I’m not a woman but I do know a few, and they seem to have a common experience with being interrupted by men, particularly in business settings, that they have no reticence about sharing with me. So, watching Trump talk over Clinton repeatedly last night probably triggered a lot of people and made them vastly less inclined to like him.
If that wasn’t bad enough, Trump is still insulting a former Miss Universe, accusing her on Fox & Friends this morning of gaining fifty pounds and being the worst winner in the history of the pageant. Considering that Machado went on to have a very successful career in soap operas and appeared in Playboy ten years after she supposedly “plumped up,” I have a hard time believing Trump is even telling the truth about the extent of her weight gain (not that being truthful would help in this case).
Here’s his explanation from his book Art of the Comeback.
And here’s how she looked in 2006.
I don’t know a lot of women who will look at her and think that she’s a fat pig or an “eating machine.” And I don’t know any women who appreciate being judged that way.
Then we have one of Trump’s most famous surrogates, former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani, saying that Hillary Clinton is too stupid to be president because she didn’t know that her husband had some kind of stealthy relationship with Monica Lewinsky. That’s on top of Trump ending the debate last night by making it clear that he could have attacked Hillary for the infidelities of her husband but didn’t do it because it would have been “inappropriate” and “not nice.” He explained in the post-debate spin room that “Everything I wanted to say I got out except for the transgressions of Bill” and “I’m very happy that I was able to hold back on the indiscretions with respect to Bill Clinton because I have a lot of respect for Chelsea Clinton and I just didn’t want to say what I was going to say.”
I don’t know any women who appreciate being blamed or shamed for the bad behavior of their husbands or boyfriends.
I also don’t know any women who enjoy having men talk about them the way that Trump has talked about Rosie O’Donnell. Here’s a list of insults Trump has thrown at O’Donnell over the last decade: “Obnoxious”, “Dumb”, “Loser”, “Disgusting”, “Slob”, “Talks like a truck driver”, “Weak”, “Fat, ugly face”, “Unattractive”, “Why would [her partner] stay with her if she had the choice?”
But in the last night’s debate, Trump went after her again.
“Hillary is hitting me with tremendous commercials,” the former reality TV personality said toward the end of the televised debate with Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.
“Some of it said in entertainment, some of it said by somebody who’s been very vicious to me, Rosie O’Donnell,” he added. “I said very tough things to her and I think everybody would agree that she deserves it and nobody feels sorry for her.”
This is, in my opinion, not the way to close the gender gap.
Jesus, he’s a disgusting human being.
I appreciated the debate for reminding me why Trump shouldn’t be near the White House, even if all we get from Clinton is normalcy and some good court appointments.
I will settle for that!
“Clinton 2016: Okay, I Guess”
It’s a custom. Make your own here:
Yep, that’s the one I was thinking of.
The only bumper sticker on my car reads “I HAVE A BUMPER STICKER” because that’s really all of them ever truly say.
My problem with bumper stickers is I can never get them OFF. I still have Obama/Biden ’08 on my car, but it’s covered up by the Bernie one. I have no idea how to get one off but I’m fine with supporting the spirit of Bernie ’16 until my car dies. (Knock on wood.)
I live in a very liberal community and have seen almost no Clinton bumper stickers. I don’t have one on my sports car (because it’s a sports car) but I’ve got one on my old beater pickup truck. Makes for a discordant sight.
I don’t like bumper stickers, I usually do window clings
They need to be warm and soft. I’ve heard a hair dryer will do the trick. But I’ve never had a problem so long as they are warm enough, i.e. haven’t been sitting out in winter weather.
Loving in Minnesota that is an issue 😉
It doesn’t take much more than a casual survey of history to understand that the status quo (“okay”) is pretty fucking excellent by comparison.
I think it has been said before, but this makes it crystal clear that Trump is not looking to woo undecided voters. (BTW, how is it even possible for someone to have been undecided prior to the debate? If you could not figure out who to vote for in the run-up to the debate, how is one, two, or three debates going to change anything? The stupidity of the American voting public is frightening.)
He already has 40% of the vote in his pocket; does he have some secret GOTV plan for all the missing white voters?
Even speculating that he’s “wooing undecided voters” gives him too much credit. He’s just doing his thing — shouting; being “right,” “winning.” It doesn’t matter who the audience is or what the venue is. Any doubts about this have been put to bed this week.
He’s really narrowed it down to “white male” voters. That’s no way close to any majority.
We know a few conservative Republican voters who despise Trump and will not vote for him but haven’t decided whether or not they can vote for Hillary. Or will simply not vote for President. My guess is they will do the latter.
○ Alicia Machado: America Doesn’t Deserve a Chávez
I’m an adult woman who has seen her share of what we used to call “male chavinism” which was another way of saying Men Being Pigs. I had a male college professor ask me why I didn’t wear skirts more often. He said I probably had nice legs. Another male prof asked what my major was, and when I told him I was in Fine Arts, he chuckled and said I had better find a husband while I was there because I’d never get a real job.
So it’s thirty years later, and an actual Presidential candidate is in front of the world, speaking in exactly the same degrading, insulting manner about women. Any woman who votes for Trump is propelling us back thirty years and more. Any woman voting for Trump should be ashamed of herself.
