Progress Pond

Casual Observation

It’s interesting that the left in this country is probably more committed to the idea that the people should get to vote for the president than the Republicans are, but we don’t vote for president and never have. We vote for electors. And we ought to vet those electors and know exactly who they are and trust them to make a decision on who our president should be, but our educators and our media don’t lead us in that direction so we pay zero attention to who we’re electing to make this decision.

If you want to argue that the Electoral College should be abolished, that’s a legitimate conversation to have. It’s totally irrelevant to our current situation, though. Our current situation is that the president-elect is apparently beholden to a foreign power that intervened in our election to damage his opponent and is now getting their clear reward which is as plain as day in the appointments Trump is making to lead our foreign policy.

The Electors were created to prevent exactly this situation from happening.

End of story.

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