. And not as if they haven’t promulgated health questions with little reason to do so or turned suspicions into facts when a candidate doesn’t offer what the media considers enough medical information. Thus, Perot was declared mentally unstable and Eagleton (who was perfectly fine) was taken off the ’72 ticket. They even went after Kitty Dukakis.
They’re sort of in a bind this time around because objectively, except for being nutty, Trump hasn’t given them good reasons to question his health. I believe we can be confident that if it were Trump that had experienced falls, a concussion, difficulty walking up stairs, and odd head/body movements, they’d be on him like white on rice.
>>Hard to overstate the significance of this
from my reading today, it appears to be a very easy thing to do.
It was in the high 70’s with humidity in the 30’s in New York City this morning. That is not a temperature to cause one to get overheated. Tom Brokaw said on Meet the Press:
“I think that she should go to a hospital, see a neurologist, and get a clean report if it is available.”
yes. since ppl are commenting on this thread, I’ll go ahead. the video Arthur posted a while back about falling on the airplane steps I chalked up to lack of exercise, and, probably some step she didn’t see. this video, however, reminds me of parkinson’s, a colleague living with it and teaching but had difficulty initiating motion. but I do not think parkinsons itself is the case here, a parkinsons type syndrome perhaps
Still not convinced the video of HRC falling as she stepped onto that plane was anything other than a normal trip and fall.
She has exhibited signs of a balance problem since her concussion, but also probably typical as one heals from a concussion. Waiting for assistance as she walks up step may be nothing more than precautionary, but it’s not unreasonable to question it.
I agree about the plane, I mean I stand by what I said before – lack of exercise and possibly a step she didn’t see.
There are some similarities between parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis.
Multiple sclerosis? You do know — don’t you? — that the average age of onset for MS is early 30s? As my own physician has informed me, a woman in her 60s is NOT going to develop MS.
Parkinson’s, huh? Sorry, Dr. Frist — er, I mean errol; let me repost what I said in Boo’s hijacked main pager:
Having walking pneumonia and campaigning despite it would up the likelihood of dehydration.
Come to think of it, being a woman of a certain age (as am I), she may have chosen not to ingest much in the way of fluids from the time she got up before heading off to a ceremony where she wouldn’t be able to slope off to the rest room for a long time. Add a Kevlar vest under suitably solemn clothing, a warm, muggy day (doesn’t have to be high 80s and up to have an effect), and you’ve got a perfect storm for dehydration.
absolutely not Parkinson’s for reasons due to a discussion some years back; you should read more carefully, that I will bet $ on; but I’m wondering about a Parkinson’s type, of which there are many. yes, I fear the worst. she did not appear to me unconscious when leaning against the post (her head and neck fully supported, by herself), just unable to initiate motion. if you dare take a look at the list, the respiratory and urinary problems coincide.
Good grief, man, have you ever experienced severe dehydration?
No. But if I did and was surrounded by people charged to protect me, including at least one person with enough medical knowledge to perform a neurological check, would expect some immediate hydration and assistance instead of walking some distance to a vehicle pick-up point with only the aid of one woman holding my hand.
If it were heat related, why wasn’t her jacket removed and why no effort to fan her.
Wouldn’t severe dehyrdration call for a trip to an ER room if at all possible (which it was in this instance)?
We don’t know if this was a unique event, but what can be seen in the photos and video isn’t consistent with the explanations given. Don’t blame others for being curious and engaging in speculations. That’s what normal people do when anything doesn’t add up.
Yeh, right. They’re going to go into emergency treatment right there in the midst of the whole crowd, in the blazing sun, instead of getting her to privacy, quiet, and air-conditioning, a few feet away, and a fast trip to somewhere she can be stripped in privacy, lie down, and have an IV for fast rehydration.
Guess I should have said “hospital emergency room” and spared you from imagining a medical tent, “in the blazing sun,” at the 9/11 ceremony site.
Yeah, completely normal to delay giving her any liquids for her dehydration until she could be ensconced in a comfy, private setting. And not to remove her jacket and fan her if she was suddenly uncomfortably hot. None of that would have appeared odd enough to raise questions. If one had any history of “severe dehydration” (claimed to be true for HRC) and overheating in sunny outdoor settings, only an idiot wouldn’t be prudent enough to have liquids and a fan with them whenever they planned to be standing in the sun for more than a few minutes. Particularly when one has aides that can carry the bottles and fans.
A foolish decision not to hydrate. Depends(TM) are not noticeable at all and a much safer option than risking embarrassing accidents or dehydration.
