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Sorry, she’s carrying dead weight … her ‘experience’!
She never has been, nor will be a person with a vision for all Americans. That’s why she is a product of the establishment, ask DWS at the DNC.
Clinton should illustrate tonight why she is the right candidate to be elected President of the U.S. My fear, she will go on the attack and spend her last good-will telling the American voter Trump is not qualified to be Commander-In-Chief.
By defintion in a democracy, if a candidate wins the Republican party primary, he or she is “qualified” to become President.
Meritocratic capitalism, upper-middle class entrepreneuralism, American exceptionalism, insanely hypocritical fake-multiculturalism in light of the American exceptionalism, climate change centrism, ramping up the police and security state, obsession with money-raising, and record deportations?
as opposed to the Republican vision so clearly articulated by Donald Trump just now: white supremacy and deporting all of them.
When you’re asked about race and your first words are “law and order”, you’ve proudly taken up the George Wallace platform.
The fact that the Democratic Party can’t articulate a better vision for the future than ‘we can promise you that your life won’t get as bad as quickly as the second coming of Goldwater 2.0 would’ and don’t have a credible plan not to have this detente continue indefinitely might explain why Hillary Clinton is doing so poorly in the polls and why this scenario is almost certain to happen:
2016: Hillary Clinton squeaks by in the EC, but doesn’t get the Senate.
2017: Republican Party announces plan for record gridlock unless HRC accedes to all demands. When asked to confirm SCOTUS justices, they just laugh. Democrats whine at the media that the GOP is being unfair and grinding the country’s business to a halt. The media’s paymasters just laugh.
2018: HRC gets us into and/or escalates a dumbass war, probably in Iran, definitely in Syria, further depressing the base. GOP crushes the Democratic Party so hard in the Senate and House that they can override her veto on almost anything. Filibuster gets abolished at this time.
2019: Recession. Deathtongue gets the hell out of dodge at this point.
2020: Tom Cotton gets elected President with majorities that make FDR weep with envy.
But yeah. You keep doing that ‘the GOP is sooooo stupid and evil! As long as we’re a little bit better than them, you HAVE to vote for us!’ routine. It’ll work out awesomely for you.
As opposed to, what, exactly?
At this point, barring a convenient heart attack (and maybe not even then) the damage is done and a certain amount of future damage is unavoidable. Our choices are Donald Trump with a majority in 2016 or Tom Cotton with a supermajority in 2020. Both are awful.
I’m just hoping that, if there’s still a country after 2020/2024, you guys will maybe listen to the DFHs for once rather than head down the path of least resistance yet again. Meaning, laugh at the dumb fuckers who think that warhawkery + hypocritical multiculturalism + bipartisanship + centrist economics is the way to power and prosperity and making sure they never get within a sniff of office unless there’s absolutely no choice.
When you say “you guys will maybe listen to the DFHs for once”, you seem to be implying that I and others weren’t Sanders supporters. Or that had I fervently shat on Hillary Clinton in public with a little more gusto, Sanders would have swept through the primary and would be leading Strongman Trump by 17-18 points.
It’s not enough to stand on a soap box and shout at liberals who you erroneously believe are less liberal than you, to stop supporting Clinton once it’s clear that the DFH candidate of choice isn’t going to win the nomination.
I think the anger and disconnect with objective reality that you feel is that you’re essentially a Chris Hedges acolyte, where the only possible way to save the country is OpenSustainedRevoltTM, and yet you’re still putting thought and effort into the electoral system and telling us that we have to do X, Y and Z inside the system to prevent it from destroying humanity.
This is what I see the problem as being, anyway. Perhaps I’m wrong. But if you believe that Clinton is either not enough to stop the country from exploding outward and then imploding inward, or in fact going to bring it faster and in a worse way than Strongman Trump, then you’re wasting your breath trying to warn people about whatever it is you think is going to definitely happen.
Go out and start openly revolting. Or grab your passport and get the hell out. Just please, don’t vote for Strongman Trump as some sort of way to teach a lesson to people who you erroneously believe are less liberal than you. We’re real people who will have to deal with real consequences of Strongman Trump in the White House, while you’re rocking out with your passport out, elsewhere.
Ha ha, I’ll just leave this to the side for now. I’m pretty sure that I’m to the left of anyone who describes themselves as a liberal.
