So…the latest PermaGov anti-Trump meme is “false news.” “False news” got him elected. False news and vote fraud. Not a terribly flawed Democratic candidate. Not a completely mucked up Democratic National Committee. Not a media system that has lost the belief of many, many U.S. citizens. Not a “Peace President” who waged war not only on Blood For Oil terms but… at the very least in a surveillance sense…even on his own people. Not a stalled economy, a criminal banking/financial system and the continual drip drip drip of U.S. jobs headed for foreign countries.

It wuz them damned Russkies!!!

Well I’ve got some news for y’all.

“False news” is the business in which the U.S. mass media traffics. This “false news” meme is itself false news. And Donald Trump, despite his many faults, is perfectly correct in stating that the U.S. mass media was (and remains) slanted against him on every level, and further is/was slanted for Hillary Clinton. What’s that you say? That was because he was such a bad candidate? Well…DUH!!! So was HRC. But she was the PermaGov’s bad candidate, so she was good. Right?


Here is a screen shot of the top of the Google News headline today (Mon. 11/28) at 9:36AM EST.

This is false news at its best.

It screams:

Everybody knows what an ugly piece of shit Donald Trump is!!!

Just look at the headlines!!!

Just look at the accompanying picture!!!

That nice lady Hillary Clinton got jobbed!!!

Recount!!! Recount!!! Recount!!!

The question remains…who is going to be doing the recount?

It’s like that old game show “Who Do You Trust?” The proper answer now is “Nobody!!!”

We are the ones being jobbed.

Yes, Trump is a drag. A personal drag if in no other ways.

Yes, he is appointing people to office that frighten many of us.

But that doesn’t mean that he should suffer a peremptory media strike and essentially be impeached before he is sworn in!!!

As Obama once said early in his run, “I won. Deal with it.”


A peremptory strike. That is what is now being run up the flagpole by the Permanent Government. It is saying “You aren’t playing ball by our rules, so we are either going to take you out of power before you get in or at the very least make your election so suspect that we will be able to use that suspicion to counter your every move.”

False news.

It’s what’s for dinner.

Along with the false food most people buy at the supermarket, the false “reality” TV…including the news…that they watch for hours every day and the false medical system that sells them poisonous drugs and unbearably priced bad medical care.

And people get mad at me for suggesting that they wake the fuck up.


You are still being had.