WAPO (Once again w/no paywall. Gotta disseminate that disinfo, right? Gotta reach out to all the suckers!!!)

`I would be your president:’ Clinton blames Russia, FBI chief for 2016 election loss

Hillary Clinton emerged from political hibernation Tuesday by declaring herself “part of the resistance” to Donald Trump’s presidency — and spreading blame for why it is not her sitting in the Oval Office.

Making a rare public appearance, Clinton attributed her surprise loss in the 2016 election to interference by Russian hackers and the actions of FBI Director James B. Comey in the campaign’s home stretch.

 “If the election had been on October 27, I would be your president.”


Jesus save us!!!

HRC’s “Deplorables” speech. Sept. 10, 2016. Roughly 1.5 months before her preferred date of 10/27/16.

NEW YORK, Sept. 10 (UPI) — Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, speaking to wealthy donors at a fundraising event open to the press, said half of Donald Trump supporters are in “the basket of deplorables,” people who are racist, xenophobic, homophobic and misogynistic, a comment she later said she regretted.

The comment drew a sharp rebuke from the Trump campaign, which demanded an apology for disparaging millions of Americans.

Clinton, speaking to donors in New York, said: “To just be grossly generalistic, you can put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the ‘basket of deplorables,'” Clinton said. “Unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”


Actually…i agree with her.

If the FBI and the Russians hadn’t hacked her brain that night, she would never have said that awful, self-defeating thing.

I mean…it had to be some kind of outside interference, right?

I mean, she’d never…even at her most self-congratulatory, hubris-loaded, entitlement-poisoned worst…ever say something that bone-headed.



In fact…those dastardly FBIs and Russkies must’ve hacked her brain much earlier than Fall, 2016.


Like this one from 2013:

Hillary: You Need A `Public’ And `Private’ Position On Every Issue

During a private 2013 speech to the National Multifamily Housing Council (NMHC), Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton emphasized the importance of holding two positions on political issues — a “public” one and a separate “private” one.

Clinton’s speech to the NMHC, a trade organization representing apartment building owners and developers, was one of many private speeches she gave which she refused to release the transcripts of despite heavy pressure from Sen. Bernie Sanders and Republican nominee Donald Trump. Excerpts from those speeches were released Friday as part of a larger leak of over 2,000 emails to Clinton campaign manager John Podesta.

In the speech, Clinton talked about how the horse-trading of politics looks bad to the public, necessitating the creation of a separate public position that doesn’t reflect one’s actual views.


Give me a break, Hillary!!!

You were a lousy candidate representing a lousy DNC/centrist/globalist/multinational/corporatist set of interests. And you loast to an amateur with attitude.

Go back to Chappaqua and do whatever you do that’s not in public sight.

                      Yer OUTTA here!!!