Let’s look up Blackshirts on Wikipedia:
The Milizia Volontaria per la Sicurezza Nazionale (MVSN, “Voluntary Militia for National Security”), commonly called the Blackshirts (Italian: Camicie Nere, CCNN, singular: Camicia Nera) or squadristi (singular: squadrista), was originally the paramilitary wing of the National Fascist Party and, after 1923, an all-volunteer militia of the Kingdom of Italy. Its members were distinguished by their black uniforms (modelled on those of the Arditi, Italy’s elite troops of World War I) and their loyalty to Benito Mussolini, the Duce (leader) of Fascism, to whom they swore an oath. The founders of the paramilitary groups were nationalist intellectuals, former army officers and young landowners opposing peasants’ and country labourers’ unions. Their methods became harsher as Mussolini’s power grew, and they used violence and intimidation against Mussolini’s opponents.
So, these folks were nationalists who volunteered to intimidate and use violence against their leader’s opponents, with a particular view toward smashing labor unions. That doesn’t seem too hard to understand. These were the first fascists.
Let’s fast-forward to yesterday.
Half an hour after Trump tweeted about [president of the United Steelworkers Local 1999, Chuck] Jones on Wednesday, the union leader’s phone began to ring and kept ringing, he said. One voice asked: What kind of car do you drive? Another said: We’re coming for you.
He wasn’t sure how these people found his number.
“Nothing that says they’re gonna kill me, but, you know, you better keep your eye on your kids,” Jones said later on MSNBC. “We know what car you drive. Things along those lines.”
“I’ve been doing this job for 30 years, and I’ve heard everything from people who want to burn my house down or shoot me,” he added. “So I take it with a grain of salt and I don’t put a lot of faith in that, and I’m not concerned about it and I’m not getting anybody involved. I can deal with people that make stupid statements and move on.”
I doubt that Benito Mussolini specifically asked anyone at the outset to volunteer to become a thug for his political movement. It was probably just people responding organically to his message of incitement. He didn’t, however, fail to understand their utility and to quickly incorporate them into his operation. Pretty soon, they even had uniforms. They even fancied themselves “elite troops.”
I think this is a simple case of people walking like a duck, quacking like a duck.
Or, maybe, it’s another example of the old adage that history doesn’t repeat, but it rhymes.
You know, it can be pretty boring and unoriginal to shout “fascist” at your political opponents. At a certain point, though, it’s no longer a strained comparison.
They’ll perhaps get some assistance from our next Sec of Labor, Andy Puzder
This is a cabinet that Ted Cruz would pick.
10% of US workers? Why don’t they just outlaw home kitchens and then the growth in fast-food joints would really take off.
Well it took mass killing to stop the fascists last time and even then most of it came as a result of picking their next fight with the communists not the western liberals.
President elect thinskin is going to need a far bigger staff if he is intending to go one on one with every individual stating what he perceives to be a swipe.
It also diminishes their personhood, and fails to take their feelings and self-worth into consideration. It also suggests that their folkways and customs may not be just as valued as anyone else’s.
We really shouldn’t do it.
Or misses the moral of The Boy Who Cried Wolf.
Right now the general public has become inured to the claims of both sides screaming fascism (although not in concert) since 1981. Might have been effective to deny GHWB a second term, but all the others got two terms while the opponents continuously bleated the F word for each of those eight year time spans.
Marie3, I do understand the allegory you mention, of course. My hangup with your commentary during the general election campaign, and, well, here too, is that you have normalized Donald Trump as just one more wingnut Republican. I truly do not see how you can do that. Trump has shown over and over his complete contempt for the norms of democratic politics, and his willingness to incite mayhem directed at his opponents. Which of his primary opponents did that? Fine, we can all leave off the f word, but that doesn’t make Trump’s words and actions, nor those of his supporters, any more normal in the context of modern US politics. I’m thinking we have to look back to the period of the Civil War plus and minus 10 years to see the sort of behavior we see now from Trump and his fans.
I have to say this about your comment. If someone voted for Trump, who is so radically opposed to everything most of us have always believed this country was about, indeed why it could be called exceptional or great at all, I really don’t care about their folkways and customs, which are certainly not as valuable as the rest of ours.
This is similar to the way I would not have cared at all about the folkways and customs of slave owners and their supporters in the pre-Civil War South, and would have delighted in seeing their destruction at the hands of General Sheridan, who burned their farms and took away their livelihoods.
