You heard all this shit here, months before it showed up all over your news feeds. But they still don’t get what to do about it which is why I just took more than a week off from blogging to research and write about it.
My non-vacation vacation ends tomorrow and I’ll try to get back in the swing of blogging. If you appreciate my ahead-of-the-curve analysis, please consider making a donation toward the upkeep of the Frog Pond.
Look forward to reading your insights.
Just donated. Looking forward to the analysis, and thanks for all your hard work as always.
Great Insight?
Both linked articles don’t impress for its analysis. Looking backward can’t be as astute as predicting beforehand the weakness in the Democratic campaign. From a landslide strategy to defeat. Enough said!
First link, from Kaine’s Virginia visit:
○ Longtime Roanoke journalist shares in Pulitzer Prize
It shouldn’t take six months to figure out what was obvious to me the second the the AP was done updating their country-level election sites. But, mostly, people are afraid to say shit that is going to be as welcome as a turd in the punchbowl.
Sending some small change your way.
Need perseverence and wisdom to bring back sanity to US leaders in Washington DC. Best to start in local and state elections.
Currency in the EU () was hit by the rising $ after Trump’s election. Wall Street seems to get some doubts about Trump and his mismanagements, present peak could come before the fall.
After Brexit, London financials and the £ got hit in value. This led to a rush of foreign capital in the real estate markt from overseas, especially the Gulf States and China to London. Housing and rentals offer a more lucrative place to invest, while Trump is loud mouthing foreign policy [lack of] ruffling Chinese feathers in the Asean Pacific.
So what have you been working on? And in what form will it appear? I remember you saying it was bigger than a blog post.
I, too, would be very interested in your response to this. I know one thing for sure;I hope you plot a path forward for Democrats, cause I CANNOT handle many more press briefings from the likes of Paul Ryan saying this on my TV this morning:
“In our proposed budget there are ONLY new monies for defense;no new domestic spending, an offset that Obama would have proposed. The first role of the Federal government is for national defense, etc……. ” Something to that effect. I guess providing for the general welfare doesn’t fall in his universe of priorities, but then we knew that didn’t we?
While I am sick of seeing Trump on T, at least I can mock and laugh. Ryan is neither entertaining nor appealing. He just embodies the worst policies of the GOP. Perhaps it’s good to put those on display, but then their base, and I know lots and are related to lots, honestly have become convinced that helping people who need it is simply not authorized in the constitution. All guns, no butter.
I should have made clear that I too, like Scott, was interested in Boo’s response.
TPM about to jump on the anti-monopoly bandwagon.