You wouldn’t listen. I basically gave up trying about a month ago. Now here we jolly well are, aren’t we. In a world of trouble.
This vote was a slap in the face to the entitlement-gorged educated classes. Of all races and sexes.
To the Permanent Government and its overweening federal bureaucracy.
To the corporate-owned mass media…including the jive “pollsters”…who pounded and pounded and pounded on about how the Dems were now going to rule the country and bring peace and prosperity to every man.
And woman.
To the whole faux liberal, “Tell ’em what they want to hear but do the opposite” hustle that was represented by Hillary Clinton and her “public and private,” two-faced campaign.
To Obama, the “Peace President” who waged war all over the globe.
To the make-believe, digital construct of a world where people “friend” others without ever actually touching them. You can’t slap someone upside the head online, so people did it with their votes.
One DemRat line is going to be that this was a sexist vote. I call bullshit. Elizabeth Warren would have kicked Trump’s ass up and down the country had she thought that she would have been able to defeat the ensconced DNC door revolvers to actually get nominated. She was too smart for that and now she stands as the most admired Dem in the U.S. and probably the leader of the political resistance to whatever awful things now headed down the chute from people like Trump, Giuliani and…yes…Christie.
You earned it.
Maybe this will wake you the fuck up.
But I doubt it.
Frenzied defenses of your absolute blindness to what was going on in fly-over country while you jerked off over the controller class’s attempted sellout of the entire country to globalism and multinational corporations?
Feel free.
I do.
You blew it.
Big time.
Ross Perot pinned what was going to happen way back in 1992.
From the NY Times coverage of the 1992 presidential debates:
You didn’t listen. Instead you elected that crooked dick Bill Clinton.
Ron Paul tried to tell you what was up for decades, tried to tell you that over-regulation would eventually kill the democracy.
Again, you didn’t listen.
You mocked instead.
Trump is your reward.
You elitist fools.
The “Deplorables” have spoken.
Hillary Clinton lost this election the day she uttered that word in public. They came out of the woodwork, those “deplorables,” and kicked her ass.
Deal wid it.
The ’92 election told us a whole lot more than Democrats have ever been willing to concede. From wining that year, they elevated Clinton to the status of a once in a generation brilliant politician. He never was. And that incorrect assessment figures large in every misjudgement they’ve made since then.
Those that are adult enough to be gracious losers will be here soon to apologize and accord you some respect.
You did put together that one last piece that I couldn’t. I could laugh at Trump (until I got bored with that) while still recognizing his appeal for people that I don’t much understand. I could also recognize that Clinton was a personally weak candidate with a poor record in office and that American voters aren’t comfortable with presidential dynasties. What didn’t compute for me was that more people in certain “rust belt” states would perceive Clinton instead of Trump as the bridge too far.
At this time, there’s a lot of noise about polling failures (and I know you place no stock in polls) and are calling it a systemic polling failure, but that’s not true at all. The polls were accurate everywhere until they got to PA, OH, MI, and WI. Interesting that for the Democratic primaries, the pollsters completely blew if in MI and WI, but in PA and OH they were off in the other direction (Clinton won by larger than projected margins). Whatever fixes, if any, they made to their polling methodology after the primaries in these four states, then ended up with polls that consistently overstated Hillary’s support or a measurable portion of Trump voters said don’t know/undecided. Reasonable that a number of those that planned to vote for Trump were too embarrassed to say so even in a phone poll. In my casual observation of the polling, the don’t know numbers seemed high late in the race, but as I wasn’t doing any analysis of them, I relied on those that were going through the exhaustive exercises. Boy, do they have a lot of egg on their faces now.
Wow the smugness didnt fade a bit, i guess doubling down is the american way.
I was going to do a satirical diary post to point out to all the BS, as i see it, but i better let you get used to the new reality and let it sink in for the people that actively worked to get to this result.
I didnt lose, not american, and i hoped for this the last few days, knowing that it was probably going to make things a whole lot worse.
But sometimes things have to get worse before they get better, right anti hillary campaigners? that was the plan,no?
What would you like me to explain?
The “anti-Hillary campaigners” here…and there were a number of us…had no plan except to tell the truth as we saw it. The truth is a plan.
Bet on it.
“The truth” is only a plan if something is running it, otherwise it just is.
I think you are talking about opinions about the truth.
I suspect there will be a lot of those.
The truth runs itself.
Many of the polling companies are flat-out crooked. They are set up to control public opinion and they jigger their polls to reflect the line that their clients want to see plastered in the headlines. It’s that simple. And others are simply out of touch. Those “deplorables” that HRC so despised? They want nothing to do with pollsters, and the pollsters want nothing to do with them.