We don’t need or want such people to participate in America’s future anymore, period. They declared war by rejecting the rest of the country’s election of a black man to the US presidency, and now gaining power over our institutions of government for the purpose of destroying us. We need to battle them, not engage them. Just like they did to us. If the word “fascist” dehumanizes them, so be it. Rather than engage the racist mob gatherers among Trump supporters, we need to focus on ways to exclude them from the American polity altogether.
a relative newbie here, unfamiliar with DXM’s m.o. S/he specializes in snark, and something on the order of 95-99% (my guesstimate) of his/her comments make sense only if read through that filter.
It’s the rare exceptions, where s/he seems to maybe be writing what s/he sincerely means/thinks/believes that get tricky.
DXM would have to speak for him/herself, but my sense is s/he would be largely in agreement with you here.
Are you seriously claiming that Trump instigated these calls?
She lost. Get over it. Don’t blow all your credibility with wild claims like that.
I’m seriously claiming Trump instigated those calls. It’s not even up for question unless you chose willful blindness.
Bannon’s Troll Army has been assaulting and intimidating Trump’s opponents since the beginning of his campaign. Ask Megyn Kelly. It’s organized and deliberate. It’s called stochastic terrorism and it’s the modus operandi of the alt-right, carefully cultivated end encouraged by their opinion leaders.
Incite: YES
Encourage: NO
Urge: NO
Provoke: YES
Spur (on): MAYBE
Initiate: KIND OF
Stimulate: YES
Push (for): NO
Prompt: YES
Does that answer your question?
Hey, Martin…
Looking at this comments thread, you see nearly zero worker solidarity here and a bunch of definitional nutpicking which has the effect of directly defending Trump’s movement.
In the wake of your post from yesterday, and in direct response to your post here, the community behavior is telling this Labor organizer the utter lack of solidarity from your readers, and this community’s collective unwillingness to comprehend what is going on. Those who have been allowed to dominate this community in recent months are acting with the clear intention to continue to divide progressives.
I know it’s not what you want. But it’s what happening.
You have a choice to make, Martin. This is going to continue unless you decide it will not.
Oh, please, quit whining.
My comments section isn’t a forced solidarity movement.
I’m glad you get it, but I’m not bringing the hammer down on people who don’t.
>>clear intention to continue to divide progressives
it’s clear that people who consider themselves “progressive” are divided. The discussion here reflects that rather than causing it.
As may be, this isn’t a good thread to represent that divide. It’s not like OP was making some good faith critique of Booman’s post or, well, anything really.
Original Poster
This is good news, anyway.
And this.
Yes. Definitely. There’s lots of evidence for it.
Next question?
And who is “she” that you’re talking about?
What Martin discusses, above, is about behaviors of tne “new boss.” Perhaps focus your attention on what Trump & his top lieutenants are doing, and you might be more aware of what’s being discussed here. Just a thought.
You got your guy in the White House to tackle the only issue you seem to care about: undocumented aliens. I recommend you just sit back now and gloat. By the way, just how is the new regime going to go about rounding up and deporting those millions of undocumented aliens (or as you invariably call them, “illegals”) in the expeditious way that you and other Trump voters want without resorting to force and intimidation? As you no doubt know, unless someone subject to deportation waives his right to a hearing, the process takes many months. There are nowhere near enough magistrates to hear the deportation cases presently on the docket. Methinks that Trump cannot possibly hold the promise he made to you about deportations unless extrajudicial means are brought to bear. And I think you’re going to be just fine about that.
If anyone would like some good examples of corporate thuggery in this country, take a look at The Brothers Reuther and the Story of the UAW. What was then won for workers was won hard and we’re seeing it slowly slip away.
If it walks like a duck…
We MUST call them what they are, if for no other reason for them not to be able to do what they do and then in this era of “fake news” and factlessness lay claim to a moral high ground to finish us off.
Fascism always attempts to destroy any solidarity outside of nationalist solidarity, and fascism in power always gets to decide who is part of the nation, and who isn’t. It’s highly circular for very good reason.
Here’s a post from me over 2 years ago, with a picture of German Brownshirts shutting down a Union in Germany. Because workers working together is not to be tolerated.
That Strongman Trump has “independent” volunteers to help, uh, persuade people to get with the program is part and parcel of Strongman politics and fascism.
Fascist Italy had Blackshirts. Nazi Germany had Brownshirts.
Trumpian US will have Camoshirts. A term I’d like to believe that I coined years ago, and a concept that I wouldn’t at all be surprised to see in reality, very shortly.
Just think – Trump isn’t even sitting in the White House yet, able to pardon and excuse the behavior.
Here’s hoping I’m wrong now, even though I wasn’t wrong then.
We spent a decade, and a trillion dollars at least, in the Middle East, making sure that when the time comes, we can have the best Freikorps ever.
They’ll be a tremendous Freikorps. They’ll intimidate so well, they’ll be intimidated by the prospect of having to intimidate some more.