Progress Pond

Part 1: Putin’s Response to the Color Revolutions of Regime Change

Closest US Allies

Used by the Pentagon and CIA to provoke the Russian Bear … some Eastern European countries install alt-Right wing leaders:

Romanian PM to ‘press ahead’ with corruption decrees as protests grow | The Guardian – January 2017 |

Romania’s prime minister has refused to repeal decrees that critics say will free corrupt officials from jail early and shield others from conviction, despite international condemnation and the biggest popular protests since the fall of communism.

“We took a decision in the government and we are going to press ahead,” Sorin Grindeanu said after a meeting of his ruling leftwing Social Democrats (PSD). The party leader, Liviu Dragnea, blamed an “ongoing campaign of lies and disinformation” for opposition to the decrees.

“The PSD won elections [in December] with a huge vote. The government’s power is legitimate,” Dragnea said, labelling the centre-right president, Klaus Iohannis, the “moral author of last night’s violence”.

Iohannis has threatened to take the ordinance to the constitutional court, the last legal resort to stop the emergency decrees passing into law. He said on Thursday he was “impressed” by the protests, adding that Romanians had “clearly what they want: the rule of law”.

The European commission vice-president, Frans Timmermans, urged the government to “urgently reconsider”, saying that Romania’s EU funding could be at risk.

In a separate statement, the US, Germany, Canada, Finland, the Netherlands and France said the government had undermined “progress on rule of law and the fight against corruption over the past 10 years”.

Clashes broke out in Bucharest after hundreds of thousands demonstrated across Romania in a second night of protests. Bottles and firecrackers were hurled at police in the capital, who responded with teargas. Twenty people were arrested and eight injured, authorities said.

In the largest demonstrations since the fall of communist dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu in 1989, up to 300,000 people braved subzero temperatures to participate in protests across 50 towns and cities, including 150,000 in the capital. There were shouts of “Thieves” and calls for politicians to be locked up.

On Tuesday night the government passed an emergency ordinance that would, among other things, decriminalise cases of official misconduct in which the financial damage is less than 200,000 lei (£38,000). The decree is due to take effect in a little over a week.

Romania: government retracts controversial decree after protests

Same for Georgia under Saakashvili [resigned as governor of Odessa, Ukraine recently – Oui], as professor in the US seeking asylum, and Ukraine under and Poroshenko

Saakashvili bowing out as Georgian president, here seen under protection of corrupt EC president Jose Manuel Barroso
[four partite Azores meeting with George Bush at the onset of the Iraq War in March 2013]  

    Bush praises Georgian democracy | BBC News – May 2005 |

    Georgia is a “beacon of liberty for the region and the world”, US President George W Bush has told a cheering crowd in the former Soviet republic. Georgia’s peaceful Rose Revolution set an example for others, including Ukraine, Iraq and Lebanon, he said.

    Mr Bush spoke in Tbilisi’s Freedom Square – the place where Georgians celebrated ousting the old regime. His trip to Georgia, the first by a US leader, gave new support to Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili.

Countermoves by Russia seen in Georgia in 2008, in Syria from Sept. 2015 and currently in Libya … establishing satellite states in the circumference. Similar bonding with Serbia and Greece … serving self-interest.

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