No wonder the polls were skewed so seriously wrong.
What we need to fear now…besides Trump, of course…is what the reaction of the controllers will be. I think that they will be forced take the gloves off and start publicly kicking some ass. They will not go down easily.
P.S. Accord me some “respect?” I neither want their respect nor do I expect any from them. This shit is going to go on and on and on and on and on until…until something really breaks here in the U.S.
Watch that as well.
Graciousness is a two-way street. We all always have something to learn from others is we are open and strive to communicate.
wrt polling, errors can generate from more than simply being paid off. There’s science and there’s art in polling. The former is easy to learn and apply and the latter takes years and a certain talent and skill to develop. The art isn’t even all that important when an election isn’t close or voting behaviors in a certain population are static. Gallup as the election polling granddad would be the gold-standard today because it should be mature, but somewhere along the line it sold out to the GOP. The others are newbies and that was really evident this time. (Sorry, but I’ve done too much coursework in statistics not to respect and defend the science.)
“Science” can be corrupted. A cursory look at Big Pharma and Big Med in the U.S. is all one needs to know about that idea.
Same same with statistics.
In a corrupted system…and this system is now nothing if not that…corruption metastasizes outward from the center to infect everything.
I out-polled the pollsters.
In my 60,000+ mile car with the radio on.
Sitting in diners and bars in the country, the suburbs and in cities large and small. Buying gas with cash at the gas stations/convenience stores/fast food places.
Passing as just another white working stiff.
Listening in Dunkin’ Donuts and on street corners.
In busses and trains and subways.
In airports.
In crowds of the privileged and powerful, just another servant in my musician’s tux. (“The artist is the elite of the servant class.” George Bernard Shaw) The servants know what’s really up. Always and everywhere.
Hell…give me the pollsters’ money. I’d buy a new pair of shoes and just keep right on going.
Bet on it.
I’m going to repeat something I once said to a senior systems project manager near the end of having worked on a project together for a few months. He was really good at what he did and so was I. Others that we had no choice but to work with weren’t so good. Anyway, he made some remark that he was always right. I offered that nobody was always right and that it was very dangerous for those like the two us to operate as if we were always right because we would blindside ourselves when we weren’t right and most likely do so when the stakes were high. (I was wiser when I was younger or learned the lesson of the “Best and Brightest.) The Long-Term Capital Management guys were certified geniuses and a high number of those that engineered all the super-duper new financial instruments were math PhDs. Totally arrogant and they blew it big time.
You called them one; so, you can take your appropriate bow. But you’ve had bloopers as well.
That I have.
I make no claims of omniscience.
Just dumb luck.
When I “chose”…as if any of us really “choose”…to be a jazz musician at 14 or so, I had no idea that within less than 4 years said choice would pull a bright 14 year old suburban white kid (who had never in his life personally encountered a person of color in any but a service role) right out of his whiteness-entitled life and into the lives of people who were…by their own skin color…marked as outsiders in the “Leave It To Beaver/Father Knows Best” world as it then functioned in the U.S.
I was bound for the Ivy League when I discovered Charlie Parker…I didn’t even know that he was black for quite a while because the records of the period never put pictures of the artists on the covers of the records if they weren’t white…but instead I wound up living on the borders of the black ghetto Boston ghetto Roxbury and going to school at Berklee along with a totally integrated student body and staff. I still had an Ivy League level mind and I educated myself outside of music, but I most definitely no longer belonged to the white, educated, middle/upper class. I could pass when I wanted/needed to, but I was always an imposter.
A spy of sorts.
As I still am to this day.
When the psychedelic ’60s happened I had a little fling with “belonging” there, but the music was so bone-deep stupid compared to what I had learned about Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, the whole swing era, the Charlie Parker/Dizzy Gillespie-spearheaded bebop revolution and the post-bop Miles Davis/John Coltrane thing that the white, psychedelic hippie life soon palled as well. And there I was, a young adult living totally outside of any identifiably “white” culture.
And…there I remain to this day. I get to see things that those who do belong in any of those cultures simply do not get to see. Many things, including those cultures themselves. Ask a fish about water and the answer will be “Water? What’s that?” The mostly goodhearted “liberal” whites who totally whiffed on this election did so because they couldn’t see the water in which they were swimming. In fact, most of them didn’t even know that they were swimming in it.
Well…they know now, don’t they.
I said somewhere on this thread that I did not want….was it respect? Forgiveness? Acknowledgement that I was right? Something like that. That’s the truth. I am accident. In point of fact, we all are accidents. Sperm meets egg and there goes whomever, out into the world to be whatever. Why claim credit?