To be fair about the “fine arts” thing, I told both my male and female children that this was not a profitable direction to go. My daughter was the “queen of theatre” in high school, but I cautioned her several times that this was a hobby not a future career path. My son could have done data science, but has chosen poetry, and has yet to find any kind of a job. The theatre major works and makes money. She is not keen on the company, but it pays pretty well.
Of course, there are people in all fields who have either found success or they haven’t. As my own path as an artist developed after college, I found success as a fabric designer for a major company and then pursued a career in my field of making art rugs. That’s provided me with a comfortable income, and gave me the opportunity to publish two how-to books and teach workshops all over the country.
My point was that male professors in my experience were not supportive. None of the young men in my class were asked to wear shorts because they had nice legs. I have experienced episodes of men treating me with disdain or patronizing me because I am a female.
Which is what Trump does.
My policy is never ever ever never to say a single thing about appearance, positive, negative, neutral. Either to men or women. I will comment on pregnancy after the woman brings the baby in, or in the occasional case where the pregnancy has been announced as in “I will be off for the next 12 weeks on pregnancy leave”. Around my office, which is about 55% female (women in the medical and medical research fields are well-represented, and are often either 50% or higher; the exception is surgery, which is still quite male-dominated), comments on appearance, etc are just not made. By anyone. And no one makes derogatory comments either.
I will say, however, that young women do not understand the concept of “professional attire” in many cases. This means that all buttons on the shirt except the top button are to be fastened. Cleavage at the office is not acceptable. We have a yearly discussion of appropriate attire, and I have frequently requested that this go on the agenda. No cleavage please – we’re professionals!!
You know in the abstract, if your pageant winner gains 50 pounds in the year she’s supposed to be hawking your stuff, as pageant owner then that’s probably a financial issue for you. But that kind of stuff should probably be spelled out in the contract right? Bad deal Mr. Trump.
But who the hell knows what is even true with that? And even if it was, Trump handled it quite nastily.
But when he put cameras in the gym and she was crying and saying “I don’t want to do this, Mr. Trump” — did he say “I undertand that it’s difficult, but we have to work together to make it work; its in both our interests”? No. He said “I don’t care.”
Yeah, clear difference from an abstract idea to how it actually worked out which is Trump being a raging asshole once again.
At some point empathy takes over.
At least for someone who isn’t a total piece of a shit.
But the “she was the worst Miss Universe” and “gained 50 pounds” claims were each despicable lies, too. Here, take a look:
We run ourselves into trouble when we accept a single thing Trump says. He lies about important things, trivial things, all things.
During the primary debates both Clinton and Trump used the tactic of filibustering and interrupting their opponents. Sanders mostly took it without responding in kind. But he was still labeled a misogynist by his opponent. Once Carly left the GOP line-up, some word other than misogynist was used to describe his filibustering and interrupting of his opponents.
Hillary’s a big girl and should be able to take care of herself without the peanut gallery resorting to labeling a debate tactic used by her opponent as misogynist.
Beauty contests are inherently sexist and as in the entertainment and modeling profession as a whole, the owners/producers set standards for body size and shape. Those standards may differ from what ordinary men and women would prefer to see, but apparently not enough so that they quit voting with their pocketbooks. Trump’s comments were made when? 1997 or 1998?
Democrats have nothing to be proud at that time. Lewinsky was also called a “narcissistic loony-tune.”
Note that HRC and her surrogates declined to describe it that way last night.
Yes, they’re very selective in their feminism. Fully embracing a “Girls Gone Wild” promoter. Oblivious to how such entertainment fare is exploitative of young women and contrary to feminist principles which were never about women have license to adopt disgusting male behaviors.
I think it’s rather ironic that you use the term filibuster here.
So in addition to all of the emotional abuse, he didn’t pay her either?
If you were writing a villain in a political thriller you’d have a hard time coming up with this stuff.
Not paying the correct fee is the Trump way to success.
Yes Trump is a bad person, even as a businessman, she had a bad experience, she voluntarily participated in a beauty pageant of Miami, he was the boss, there are a clear set of rules for winners, she’s a big girl now …
Abused as a young woman in a beauty pageant, she won and went on to live the American Dream.
Now she’s damning Trump as well as her previous socialist leader Hugo Chávez, she once again is being abused in a political scheme by the Clintons. Great job you did in Honduras Hillary!
I have no respect for these political games … from either side. I found the debate so boring, I turned away. Childish for the so-called best democracy in the world? BS
She is participating in a group with Dolores Huerta to do pro-Clinton ads. She is so American now.
○ Belafonte calls Bush ‘terrorist’, praises Chavez in Venezuela – Jan. 2006
Slut shaming, eh?
oui is quite the “progressive”, right?
glad we’re getting some porn finally. i am so tired of the campaigns
What a choice — porn or the most vapid presidential campaign ever. What a farce.
It’s a presidential campaign masquerading as an issue of “News of the World”. Disgusting gutter filth.
what’s even more annoying is that the vapid campaign has gone on forever and is hiding actual issues
Could have lived without the Playboy cover. Then again, could have lived without having a major party candidate who unabashedly body shames to the delight of his minions. This electoral season cannot end soon enough.