
Her numbers will go up quickly.


First of all, she proved that she is not suffering from anything that disturbs her mental, emotional and physical energy. 90 minutes of consistent control. That’s a long time to be under the TV microscope, and that’s what it was. A microscope. The Trump people blew it by letting the network broadcast the debate as equally sized talking heads. Trump won the Republican debates by sheer physicality and emotional dominance. His stump speeches? Also sheer physicality and and emotional dominance, only instead of dominating his opponents he dominates his audience.

Last night?

No dominance.


In fact, he looked like the less healthy debater, sniffing and sniffling repeatedly, especially during the first 20 minutes. Add to all that the invisibility of Lester Holt…who was quite subtly but also quite plainly anti-Trump but not identifiably pro-Hillary (a narrow path to walk, one that he walked admirably)…and Trump couldn’t beat up on him, either. Holt didn’t exist. He was a disembodied voice that showed no emotional resonance whatsoever. He could have been Siri v.2. Trump had no one to beat up on and he was very disturbed by that fact. A bully with no victim. It was lovely to see.

Will he learn from this failure?

I don’t think that he will.

Instead, he’ll probably fire someone.

It’s what he does best, after all.

I mean…he can’t fire himself, right?

Can he?

I think he’s peaked.
