Just entertain the idea of a double safety or security for White House decisions on behalf of our national interests: two competing NSCs. Obama liked the idea of a debate between opposition groups before he made a decision, or postponed the discussion to a next gathering of people.

and …

President Donald Trump and his Melanie will entertain Binyamin and Sara Netanyahu … a lot to chat about as both parties represent the fascist right-wing of their respective parties.  Both are embroiled in party turmoil and facing investigation accused of bribery, treason and corruption.

Headless meetings: As Netanyahu, Trump meet, neither has a national security chief | JPost |

Democracy at its best, are there any heroes to appeal for the youngest generation? I don’t think so as their popularity and approval rating are at sub-zero levels. In Wall Street terms, under water.

Of course, when Palestinians are discussed, Israel envoy Dennis Ross (hired by HRC) is never far away.

Last feats of failed foreign policy during his period of a lame presidency …
Pleasing the extreme right-wingers in US Congress. Why?

    Today, I have ordered a number of actions in response to the Russian government’s aggressive harassment of U.S. officials and cyber operations aimed at the U.S. election. These actions follow repeated private and public warnings that we have issued to the Russian government, and are a necessary and appropriate response to efforts to harm U.S. interests in violation of established international norms of behavior.

    All Americans should be alarmed by Russia’s actions. In October, my Administration publicized our assessment that Russia took actions intended to interfere with the U.S. election process.  These data theft and disclosure activities could only have been directed by the highest levels of the Russian government. Moreover, our diplomats have experienced an unacceptable level of harassment in Moscow by Russian security services and police over the last year.  Such activities have consequences.

I would not have evicted diplomats as the DNC security breach was due to stupidity after repeated warnings by the FBI.

Here is what the US NATO aggressor the Atlantic Council thinks about Middle-East and Russian policy during the Obama administration …

The Atlantic Council take on Syria where Russian intervention ended the bloodshed. The main Russian campaign in Syria ran for almost six months, from September 30, 2015 to March 14, 2016. The US show lasted four and a half years and caused nearly 400,000 deaths in Syria, savagry from all sides by hundreds of militant groups armed and funded in a proxy war. The Neocon plan for the Middle-East coming to fruition.

PS Just laughable, USAID funded Bellingcat founder Elliot Higgins is performing his act for this so-called “think-tank” … furthering propaganda and fake news. Do I see a Buk missile traveling on a lorrie through eastern Ukraine? Just Call Us!

PS Frederic Hof with strong feelings to avenge one single murder of a friend in Lebanon by Iranian backed militants.

    “There was a degree of idealism in my quest, born in the brain of an American teenager many years before. But there was another personal element as well. Long before Hezbollah murdered Mr. Lebanon–Prime Minister Rafik Hariri–in 2005, it had brutally and pathologically tortured to death a friend of mine serving as an unarmed United Nations observer, Marine Lt. Col. Rich Higgins.” [Source: Politico]

Quid Pro Quo: UN Observer Rich Higgins was captured and killed in reprisal to Israel’s assassination of Abu Jihad in a raid on Tunisia.

US Assails PLO Aide’s Killing As ‘Act of Political Assassination’ | NY Times – April 19, 1988 |

    A Beirut radio station reported today that Colonel Higgins had been “killed and buried by his captors” early this month in Siddiqin, a village near Tyre in southern Lebanon. United Nations officials said they had heard nothing to confirm the report by the Christian-controlled Voice of Lebanon radio. A clandestine group believed to be made up of pro-Iranian Moslem fundamentalists claims to be holding Colonel Higgins.

DoD General Counsel Judith A. Miller initially blocked the award in 1998 based on the claim that “circumstances do not appear to meet the criteria established by Congress for award of the Prisoner of War Medal.”

The Hezbollah military leader Imad Mughniyeh met his fate in a joint US/Israeli assassination in Damascus, Syria, in 2008. His son Jihad was slain by an IAF Apache helicopter near Quneitra killing six, including Iranian General Mohammad Ali Allahdadi – Jan. 19, 2015.

Btw – it was Israel’s Unit 8200 (NSA partner in crime) that produced the “Intercept” pointing fingers at Syrian generals to blame for the “false flag” chemical attack on a Damascus suburb in August 2013 to drag the Obama administration into a deeper quagmire of the sectarian/civil war in Syria. I applaud president Obama for that single wise decision not to destroy the SAA on behalf of Qatar, KSA, Turkey and presumably Israel. Regime change by any means. The pundits to the right and left don’t agree with my opinion and blame Obama for not holding firm to his stated “red line”.

World’s Nr. 1 Despot Running Amok and Unchecked by Oui @BooMan on Aug. 27, 2013
Israel’s Ya’alon advocates use of Sunni proxies to fight ISIS and Iran