Lord, janicket!!! She’s running for the (at least supposedly) most powerful single office in the world, a position where her finger is at all times only a foot or two away from the End Of Days button. She has literally hundreds of people surrounding her to guarantee her safety. And yet neither she nor any of her minders have the sense to carry an adequate amount of water for her and/or remind her to stay hydrated!!!???? I’m sorry, but this particular “woman of a certain age” doesn’t seem to me to have her shit together, nor does her retinue. Where was her OH so helpful (and sister in the bad-choices-for-a-mate-on-many-levels) body woman Huma Abedin during all of this emergency time?
I’m sorry, but these people are not recommending themselves for the task at hand.
I have been skeptical about HRC’s ability to finish this particular campaign marathon for quite some time.
I am now even more skeptical.
Heh. You haven’t the faintest idea what I meant by that, do you? No surprise there.
You said:
Did I miss some sort of leftiness code?
My apologies.
What? She’s too weak to be able to pop the top on a bottle of water?
Enlighten me, please!!!
LOL! That isn’t what I said; that’s your reinterpretation of:
Do try reading for comprehension, aaaaallllllllll the way through the sentence, instead leaping immediately to your preconceived notions this time, won’t you?
You really, truly don’t get it.
I cut and pasted:
“Being a woman of a certain age, she does not have the personal wherewithal to adequately hydrate herself in a given situation.”
Now I cannot find that phrase.
But…being a man of a certain age, I have similar problems.
I deal with them by keeping myself in good shape, hydrating long and hard when I am going to be in stressful heat situations…which are part and parcel of my job as a musician who plays a very physical instrument in very stressful idioms (outdoors in 100+ degree heat this summer alone, at least 8 times if not more)…generally adhering to a very healthy diet and assiduously avoiding mainstream doctors like the true plague that they are today in the United States of Omertica.
I dunno.
I doubt it…
You? I dunno either.
So it goes.
My own motto?
If you can’t keep your shit together., don’t go there!!!
Ask some woman in her 60s, who’s given birth, just what effect “hydrating long and hard” has on her ability to retain urine for hours in public.
LOL! Still clueless.
LOL! You mean she can’t hold water long, has to pee a lot so she thought it prudent not to drink to much.
Finally, a guy — not Arthur till he reads this — gets it. It’s very common for women, especially as they get older, to have less bladder capacity than men. So we plan for that when faced with an event that will deny us the ability to seek relief for a long stretch. Normally it doesn’t lead to dehydration, not too bad anyway, but add illness, however mild, dark formal clothing in hot sun, maybe a Kevlar vest? and yes, dehydration sufficient to cause feeling sick and needing help can creep up on you before you know it — plus there’s the well-known effect of standing immobile for long periods, which can cause fainting in even robust types like soldiers on parade grounds.
This whole thing has been a ridiculous nothingburger, not to mention a revelation (as if one needed it) of just how intensely some folks want to take down Clinton, no matter how they do it, or what the consequences.
But janicket this is not a gender-specific issue. It has nothing to do with you and Hillary Clinton as women or me as a man. Very many old people—of all genders and persuasions—need to pee at lot all day and all night. You must have heard that men have a prostate? I didn’t know that older women have less bladder capacity. I must say your quip ‘finally a guy…gets it’ rather condescending and sexist. LOL! for good measure. The dismissive term ‘nothingburger’ needs to be relegated to the dustbin, like ‘LOL’. They are antiquated. I was also a bit surprised that you hemmed and hawed about peeing as if not all men and women pee. Prurience?
I’ve never tripped once in my life. Never. In fact, nobody I know has ever tripped. Ever. So if Hillary Clinton tripped, it is obviously evidence of a brain tumor.
The point is she didn’t trip. We did.
No tongue sticking out.
Knock it off, Voice.
The video never shows her face.
This is a last warning.
I don’t understand your warning. Are you contending that it might be Parkinson’s? I’m rather surprised. I thought you thought it was either heat stroke or pneumonia, both are consistent with no tongue sticking out, so why are you warning me when I point out that a major sign of Parkinson’s is missing. My father died of Parkinson’s. I know the symptoms, she shows none of them so why warn me when I agree with you?
He’s warning against your baseless speculations and that failure to heed said warnings could result in your account being banned.
Maybe that video doesn’t show her face, but ABC’s video did. It was not a Parkinson’s face. If you dispute that so vigorously, then do what you will.
it’s hot and humid, not as bad as yesterday though
Does this help? The Guardian
Later after returning to her home in Chappaqua,
Why would her campaign spokesperson omit her Friday pneumonia diagnosis? Why having been diagnosed with pneumonia would HRC have attended the 9/11 ceremony not accompanied by one or more of those closest to her: Bill, Chelsea, or Abedin?
