Bannon Loses National Security Council Role in Trump Shakeup
There’s not much more to say, is there? The PermaGov and its media is taking Trump down, piece by piece. Booman sums up the system at work today in his article Trump is Failing for Same Reason That Boehner Failed, although his title is not necessarily accurate in this regard.
In truth, however, almost no Washington Republicans voted for Trump in the primaries. The elite conservative intelligentsia never saw Trump as fit for office, nor did they see him as an ideologically acceptable conservative.
Most of them did not want Trump to win and were relieved that the polls indicated that he had no chance to win.
And further…when they finally realized that he had won, they immediately allied with the Dems in a bipartisan, no-holds-barred death match to get him impeached, force him to resign or at the very least make it impossible for him to do a goddamned thing of any consequence while in office.
Both sides have been snip/snip, clip/clip, drip/drip/dripping away for all they’re worth, just like a bunch of hairdressers getting Melania ready for her minute in the spotlight, hypnotically fixed and/or surgically implanted snile-smile and all.
As a direct result of their efforts, Trump is getting progressively smaller and smailer in the eyes of the citizenry/media-hypnotized population.
Bannon’s just the latest wrinkle to get botoxed.
Geez, Martha!!!
Maybe he’s not so hot after all!!!
By the time these pros are finished with him, Trump’s little hands will dwarf what’s left of the rest of him.
P.S. Of course…then we’ll be in the other plot…errr, ahhh, I mean “pot.”
Neoliberalism, RatPublican-style.
Out of the leaky, cheap new pot and back into the good old, cast-iron PermaPot.
So much better, Martha!!!
National Security Presidential Memorandum – 2 (January 28, 2017) is herewith revoked.
Bit by bit, voter by voter…
They are taking him down.
These are pros, Oui.
They blew it the first time with Trump…or maybe their bosses thought that he was such a clown they didn’t need to take him down; he’d pratfall all by himself.
But he didn’t.
Now they’re up to bat a second time.
They mean business, now.
Make way for President Pence. Or maybe Ryan.
I am not sure that they will be able to “get rid” of Trump. He’s too stubborn/too proud to resign, and impeachment is a long and messy business fraught with all kinds of potential potholes. What I am fairly sure that they can do is make it impossible for him to get most of his programs passed. It might eventually come down to presidential vetoes and congressional overrides. A consistent few of those and he’d be painted into a corner from which he could not escape.
And of course…all of this is dependent on not going onto a true war footing. Seriously confronting Russia on its borders and/or N. Korea (and possibly even China) in the Pacific…both of which seem quite possible with Trump and his generals…and the whole thing could go topsy-turvy in an instant.
Stay tuned.
Yogi Berra knew:
A .300 boattail from a “Lone Gunman” solves all those problems.
Too obvious.
And too risky.
They could get away with wet work in the ’60s…before the info revolution destroyed our gullible innocence.
We don’t believe anything anymore, most of us.
I suppose in a a PostFactual world like this current one they might think that they can get away with it again simply because the furor around the act would raise so much dust that nothing could be “proven.”
We shall see.
There is still a lot of ground to cover, but of one thing we can be quite sure:
Risk vs reward. What if the Lone Gunman is from some group they want to demonize? A Muslim? An illegal immigrant? A Democrat? All of the above?
I repeat:
In a PostFactual world, how many people will now believe them?
Not enough, I’m thinking.
Way back in the assassination years, the initial reaction of most of the country was shock followed by outrage at “The nasty sons of bitches who did this!!!”
Too many proven lies under the bridge.
Way too many.
It won’t work anymore.
I think it will. No one ever went broke underestimating the gullibility of the American people.
Especially if the MSM screams out the party line every two minutes.
How many people believe that Jesus rode a dinosaur? I met one of them. He seemed otherwise sane.
How many people think it’s a sin to eat a cheeseburger? If you add orthodox Jews to Hindus you’ll probably get a big number.
Ya think a limping Trump into 2018 and 2020 would be good for the PermaGov, do ya?
Watch for primaries in the Republican party to restore “moderation” or however they will spin corporate Republicans. “Business-oriented” is a perennial touchstone. “Orderly”. Maybe even “Sane government in Washington” contrasting Trump’s behavior and the Democrats’ Russia fixation with their own “probity”. Sober as a Republican judge (heh).
So who would be the targets of such primaries?
And look for Democrats fielding candidates against Bernie in Vermont.
Or is that not the consequences of your insight.
Yes, I think AG is over-reading and misreading all of this.
Now granted we’ve never seen as much of an outsider and unqualified boob winning with the EC but losing with the national popular vote move into the WH, we have seen variations on this story before. The “outsider” moves in with his loyal inexperienced entourage and the “insiders” begin attacking and bloodying up the guy (no gals so far). The guy then begins shuffling staff and bringing in more of those to the liking of whichever entity faction that’s causing him the most grief. That can be intraparty (Reagan) or interparty (Clinton). (Obama avoided that with his interparty cabinet.) The opposition party fuels the emotions of its voter base with visions of impeachment, but that’s more positioning than realistic intent in the early going.
The equation and moves by political elites is very different when an intraparty split exists in addition to opposition from the opposing party. More different when the latter is noisy and weak. This condition hasn’t been seen for at least more than a hundred years if ever. So, anyone that thinks they know how this will turn out is guessing no better than a dart throwing monkey can do.
AG, as you predicted …
○ Who Is REALLY In Charge? A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words
○ Double Jeopardy :: Turmoil In Trump’s National Security Council by Oui @BooMan on Feb. 15, 2017
Thank you, Oui. I guess I’ve been hired to fill the Nostradamus Chair on his site since way back in 2016.
Predicting the future is relatively easy.
All you need to be able do is to look at the present with objective eyes. I am allied with no existing sides save maybe the Survival and Continued Evolution of Life on Earth Party…and some days I’m not even entirely sure that that is necessarily such a good idea…so it’s pretty easy to read what’s happening.
It’s getting other people to believe you that’s hard.
Nostradamus succeeded by being vague enough to bear widely diverse multiple readings of what he said. (Like a few holy books I know of.)
You don’t seem to have the same talent for vagueness, AG. 🙂
However, if Nostradamus really existed and was truly a prophet…unlikely on at least one count given the standing evidence, but the centuries have a way “vagueing things up”…I’d betcha that should he be living now, he’d say something like this:
P.S. Come to think of it…and I am quite serious here…he looks a great deal like one of my earliest known ancestors, Pietro Cesare Alberti (1608 – 1655), the first Italian to settle in New Amsterdam.
Never noticed it before.
In that case…Sha-ZAMM!!!
Yer all awakened from your media-induced stupors!!!
(Did it work? Get back to me, please…)
“As a direct result of their efforts, Trump is getting progressively smaller and smailer in the eyes of the citizenry/media-hypnotized population.”
This tells me that Trump will probably not be able to save Bill-O, although he’s trying. Another clue: When pulls their advertising from The Factor, O’Reilly is in trouble. O’Reilly’s audience includes a lot of older people and they have the time to do genealogy. Their DNA product is inexpensive and very popular. Even my right-wing uncle, who always recommends that I watch O’Reilly, bought the DNA kit.
Trump’s similarity in style to shock-jockery just might bring down them all as he goes down. We’ve needed a good storm to clear the infosphere. Radio might go back to rock music (heh).