Pauline Hanson calls for Muslim immigration ban in maiden speech to Senate
One Nation senator Pauline Hanson has heralded her political comeback by warning Australia is at risk of being “swamped by Muslims” and telling those who are unwilling to adapt to the Australian way of life to “go back to where you came from”.
Referencing her maiden speech to Parliament in 1996, in which she made the same claim about Asians, the One Nation leader repeated her call for a ban on Muslim immigration and warned Australians would eventually be forced to live under sharia law, if something did not change.
“We are in danger of being swamped by Muslims who bear a culture and ideology that is incompatible with our own,” she said.
Senator Hanson claimed “indiscriminate immigration and aggressive multiculturalism” had caused crime to escalate and social cohesion to decline, and said too many Australians were now afraid to walk alone in their neighbourhoods at night.
“Islam cannot have a significant presence in Australia if we are to live in an open, secular and cohesive society,” she said.
“We have seen the destruction it is causing around the world.”
At one stage during her speech, Greens senators staged a walk out.
The elegant fact that Ms Hanson’s former rants about Asians have simply been re-branded as today’s rants about Muslims should tell us all we need to know about the lady from Ipswich.
how does a racist, xenophobic, one trick pony wench like hanson stay in parliament for ten years?