Believe it or not, I’m actually going to vote Clinton. The thing that prevents me from tactically voting for Trump is that the useless liberals (not neoliberal, liberal) and centrists and warhawks who vote for the Democratic elite will still be around if Clinton goes down in 2016. These dorks will whine for a couple of months about millenials (and in safe spaces, low racial minority turnout), but then stalwarts like DailyKos and Krugman will go around and pretend that they’re on the side of angels again. There will be no ideological reckoning; even with a shattered Democratic Party that struggles to regain federal hegemony the same Booker/DWS/Cuomo/Emanuel-style fuckups who gave us President Trump will be in the saddle again.
However, if Clinton is in the driver’s seat when her Presidency fails she and her clique of liberal subalterns (meaning, most of the Democratic Party leadership) will be discredited. The Democratic Party won’t be able to squirm away from their failed ideology, especially that of overseas conduct and free trade. Meaning, the Democratic Party will actually be forced to undertake a Reagan-style realignment and political reorganization if they want to survive. And I’m thinking that most politicians value their career above Clinton-style ideology purity. That will be the end of Clintonism.
To that end, I feel that it’s important for me to openly criticize and hold Clinton accountable from day negative one. The party, regardless of how this election goes, must make a clean break with the New Democrats if it doesn’t want this shit to continue indefinitely.
Yeah, AND, as you’ve studiously ignored, you are also real people who will have to deal with the real consequences of Strongman Cotton. Do you expect to die in the next four years or something?
I’ll stay and fight with you if it looks like the Democratic Party has a real course of action not to enable a theocratic fascist with FDR-level majorities. Meaning: the Democratic Party makes a clean break with realpolitick/economic centrism/social liberalism that defined Dems since Dukakis, embraces open class warfare (or at LEAST Bernie-style), and openly plans to primary Clinton after the inevitable 2018 midterm debacle. Or doing the same if Trump actually wins. I think that the best COA assuming Hillary doesn’t win the House and Senate is that Hillary wins is that the Democratic Party immediately declares her and all New Dems mortal enemies. I could get behind that. Unfortunately, the plan I see from most Democrats is to just piss their pants and pray for the best — while letting the current Democratic Party elite do what they want. Meaning, if the rank-and-file intend to do that (very plausible) a counter-attack from Trump would be better than a counter-attack from a failed Clinton administration.
But right now, most Democrats are in the same boat as you: you’re freaking out so much about the next four years that you’re not thinking about the next twenty. The current ‘holy shit, HRC might be terrible but we have no choice’ plan for survival is akin to taking out a payday loan from the mafia. Why should I go along with this plan?
“But right now, most Democrats are in the same boat as you: you’re freaking out so much about the next four years that you’re not thinking about the next twenty.”
The problem you continually bring up when it suits, while dismissing when it suits, is that the next twenty years are not forecastable if Strongman Trump wins. Full stop.
You can game everything out as if you know that a Strongman Trump win in 2016 can lead to something something New Democrat Exile, something something Social Democratic Takeover by 2020, but that is your personal opinion, at best. I’m asking for a solution that can both avoid a Strongman Trump win, and a Tom Cotton 2020 victory.
This election, like almost all elections, is triage. That slow stomach bleed may kill you later this week, but the gsw to the chest will kill you in an hour.
While there is nothing wrong with planning for 20 years down the line, let’s not ignore what is going on right now.
A problem is that you and others here (who, again, erroneously believe that you’re more Leftwing than others) are looking to people who agree with you on 99.9% of issues, and screaming at them. Meanwhile, the other 47% of the country sees absolutely no difference between you and a centrist Democrat, and would love nothing more than to watch both of you get kicked in the crotch and thrown into a pit.
After awhile, your screaming at people who you erroneously believe are to your immediate political right, becomes exceedingly annoying, and it gets tuned out, same as anti-vaxxers or the anti-GMO crowd. Even though you actually have ideas based in objective, observable reality, you’re terrible at getting people who you believe to be to your immediate political right to pay attention.
And that means that the very people who your ideas can actually, like, influence, stop hearing them.
All of that said, instead of assuming that Clinton may barely win in 2016, with Tom Cotton as the obvious 2020 election winner, what is going to get people who don’t pay attention to politics excited enough to put down their smart phones and work on behalf of a candidate like Sanders?
Because shouting at me while telling me that I have to wake up and stop being a neoliberal neocon obviously isn’t going to get the 95% of left-leaning voters (who don’t pay attention to politics but occasionally vote) to do a god damn thing except share some progressive picture on Facebook when not crushing candies or chasing pokemons.
tl, dr: what, exactly, do you propose as a solution that can be worked on, right now?