So…the latest PermaGov anti-Trump meme is “false news.” “False news” got him elected. False news and vote fraud. Not a terribly flawed Democratic candidate. Not a completely mucked up Democratic National Committee. Not a media system that has lost the belief of many, many U.S. citizens. Not a “Peace President” who waged war not only on Blood For Oil terms but… at the very least in a surveillance sense…even on his own people. Not a stalled economy, a criminal banking/financial system and the continual drip drip drip of U.S. jobs headed for foreign countries.
It wuz them damned Russkies!!!
Well I’ve got some news for y’all.
“False news” is the business in which the U.S. mass media traffics. This “false news” meme is itself false news. And Donald Trump, despite his many faults, is perfectly correct in stating that the U.S. mass media was (and remains) slanted against him on every level, and further is/was slanted for Hillary Clinton. What’s that you say? That was because he was such a bad candidate? Well…DUH!!! So was HRC. But she was the PermaGov’s bad candidate, so she was good. Right?
Here is a screen shot of the top of the Google News headline today (Mon. 11/28) at 9:36AM EST.
This is false news at its best.
It screams:
Everybody knows what an ugly piece of shit Donald Trump is!!!
Just look at the headlines!!!
Just look at the accompanying picture!!!
That nice lady Hillary Clinton got jobbed!!!
Recount!!! Recount!!! Recount!!!
The question remains…who is going to be doing the recount?
It’s like that old game show “Who Do You Trust?” The proper answer now is “Nobody!!!”
We are the ones being jobbed.
Yes, Trump is a drag. A personal drag if in no other ways.
Yes, he is appointing people to office that frighten many of us.
But that doesn’t mean that he should suffer a peremptory media strike and essentially be impeached before he is sworn in!!!
As Obama once said early in his run, “I won. Deal with it.”
A peremptory strike. That is what is now being run up the flagpole by the Permanent Government. It is saying “You aren’t playing ball by our rules, so we are either going to take you out of power before you get in or at the very least make your election so suspect that we will be able to use that suspicion to counter your every move.”
False news.
It’s what’s for dinner.
Along with the false food most people buy at the supermarket, the false “reality” TV…including the news…that they watch for hours every day and the false medical system that sells them poisonous drugs and unbearably priced bad medical care.
And people get mad at me for suggesting that they wake the fuck up.
You are still being had.
Frenzied shouts of “Traitor!!!”?
He won.
You lost.
You fucked up.
Deal with it.
Change, fer chrissake!!!
Wrote a few words in recent days about fake news, antiRussian sentiment, Euromaidan Press and Cold War relics coming back to life – hallmark of a New McCarthyism here in the US of A.
○ EU/NATO Propaganda It’s About Daesh and Russia [Update5]
From Counterpunch:
Think on, me pretties.
Think on.
After the downing of Malaysia flight MH-17, the fake news and propaganda started immediately. Dutch PM Mark Rutte played a key role in delay of the start of the Dutch investigation at the crash site.
Immediately US investigators of FBI and CIA agents swarmed into the offices of the SBU in Kiev, one of the most corrupt organizations of the Ukrainian government.
The alternate list of the 200 Russian fellow travelers, is a list of “Allies” which includes The Interpreter and Bellingcat of Eliot Higgins fame … highlighted as a USAID and Atlantic Council stooge … salaried of course, the poor British fellow.
See my diary for full write-up.
Furthermore …
Fake news with headline from Reuters!!!
○ Ukraine hands back stolen paintings to Dutch museum | Reuters |
Real story as facts became known in Holland, paintings were held by SBU in bargaining for a few million …
○ Ukraine’s SBU, neonazis accused of trading stolen Dutch paintings
Original article in Dutch News is deleted … link here [cached version]
○ EU vows unwavering support to Ukraine but problems with deal mount | Reuters – Nov. 24, 2016 |
Ron Paul’s fake news list:
Overwhelmingly sourced by wikileaks.
Go look for yourself.
Type any pf these names into wikileaks search and see what comes up. LOTS of Podesta shit. How does he find time to do anything other than write emails!!!???
Too bad we don’t have the corresponding emails from these folks to the Trump campaign.
The job of a campaign manager is mostly writing emails, dontcha know? And a few cameo appearances on TV horserace shows. After all Kellyanne Conway likely has lots of emails to these same bootlicking people.
I find Wolf Blitzer on the list amusing and the fact that Joy Reid is not on the list instructive.
Don’t forget that Wikeleaks only leaked one campaign in the election. Love to see what the Donald was emailing, tweeting Mz. Kellyanne and Mr. Steve.
I find this to be more of a list of enemies of Ron Paul with annotation to Wikileaks.
Welcome to an inside look at how a modern campaign actually operates. The Podesta emails are not an aberration.
This is how sausage is made under current meatpacking regulations. Podesta was just ordering the herbs and spices that constitute the media’s special flavor. Or ensuring that the lobbyist’s sawdust got mixed in. Sorta makes Mondale’s question, “Where’s the beef?” eligible for a revival, doesn’t it?
But then, Assange was facing the wrath of Hillary Clinton in the Federal Court of Northern Virginia (the CIA’s own) for the State Department leaks that showed how US diplomacy actually operated on a day-to-day basis. And how an ambassador who knows zero about a country can be quickly schooled up to deal at least hamhandedly with the leadership of that country.
Why do you I find Wolf Blitzer being on the list amusing, Tarheel? I didn’t watch much of the ludicrous mass media coverage of the whole campaign, but I watched CNN on Election eve and was amazed at how blatantly…and weakly, obviously very nervous…Blitzer tried to hold back recognition of the rising tide of Trump’s win with breathy little exclamations. Every time the map guy…I forget his name but he obvioously knew his stuff…would say that Trump’s vote count had risen in some important, little Wolfie would visibly shudder and stutter his wishful disapproval.
