LOL. Mitch McConnell is hilarious:
“I’m hoping that, after this two-week break, people are going to be in a more friendly mood,” he said in an interview Friday, noting that Democrats used fewer delay tactics on Gorsuch than some Cabinet selections early this year. “Most of the things that we’ll be doing the rest of the year, they’ll have to play a major role.”
The only major role the Democrats will play after all of Trump’s insults and the whole Garland/Gorsuch theft is in telling the GOP to stick it where the sun don’t shine.
Damn, I wish Joseph Lieberman were still in the Senate to promote bipartisanship.
I heard a political scientist interviewed on NPR recently on the topic of polarization in democracies. Her points of comparison were Hungary, Venezuela, and Turkey, all pretty grim cases. The story may be heard here.
Thanks for this.
The GOP started this with Reagan but really intensified it with Gingrich and Delay. The same total obstructionism with McConnell/Ryan. The Democrats have no room other than complete surrender to ultra-reactionary policies and laws with the Neo-Confederacy. The GOP forced the partisanship not the Democrats. That’s where we’re here. It’s really up to that remaining part of the US that bothers to vote to change all this.
That’s pretty much the size of it.
The operative question is, how do we get people to see it this way?
Esp Tom Delay. He kicked over the game board.
Gingrich was a more conventional thinker.
There’s only way to change all this and that is to get the ruling elites to fear something enough to overcome their greed and power lust.
Could he possibly be more delusional about the impact of his own conduct? Or is this just more cynical gaslighting, Mitch McConnell style?
Either way, Fuck You Mitch. You can’t un-cross the Rubicon.
There’s no way he’s oblivious to this. The Trump supporters on my FB feed are willfully oblivious. McConnell is, according to Rachel, just an extraordinarily effective pure Congressional political operative. I think I despise him more because the damage he has wrought is so great. If this were a just country with a truly neutral press, he’d long since been laughed off cable tv and the Sunday morning talk shows.
Democrats will eat it up. Three Democrats voted for Gorsuch. They should be kicked out of the caucus. Instead the DSCC will send them money.
How long did Democrats “save their fire” by not demanding 60 votes? This was what they were saving fire for? What a farce of a party! No wonder people vote for real republicans instead of these spineless pseudo-Republicans who serve the same Wall Street masters.
What are you even talking about? You’re just blinded by anti-Democratic rage and can’t even type coherently. 60 votes were demanded, McConnell changed the rules. They had 52 votes, didn’t matter how many Dems after that.
Yeah let’s just kick them out of the Caucus so Republicans have 60 votes come 2019. Good plan. So wise.
Republicans having 60 votes in 2019 IS his plan.
What do you think the answer to this question is?
Hint- Remember executive branch positions and lower court appointments can’t be filibustered, nor can rules changes passed under the CRA. I might be off on this but after a cursory review, as far as I can tell the Gorsuch nomination is the very first senate action the Democrats can filibuster. If I’m wrong I’m sure you’ll be happy to help me out.
s/he’d have to be informed enough to know you were wrong, . . . if you were. (So smart bet is: “That ain’t happnin'”.)
Sorry, forgot the sarcasm tag.
Translation – McConnell knows he needs democratic votes to raise the debt ceiling.
A part of me wants all democrats to just leave D.C. and let the republicans truly own all of this.
“I’m hoping that, after this two-week break, people are going to be in a more friendly mood,” he said in an interview Friday, noting that Democrats used fewer delay tactics on Gorsuch than some Cabinet selections early this year. “Most of the things that we’ll be doing the rest of the year, they’ll have to play a major role.”
which means:
“I haven’t spent the last thirty years building an evil empire just to have some numbnut president blow everything up, so after this two week break, I expect the simpering Democrat party to stop fighting me and do whatever I command.”
What I would like to hear in reply;
“Fuck you, you turtle-headed bastard.”
IMO Mitch McConnell is a relentless conniver. I think oppo to campaign finance reform re-made the man or brought out that side of him. And look where we are now. Citizens United.
And I don’t think Elaine Chao is any slouch, either. Maybe she is his genius??? I don’t expect her infrastructure initiative to be any amateur production. We will see.
Yeah, right.
You are really quoting Matty?
We will see.
As opposed to asserting McConnell’s spouse is the secret sauce that will craft and see passed a brilliant trillion dollar infrastructure bill (that she’s not, according to Trump, a part of crafting)? I’ll take MattY’s quoting Trump’s own words over your speculation.
Any day now the Trump administration is going to reveal the hidden depths of competency and talent they’ve been keeping in reserve.
When the Hill wanted an update, why did they interview Ms Chao? Why didn’t Matty? He mailed it in to conform to everyone’s prejudices.
She is an impressive bureaucrat. Who is aware of deadlines. Dems ought to send some staff over to her to train.
You didn’t read the article, huh?
Nah, that would conflict with the bias. Matt Yglesias is a neoliberal and therefore nothing he writes can ever be trusted. Also, Democrats suck.
Actually I did. Neither Trump nor Matty mentioned Chao.
Expected that from the prima donna. Come to think of it, expected that from “wrong-again” Matty, too.
Yes. Trump didn’t mention Chao. Exactly. That is the point. He did, however, mention the people he was putting in charge of his infrastructure plan:
In a sick, perverse way You have to admire the combination of no shame and complete immorality that he represents.
He’s a complete POS but he definitely has some skillz. Singleminded servitude to money and power that brings more money while pretending to be a human being. Ryan was showing some capabilities too, until the marathon, fourteener gratutitous lies were exposed and then the keg talk about murdering Medicaid people came out. But the Turtle is really a unique talent of evil, chutzpah, misdirection, and concern trolling while never losing focus even when his own party is running off the rails