Pro-Trump Trolls Target Dan Goldstein After ‘Infamous’ JetBlue Face-Off With Ivanka | The Forward |
“Do we have to #boycottJetBlue now?,” @Crazy_commuter wrote on Twitter.
“#MattLasner and #DanGoldstein should be immediately placed on the Homeland Security #NoFlyList,” wrote the Twitter user DeplorableBear.
Many of the online critics saw the interaction as part of a fraught culture war.
“This is the true nature of the #Democrat party, evil and irrational. This is the ‘tolerance’ #liberal ideology believes in, narrow minded and fanatic,” Shkolnikova wrote.
“Two liberal thugs harassing Ivanka and her kids on JetBlue,” a Twitter Bertha#MAGA asessed.
On Facebook, a user with the name Yekaterina Edrich Shkolnikova posted an image of the two men with the text: “The 2 men who verbally assaulted Ivanka Trump both live in Brooklyn. Make them infamous!!!”
“Attacking Ivanka Trump,” DeployableNY4Trump posted on Facebook in a hastily assembled meme of the two men. “What is wrong with you?”
On the “alt-right” Reddit thread, users called the two men a “Jewish gay couple,” and debated the genetics and typical “Jewish traits.” “Lmao, a Jewish gay couple, it doesn’t get more degenerate,” the user Pict455 wrote.
But the same user also pointed out that Trump herself is Jewish and married a Jewish man.
This is all useless distraction while a quarter-century of hard-won public assets and social welfare are about to be dismantled and sold for parts.
This is all part of the social pendulum, Oui. It never fails. Back and forth it swings, from one extreme to the other.
What drives it? Evolution drives it. Evolution will try anything. When whatever it is trying works, it continues in that direction. When things go too far and stop working, it starts to go the other way.
Apparently we went too far to the left. Now it is swinging back to the right. SEventually that motion will get too extreme and the pendulum will once again reverse. On some levels that kind of correction can be very subtle. On other levels it takes a world war. We shall see soon enough what the next correction brings.
Trump’s role in this already over-correcting, in my opinion. The pendulum effect is about to start in the opposite direction, one way or another. Let us pray that it is a relatively peaceful movement.
P.S. Happy Winter Solstice.
The light begins to return and darkness begins to recede.
Another pendulum movement.
Long term or short, it all follows the same laws.