It would be classic Hillary though. She doesn’t want to acknowledge even a minor health issue like pneumonia so she stonewalls it. Then, only after the mainstream media begins treating her health as a legitimate campaign issue, only after everyone is sure to disbelieve her story, does she try to contain the damage.
She really can’t help herself when it comes to things like this. It’s pathological.
That said, if I were able to stomach voting for her, if Trump was the alternative, I wouldn’t care if she served two terms from an oxygen tent.
It would be classic Hillary though. She doesn’t want to acknowledge even a minor health issue like pneumonia so she stonewalls it.
It’s classic Hillary to stonewall and say as little as possible and even lie and change the story when the prior one is insufficiently responsive to questions about something she’s done. And Bill does the same thing. They seem to have learned long ago that if questions get strung out long enough without being fully answered that interest dies out and whatever they didn’t want to disclose, remains undisclosed. Didn’t work for Bill wrt Monica but it almost did. That style is well enough known that she ended up under the microscope wrt Benghazi when there was really no there there other than some confusion in the early hours and hack coordination with the WH on how to play it. In those early days it was a dicey situation for Obama and his re-election.
What doesn’t compute is that one would hide a diagnosis of pneumonia as the cause of one’s serious public coughing spell. Releasing that immediately would have staunched the questions about the coughing and made it appear completely reasonable that she would limit her time in public for a few days and have many aides assisting her when she did. As she is adept at eliciting public empathy for herself, it makes the late disclosure of pneumonia look suspicious.
See my comment above.
When diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday and told to rest and modify your schedule, why would you go to a fundraiser that same night? It would have been better to cancel the fundraiser and say why, rather than go to another event on Sunday, have to leave in an emergency, and later say you became overheated. Then hours later another statement is made about the Friday diagnosis of pneumonia. All this secrecy contributes to the speculation, which IMO will not stop either.
You’re correct, it does appear that she attended and spoke at a big fundraiser on Friday evening. If the pneumonia is low enough grade and meds for it are being taken, one can rally for an hour or two. Not sure if people who have had pneumonia would have recognized that she was suffering from when she gave her speech, but everybody is different.
The recognition of secrecy tends to follow changes to the stories that HRC releases in response to questions about anything. It’s that the changes tend to fail to add up and leave people wondering what exactly is she hiding? Who hides a diagnosis of pneumonia?
The spokesperson who tried to pass it off as “overheating” will need to be blamed for the attempted cover-up.
This coverup is worse than Watergate.
What makes you think that?
Your sarcasm detector needs a tune-up.
I think it’s something more serious; and I feel sorry for her and I feel sorry for us. and I’m alarmed b/c seems like covering up and pushing her forward
I’m sorry, but it is unacceptable here to express concern for Hillary Clinton. You are instead supposed to suggest that she be cast into a pit of ravenous wolves.
What’s got your got Mr/Ms. JoeDanWalls
That was GOAT!
She cast herself into a pit of ravenous wolves the day that she started into big-time politics as Bill Clinton’s handler.
She’s even friendly with some of them.
On the evidence, this is a direct quote from the Clinton playbook.
In my own opinion, it is the HILLARY Clinton technique in a nutshell. Bill is often too…straighforward. (No pun intended, but it’s there for the taking if you want some.) HRC has proven herself to be very, very devious. This may in some respects be a reommendation for the office of president, but not when that deviousness almost always seems to get pushed over the edge into panicked lying.
Hmm… The Washington Post has retracted a claim that, in the course of rushing her out of there, the Secret Service violated security protocol by having her stand on the sidewalk waiting for her ride to pull up – though they apparently prefer to avoid it.
i think she’s through.
I wrote:
Make it 9/11/16.
Believe It or Not … “overheated” as in feverish, when out in the sun (irresponsible with fever) will cause dehydration and fainting spell.
Move on folks, nothing here to see … unless!
○ HRC’s collapse during 2008 primaries due to lack of reaching young voters | The Atlantic |
Preparing decades for the job of U.S. President, HRC knew what was expected of her. A full disclosure of medical history comes with the job interview. Why the secrecy supported by the Clintonites? As in real life, it will always backfire and leave the damage with the people, party and the nation. The DNC and especially DWS did the party a disservice with the fraud.