Instead of credit, here is what I would like.
I would like the goodhearted left to wake the fuck up.
If that happened, I would simply disappear. I have other fish to fry.
Bet on it.
Also consider Wallace’s strong showing, back in the day. People didn’t want to admit they were voting for him.
And other people didn’t want to ask them.
Fear of an ass kicking, to be frank.
And now?
Now that ass kicking has come home to roost.
Big time!!!
My view from the Midwest here:
Look at this map:
It’s the triumph of “flyover country”. Democrats all compared Trump to Hitler, right? Did you ever consider why Hitler won? Was it really racism that suddenly came to the fore? Or the grinding poverty of the once prosperous German working class? And who suffered from WW I? Who died on the eastern Front or came back missing limbs? Not the rich. Is it any wonder that the guy with the harsh voice because he took a load of mustard gas as a common German soldier was popular?
No, I’m not crazy about Trump and I do fear what will happen but I feared what would happen with Hillary more. I AM proud of the American people standing up to their Wall Street masters and kicking back, albeit kicking blindly. We will NOT go gentle into the good night that the old white guy hating Democratic Party wants to send us to.
I was supposed to die in 1948 when I was assaulted by street thugs, but I refused to die and I refuse to let my family die now.
You know, Trump’s racist rhetoric was appalling and disgusting to me. However, Clinton’s “black firewall” was also racist and appalling. My personal preference was that nobody would vote for either of these unacceptable people — but fear and loathing drives most votes to the polls every time.
I totally agree. I’m glad that many Republicans broke ranks and voted for Johnson. I just wish more Democrats had broken ranks and voted for Stein. Well, we knew she had zero chance and I appreciate the hunger that drove most white women of my age group to vote for the first female president. It’s the same hunger that drove the black people I worked with at the USPS to vote for the first black President. I would have voted for Warren and did vote for stein, but NO MORE CLINTON’S!!!
Hell! I even would have voted for your Dianne Feinstein. But for the openly corrupt and reckless Clinton? No!
Black people weren’t initially persuaded by Obama in ’07. He fell outside of the traditional black American. They came around and my guess is that it was because the experience of discrimination based on one’s skin color is profound and they shared that with Obama. Still, even for me, it would have been preferable if the first black POTUS were of the black community. It was compromise and did seem like a good first step. But perhaps I was wrong.
For me, Hillary was simply too much of a compromise for the first woman POTUS. She didn’t get there on her own merit and she had no accomplishments in office that were admirable and many that were downright despicable. She ran an ugly, race-based campaign against Obama and I wasn’t about to overlook or forgive that. (Obama, to his credit, did everything possible not to make race an issue in his campaign.) I can’t imagine all these women that became enthusiastic about Hillary feeling the same about a wife or daughter brought in to succeed their male boss.
“Black people weren’t initially persuaded by Obama in ’07.” I’m speaking of once he got the nomination. That was a first for a major party too.
Hello AG. While I grant you certainly were early in perceiving the tremendous danger of Trump (as were quite a few of us), I seem to recall your final verdict was that “Trump was toast” after the pussy grabbing tape. And I didn’t see too many BTers posting in the 48 hours before the catastrophe that everyone was all wrong and that Der Trumper was going to prevail against all conventional wisdom.
And of course we are dealing with another electoral disaster brought on by the absurd electoral college, as Clinton will likely win the popular vote—if she hasn’t already. And some of us did observe that Trump’s most likely path to victory was through the electoral college.
But I don’t mean to be ungracious and a wet blanket on your diary. I just don’t see much reason for any feeling of triumph here. Nor do I see what a Dem shmoe like me was supposed to do after Clinton became the nominee other than vote for her. The coming apocalypse is on those who voted for him, not those who voted for her.
I had my hair on fire right before the first debate when it seemed that Trump had taken leads in enough states to get to 270, but was dissuaded by those here who really watch and dissect the polls. And certainly I was taken in by the last 48 hrs, even though it was clear that the polls had seriously tightened once again by last Friday.
This debacle will usher in the end of the Dem party and permanently alter everything that we ever “knew” about the country and its constitutional law. Who cares about the accuracy or inaccuracy of the polls at this point, unless there is some theory of complacency causing the calamity. I guess with complete Repub control over the federal gub’mint we will see if your theory of Permaguv holds….I foresee radical change.
Anyway, hard to see much of a path forward at this point, the inmates are in charge of the asylum and the most sensible course of action is likely to look to where the exits are located, it’s every man for himself, it would seem….we are screwed beyond measure.
