Bannon Loses National Security Council Role in Trump Shakeup

There’s not much more to say, is there? The PermaGov and its media is taking Trump down, piece by piece. Booman sums up the system at work today in his article Trump is Failing for Same Reason That Boehner Failed, although his title is not necessarily accurate in this regard.

In truth, however, almost no Washington Republicans voted for Trump in the primaries. The elite conservative intelligentsia never saw Trump as fit for office, nor did they see him as an ideologically acceptable conservative.


Most of them did not want Trump to win and were relieved that the polls indicated that he had no chance to win.



And further…when they finally realized that he had won, they immediately allied with the Dems in a bipartisan, no-holds-barred death match to get him impeached, force him to resign or at the very least make it impossible for him to do a goddamned thing of any consequence while in office.

Both sides have been snip/snip, clip/clip, drip/drip/dripping away for all they’re worth, just like a bunch of hairdressers getting Melania ready for her minute in the spotlight, hypnotically fixed and/or surgically implanted snile-smile and all.

As a direct result of their efforts, Trump is getting progressively smaller and smailer in the eyes of the citizenry/media-hypnotized population.

Bannon’s just the latest wrinkle to get botoxed.

            Geez, Martha!!!

Maybe he’s not so hot after all!!!

By the time these pros are finished with him, Trump’s little hands will dwarf what’s left of the rest of him.


                              I’m SHRIIIINKING!!!!



P.S. Of course…then we’ll be in the other plot…errr, ahhh, I mean “pot.”

Neoliberalism, RatPublican-style.

Out of the leaky, cheap new pot and back into the good old, cast-iron PermaPot.


            So much better, Martha!!!