In December 2012, HRC’s medical condition is much more worrisome as it was also covered-up. Poor jusgement.
IMO, reasonable people understood that the information released about HRC’s medical incident in 2012 was either incomplete or not accurate, but it was also fine to respect her privacy. People do recover from a serious acute medical condition. And if such recovery didn’t happen or it was a chronic serious health issue, reasonable people wouldn’t have expected HRC to begin another campaign just over two years later.
When she did her book launch and then began her campaign, it was obvious enough that she had balance issues and had learned ways to minimize the appearance of the balance issues. Not alarming because one can be in good shape even when the healing is less than 100%. What isn’t expected is that there would be an on-going cover-up. Some seemingly odd moments that are captured on video can be dismissed or written off as nothing. Some not so easily. But there’s a point where the number of captured odd moments leads reasonable people to reconsider the totality of what the previously saw and gave her the benefit of doubt on. Yesterday was the numerical and serious odd moment tipping point for me and cemented by what her team and doctor subsequently disclosed.
Thx! I had seen your comment and the video which does not corraborate the suggestion of a neurological test. In my latest entry and posts I added the following …
“Comments and articles where the woman handler administers a neurological test are false
as are the forged medical attests circulating on the Internet.”
○ Dr. Bardack and HRC’s ‘Clean Bill of Health’
○ Did Ailing Hillary Clinton Forget Watergate? It’s the Cover-Up That Gets You. | The Forward |
“For most of our nation’s history until Reagan, though, the oldest president ever was William Henry Harrison. He was 68 years and 23 days old when he was sworn in on April 4, 1841. He was also the first president to die in office. After his inauguration he walked from the Capitol back to the White House through a pouring rain, and died 30 days later.
He died of pneumonia.
Pneumonia is no longer the terror that it was in Harrison’s day, but it’s still a serious threat. As recently as the early 20th century it was the lead killer among infectious diseases and the third leading cause of death overall. There was no cure. The mortality rate was 25%. Since the discovery of antibiotics in the 1940s, mortality has dropped to below 1%.
It’s still the eighth leading cause of death, and still the No. 1 deadliest infectious disease, with an annual U.S. toll of about 50,000. For most people, though, it’s no longer considered a life-threatening disease. The main exceptions, the groups most at risk, are persons with compromised immune systems, children under 5 and adults over 65.”
“What is alarming is that she learned on Friday that she had an illness that many consider serious, but decided to keep the information to herself. At the end of a week in which Donald Trump managed to close the gap and pull nearly even with her in the polls, she chose to double down on the very behavior that voters find most alienating in her: hiding the truth, prevaricating, pretending all is well when it isn’t.
What’s infuriating is that even after her illness caught up with her on Sunday morning and she was hustled unceremoniously out of the September 11 memorial ceremony, she continued to cover up. For nearly eight hours, from the time she left Ground Zero at 9:30 a.m. until her pneumonia was disclosed at 5:15 p.m., the mystery of her condition dominated the news cycle.”
Have always disliked the notion that it’s the cover-up that gets you. The truth would have gotten Nixon, only much sooner. Might have spared a couple of his staffers, but almost all were in this up to their eyeballs.
Cover-ups are generally effective as surprisingly few people in the know ever talk or only talk so far after the fact that only historians care about what they say. Shocking to recall that the ties from the Watergate burglars to the WH were known relatively soon after the fact and the public, Congress and almost all the media shrugged. Apparently because burglaries of an opponent’s headquarters is no big deal.
After the 1968 elections, the Democrats did not want another Constitutional crisis. It was the Democrats who had to be stampeded into action while it was the courts and the media (for possibly the more unsavory of reasons) that was driving the story. It would not surprise me that Mark Felt was part of an effort at claiming Hoover’s position at FBI.
The notion that he cover-up is worse is laughable. It is a gambit to punish people after they have been found innocent and even ethically cleared.
To my knowledge, the ties with the GOP were assumed on finding the burglary, but were not confirmed until the first court case in which the burglars fingered a White House staff. Even then it took some agonizing weeks before the Senate Watergate hearing, which made Cokie Roberts a media star.
To my knowledge, the ties with the GOP were assumed …
Incorrect. Links to the WH plumbers were reported rather quickly. In such instances the “few bad apples” excuse is always trotted out. If it flies, no further questions are asked except by those that don’t think it is sufficiently explanatory.
There as no Constitutional crisis in ’68; so, don’t know what you’re talking about. If we are strictly technical, the only Constitutional crisis in modern times was in 2000 but we pretended it wasn’t.