Some people have the virtuous quality to see only their positives, and ignore all the times they were wrong.
Maybe AG should wonder why he was wrong about failing to make a convincing case, as should all people who campaigned against hillary after she was the nominee, and the only way to prevent President Trump.
I feel as if i havent woken up yet, President trump.
Because hillary looked bad?
Because they were no different?
Because people got butthurt?
Because it was all bullshit, and all politicians lie, and hillary was a bad candidate?
I am dutch, so not my election. Should i shut up about the incredible stupidity of intelligent people?
Did the “morally superior” “Truthful(tm)” people offer anything but cynicism?
Maybe i was too dumb to understand the intelligent people that were arguing against Hillary, i suspect its too late to ask now.
Its time for them to be happy that they knew it all along, Hillary was bad.Thats why she lost, they were only trying to warn us all. Not to make sure her chances would be eroded, not to argue against her becoming president, it all was to prepare us for what they already knew.
I was wrong too, i was expecting them to say that this was all going to plan, in order to get a better functioning country it first had to get messed up, and President trump will be the most likely path, its ony 4 years of suffering, maybe 8, and then there will be enough “real(tm)” progressives with the “right(tm)” ideas to cause a leftwing populist revolution, to finally get to paradise.
But maybe it was just out of spite, and gloating is as far as the plan goes for now.
Hello. I don’t really ascribe bad motives to my fellow Dems and progressives, and I don’t think that the chatter on political blogs had too much effect on the millions upon millions of spite-filled white Americans that brought on this catastrophe. There will be plenty of time to sort out the blame, and in my view many are right to wonder whether there was serious reluctance to return the very same family to the White House.
Ultimately it no longer matters, the die has been cast and the nation is going to be radically and irreversibly changed for the worst. Of course, the greatest calamity is that Der Trumper and his fellow denialists will torch any and all progress the US (and the world) had made on global warming, thus dooming the earth to catastrophic climate change. We are all just waiting for half of the Greenland ice sheet to shear off one fine day, and this election has now made that an absolute certainty.
I dont disagree.
I am just very angry.
And we should fight for a bit.
And yes trump will have serious consequences, thats why i care as a non US citizen of this world.
And i get that there is and will be a lot of confusion, And there will be political infighting. On all sides, everywhere to decide who can claim to hold the best truth(tm)
Some will be humble, others will gloat, out of spite.
Some just poke fun at everything, as there is nothing better to do right now.
” spite-filled white Americans “
That is the mistake right there. There are Women governors, CEOs, senators, congresswomen, etc… Same with different races being in position of influence and authority.
The problem is that the Economic issues facing most of the country were not effectively addressed by HRC and the Democratic Party in general. Most people vote their wallet and since the 90’s (beginning with Reagan and accelerated under Bill Clinton and W)those same fly over states have seen their future prospects diminish. Buzz words like “trade”, “sleaze”, “cronyism”, “crooked” are only shorthand for real problems. And they aren’t new ones. The restructuring necessary was possible in 08-09 and all the vast capital accumulated in the bank’s hands could have been spread around. But the wrong people were listened to and the Democratic Progressive wing wasn’t strong enough.
Maybe now it will be.
Don’t count on it. Hillary’s defeat will be blamed on Lefties that didn’t support her.
It’s as true for Democrats as it is for the Republicans: The Party can not fail; it can only be failed.
The legacy of Bernie’s campaign is that DFH punching isn’t going to be as easy as it was in 2000. The critique of Hillary and the neoliberalism of the Democratic Party elites and their sycophants was articulated just well enough that and she lost in two many places for that sort of cheap shot to resonate. They would have us believe that liberalism/progressivism is a spent force and the DP is alive and well.
Mirror – UK – Bill Clinton branded Jeremy Corbyn a ‘guy off the street’ in brutal leaked speech
Bernie — another “guy off the street” in ClintonWorld. Should be a bitter pill for them to swallow that Trump wasn’t on the street but on the golf course with old Bill, but he’s always been shameless; so, he’ll find others to thrown under the bus for having squirreled his two decade long project to give himself a third and fourth presidential term by proxy.
Well you see that in the stunned silence on other sites. Some Sanders supporters saying, “told you so”.
Others blaming the voters as racist, anti-woman, facist. After a loss like this to a candidate like Trump, one needs to look in the mirror.
We crowed when Romney supporters were shown to dismiss contra info. Places like Red State and others removing or banning posts because they didn’t follow the Party Line. Well, we saw the same thing at popular Progressive sites. Flagging, threated “pulling the trigger and banning”.