It was like a comedy routine, only the joke’s on us.
Joy Reid?
Maybe she’s just not important enough to mention. How is her absence instructive? I am genuinely curious.
Too bad we don’t have the corresponding emails from these folks to the Trump campaign.
Yeah, politics isn’t fair. Or maybe because Trump’s campaign was a one-man band, there are NO corresponding emails to/from folks running his campaign for years before and during the campaign. What a shame those non-existent emails didn’t make their way to Wikileaks that could then release them to the public.
There weren’t even folks at the RNC that were engaged in fixing the GOP nomination for Trump and therefore, weren’t communicating among themselves and the Trump staffers on how the effort was going. (Okay, maybe some at the RNC did email after Trump secured the nomination as to how to stop the guy from tweeting.)
Thank you, Marie!!!
Aren’t Trump’s tweets enough? We have plenty of them.
The failed candidate–the nut of truth in an awful lot of half-truths. What a female Presidential candidate that is “credible” is finally up against.
“…workers disliked Clinton because she reminded them of the professionals who have bossed them around all their lives.”
I can fully see how that would fly under the radar because the very qualities that attracted the party leaders are those qualities that turn off those who have had female bosses from hell.
“…workers disliked Clinton because she reminded them of the professionals who have bossed them around all their lives.”
Why is this necessarily sexually oriented, Tarheel? She reminds me of every underqualified, anosognosiac, bossy “boss” under whom I have ever worked. Of any of the seven sexes.
Gilroy, you’re amazing. After numerous people have explained to you, on at least two different occasions, that the supposed translation of Cicero is wrong, you still have not corrected it. Or if you like it so much, why don’t you just remove the name “Cicero” from it?
Let me put this in musical terms. It’s like playing a B natural in a G chord even though you’ve been told again and again that the chord is G minor.
The correct translation is “A liar IS NOT BELIEVED even when he speaks the truth.”
Don’t you understand the difference between “IS NOT TO BE BELIEVED” and “IS NOT BELIEVED” ?
The first expresses necessity or obligation. It means the same as “should not be” or “ought not to be”. The second is just a factual observation.
The fact is, anyone SHOULD be believed if he speaks the truth. A liar, when actually speaking the truth, is not being a liar. That would be a contradiction. But that’s what your ridiculous quote says.
In reality, when a liar says something, we don’t know if he’s telling the truth. Most likely he’s lying. So “A liar is not to be believed”, makes perfect sense. But that’s not what you’re saying. You’re saying that if a liar tells you “it’s raining”, and it really is raining — you shouldn’t believe it’s raining.
What Cicero actually said is, “A liar IS NOT BELIEVED even when he speaks the truth.” That is a factual observation. Why should people believe a liar?
“Even when he speaks the truth” — but that’s the point. They don’t think he’s speaking the truth and they don’t know he’s speaking the truth. So it’s an irony. Ever heard the story of the boy who cried “wolf” ? That’s what Cicero’s talking about.
Priscianus Jr., it is you who are amazing.
Here we are, ever deeper in the shit that the last 24 years of PermaGov presidents have piled up around us. Now we have a reactionary president…in violent reaction to the previous 24 years or more of bullshit and very likely to do even more damage than the preceding several presidents.
And all you can do is split hairs about a dead language???!!!
When first informed of this grievous fault I went on an internet search for the truth of the matter. All I found were “opinions.” This linguist translated it this way, another translated it another way.
Etc., etc., etc.
Eventually I simply applied the “FAT” theory to the whole mess.
Which Google Translate translates into Latin as:
You want to continue to jerk off on this blog with your high school/college undergraduate Latin?
We all need a hobby.
Mine is trying to figure a way out of this mess.
Go to it.
I’ve got other things to think about, myself.
P.S. I asked Google Translate to translate “Priscianus Jr.” from Latin to English. It came up with “Priseianus Jr.”
That sounds like this when spoken.
“Prissy Anus Jr.”
Go anusalyze someone else.
Go fuck yourself.
Excellent!!! Now we’re really getting somewhere!!!
Your own true level.
Thank you for your honesty.
Ain’t about the Latin, is it?
Because a lot of the verbal and homemade signage attacks on Clinton were sexually (gender) framed.
And because of the strong thread of anti-feminism in the Republican Party’s appeals even before Trump.
In fact, you are correct that in terms of underqualified, anosognosiac, bossy “boss” types, all genders are represented. But Hillary Clinton was a second-wave feminist when she left Little Rock for Washington in 1993.
From my point of view, if you were against the Vietnam War in the 1960s, how in the world can you cast a vote FOR the Iraq war … out of political expediency? Did HRC ever make a choice later in life? She was much too hawkish on foreign policy to my taste. Even at the start of the 20th century, women were passionate about women’s rights, women’s suffrage and the global peace movement. I remember covering the topic some years ago – link.
I am two years older than Hillary, reared in Holland after a devastating occupation during WWII by the Germans in 1940-45 and emigrated to the US. Fortunately in a loving family with both parents, and a mom held back by “authority” of religious pastors, but with much wisdom to educate her children on social issues and equality between man and woman. My maternal grandmother was a strong woman, burdoned by religious belief, but she always placed the welfare of a fellow human beyond authority of the state or church as a God given right
I was a strong supporter of Democratic candidate JFK in 1960 (oldest brother voted for Nixon), never had the urge to support a Republican candidate on (just about) any level in the local community. Never doubted about a strong anti-war position during the 1960s and most certainly never doubted about the ill-conceived venture into Iraq. I never had the urge to run for public office.