Democrats for whatever reason based on the chaos of 1968 were not willing to push what at first looked like a partisan attack on Nixon in spite of the Constitutional implications of Nixon’s abrogation of freedom of speech, freedom of association, and electoral process. It was seen at the time as something a banana republic dictatorship would do, not the US.
Of course…y’gotta remember that this happened before it was widely realized or known how banana-ish a “republic” the U.S. had already become by then.
Lots of people know better.
The tie to the White House was completely immediate.
It came in the form of E. Howard Hunt’s contact information being in the possession of two of the burglars.
Hunt was working in the Executive Office Building (on the White House grounds) for Charles Tex Colson.
It too became clear the ties to other CIA dirty work and the anti-Castro era after Bay of Pigs failure.
○ Watergate and the White House: The ‘Third-Rate Burglary’ That Toppled a President | US News and World Report |
There will be more talk about the startle at the balloon release at the DNC convention.
Nice illustration of spin.
Yes, but Bill Clinton never learned that it’s impolite to point. Barack Obama does it too. I do too. So there I have something in common with them.
Oh yes, her facial express is clear evidence of an advanced brain tumor. Or perhaps Parkinson’s disease. Or kidney failure. Or at least the heartbreak of psoriasis.
Now let’s screen Trump for all the things that folks are screening the “weak lady” for. Oh, that’s right. His privacy is so important that he has neither produced his tax records or a detailed medical report.
It is very easy to see that some folks have a death wish for Hillary Clinton so much do they want her to go away. And the leftier you go the crazier it gets, sad to say. Fortunately those are only a small number of loud voices.
I hope that you never have to convince someone that your problem only is that you are dehydrated. It is common practice in nursing homes to put people on medications because the nursing homes do not know how to manage hydration. Especially with a population that has grown up on soft drinks, caffeine, and other diuretics.
But everyone has to second-guess her physician and pretend that Clinton is being dishonest because that’s the rap on her for 25 years.
As if we haven’t had ill male Presidents before or (latest rumor is that Clinton takes coumadin, a President on warfarin/coumadin before).
I wish we screens all Presidential candidates as carefully as Clinton is being screened. We might not have had W as President. Or Reagan. Possibly not even Nixon or Johnson or Keneedy, definitely not FDR.
Yes, I do think the world has gone stark-raving mad during this election.
I’m trying to imagine what the commentary would have been on this blog if, during the primary season, Bernie Sanders had tripped on a stairway, or coughed, or canceled an event owing to ill health. For some reason, I doubt there would have been a stampede of commenters stating that Sanders had to immediately drop out of the race. Amateur “diagnoses” of the candidate would have been dismissed as absurd.
One more thing. There might even have been people expressing empathy with Senator Sanders, or expressing their wishes for his recovery.
Disagree. There would have been a whole Greek chorus of calls that the “Old Man” should quit because he was too frail to be President.
You seriously think that any presidential nominee (or leading presidential candidate) that has had several medical incidents in public and then tried to pass it off as nothing wouldn’t create doubts in the minds of the electorate? Maybe the public is a bit more cautious since we only learned long after the fact that RR suffered dementia while President. And when, after a one-on-one with RR during his first term in office, Dr. Helen Caldicott attempted to inform the public, she was pooh-poohed.
Did you forget that without any such public medical incidents, there were lots of questions about McCain’s health and that in response he released his medical records? Or that a medical condition from which he had recovered several years before being nominated resulted in Eagleton being kicked off the ticket — he wasn’t even allowed to release his full medical records to show that he was just fine.
With the exception of Reagan and his dementia probably wouldn’t have been detected solidly enough until 1984, claiming that a full medical screening of all those listed prior Presidents would have eliminated them from consideration is a strawman. For that sliver of IND/undecideds, Trump’s one page physician’s report on his health isn’t going to fly any better than his or Mitt’s non-disclosure of their tax returns. And if HRC has been under a microscope for twenty-five years, where were all those questions, etc. about her health, etc. from 1999 through 2015? There weren’t any with the exception of Benghazi which is such an obvious GOP nothingburger witchhunt that it hasn’t hurt her at all.
And stop fooling yourself that these questions are sexist — with no reason to question other than chronological age, HRC’s team went there in January, right before the first caucus and primary: Clinton surrogate to demand Sanders release medical records. Doesn’t matter that they pulled back from that, the questions were raised to put doubts in the minds of the public.
[Emphasis and links are mine – Oui]
Cross-posted from my new diary –
○ Dr. Bardack and HRC’s ‘Clean Bill of Health’