None of that was helpful. All restricted information; good, bad, and indifferent. Because in the apparent isloated worldview of Dem Party membership, all such information is valuable.
“And men loved Darkness rather than Light, because their deeds were Evil.”
Thank you, Ridge Cook.
The leftiness media’s “It was a racist vote!!!” hue and cry that we hear now is just the continuation of the same mistake that it has been making…if “mistake” rather than “tactic” is the right word…for this entire campaign.
It is…and has been for 20+ years if not longer… an economic problem. On all sides of the color/cultural lines.
Well you know for sure it’s too late so why ask such a vain, rhetorical question anyway. But there is still time in Europe to hatch a cogent, intelligent plan for the elections in the Netherlands (Wilders’ country?}, France and the big one, Germany. Brexit is history except it isn’t. The Netherlands cannot escape the claws of the Empire’s new President Trump, being one of the most loyal and obsequious vassals. This election will affect the world. Maybe better relations with Russia will be a positive outcome. I hope so. We blijven maar doormodderen.
You write:
I believe i added something more…”barring a serious October surprise” or something to that effect.
The ongoing drip, drip, drip/death of a thousand cuts Wikileaks posts plus Comey’s little dongle were that serious surprise. HRC’s potential for success was balanced on the head of a pin anyway, but those factors are what took her down.
You also write:
You were supposed to not vote for her, euzoius.
Not be a Dem shmoe.
No one who had sent any time in working class bars (as I suspect you have) would not shocked at the language OR the sentiment. He may have given the middle class vapors but not blue collar.
There was a pretty good turnout for Johnson. I wonder who his voters were. HRC won several states with well under 50%. If Trump’s and Johnson’s votes had been combined, even Minnesota would have been red.
When you tell anybody anything over and over and over, the one thing that you can be quite sure of, by the time you get to the third “over” (and usually by the second), is that everybody has stopped listening.
Your warnings are obscure (“snotty and tantalizing”, in the words of one of my old profs), snide, repetitious, passive-aggressive, and bear many of the other fingerprints of crackpottery (most notably, paranoia). This audience are highly trained to tune out conspiracy theorists, and while I imagine that you would not like to be lumped into that company, your rhetoric is their rhetoric. This is constructive criticism, whether you know it or like it or not. I think you have something to say, but as James Thurber would have said, take the marbles outta your mouth when you talkin’.
My warnings were not “obscure,” Mr. Wilhoit. They were exactly the opposite. Clear as an alarm bell. What is “obscure’ about warning people that they could not laugh Mr. Trump offstage? That there was a whole (seldom-voting) passel of voters who were going to show up to the polls to elect him if the Dems weren’t careful. That HRC’s massive load of baggage was going to stop many people who normally vote Dem from supporting her. That many of the well-meaning people from every level of society who voted for Obama were so disappointed with his term in office that they were going to sit this one out.
Sounds pretty clear to me…
Google definitions will do here:
Obscurantism, on the other hand, has been an important tool of the PermaGov controllers as they have peddled their wares to the rubes for over 50 years.
However many of the zero-wielding centrist clones on this site were conscious of their game and how many others…here and throughout the entire so-called “left-wing” media…were simply eyes-wide-shut (the very definition of being one of the obscured) victims of the PermaGov media is above my pay grade. However…obscured or obscurantist…they failed in their mission, and now we have a government…one that was founded on the idea of checks and balances…perilously close to having no remaining checks and balances.
Republican Senate, Republican House, Republican President and…sooner rather than later…..a Republican Supreme Court.
Good work, leftinesses.
You’ve been had from the left and the right.
And you’re blaming me???!!!
Go look in the mirror.
If you see no discernible image When supper?hatsoeverl, you’ll know that the vampires got you.
Of course…
“If you see no discernible image whatsoever, you’ll know that the vampires got you.”
That “When supper?” interjection?
A text message that somehow found its way here.
Or…one of the vampires getting hungry for more leftiness blood.
Or…typed Tourette’s syndrome.
You are too kind. He is like one of those con artists that tweet out every single NFL team will win the Super Bowl in 2018, then deletes each tweet as that team is eliminated. Throw in a mix of Nostradamus jiggery-pokery, which is impressive because AG does it in only one language.
He reminds me of a German Communist leader in 1933 when Hitler was given the Chancellorship saying, “We have the Nazi’s right where we want them, soon the Communists will rule Berlin.” Which is absolutely correct, if 12 years is soon and one is not too worried about one’s own faction or neck. I guess it is all good in the end.
AG, you are to be commended on your astute observations during this election.
Thank you, karl.
I do keep trying…