Preet Bharara is the inspiration for the character played by Paul Giamatti on Showtime‘s hit program Billions. I’m not sure how he feels about that since the portrayal isn’t entirely sympathetic, but it’s an indication of Bharara’s reputation in certain powerful circles, as well as of the importance of the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York. As the show indicates, the Southern District covers Wall Street, and investigating the richest people in America for possible indictment is not a job for the weak kneed.
After coming into office, Trump quickly asked for the resignations of the currently serving U.S. Attorneys, but he made an exception in Bharara’s case. He explicitly asked Bharara to stay on, which may have been an acknowledgement of his reputation or simply admiration for his status as a fellow celebrity. I don’t know.
What was more significant was that the president quickly changed his mind and fired Bharara, and that this decision came at a time when rumors were circling that Bharara might be investigating him or his cabinet.
At first, Bharara expressed his astonishment and displeasure but was fairly muted about it. That’s changing now.
Over the weekend, he had a piece published in the Washington Post that called for “a truly bipartisan investigation in Congress” of Russian interference in our election. It also called for “an independent and uncompromised special counsel to oversee the Russia investigation.”
And then today, Bharara took to Twitter to comment on rumors that Trump is thinking about firing a bunch of his senior staff.
What if instead his senior staff considered shaking up President Trump?
— Preet Bharara (@PreetBharara) May 15, 2017
That could be an oblique reference to Section 4 of the 25th Amendment, which provides:
Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.
Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that no inability exists, he shall resume the powers and duties of his office unless the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive department or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit within four days to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty-eight hours for that purpose if not in session. If the Congress, within twenty-one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session, within twenty-one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two-thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President; otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and duties of his office.
Maybe Preet Bharara is just snarking on Twitter, but he knows more about Trump’s vulnerabilities than pretty much anyone outside of the FBI’s investigative team, and he’s decided that something needs to be done to rein in the president, which is clear from his essay in the Post where he asks if there are still public servants who will say no to the president.
Of course, it’s speculative, but there seems to be a somewhat formless consensus forming that things are coming to a head with the FBI investigation. The firing of Comey was one indication. Comments coming from people like Joe Scarborough who claims to have sources at the Bureau are another.
Scarborough said he’s heard from FBI sources that the investigation had gathered steam in recent weeks, and he said Comey was fired in response to that development.
“They have already found the string and they are pulling on it, based on my contacts inside the FBI and they are starting to tug on that string, and they are going to keep tugging, keeping going, and it’s accelerated because of the way he fired Comey, and he knows it,” Scarborough said.
I’m not sure that anyone knows quite what to do with the reporting of Louise Mensch and Claude Taylor, but they’ve been ahead of the curve on the investigation at times, and they’re either getting some very bad information, they’ve lost their minds, or they’re ahead of the curve again:
Separate sources with links to the intelligence and justice communities have stated that a sealed indictment has been granted against Donald Trump.
While it is understood that the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution means that, until Mr. Trump is impeached, he cannot be prosecuted, sources say that the indictment is intended by the FBI and prosecutors in the Justice Department to form the basis of Mr. Trump’s impeachment. The indictment is, perhaps uniquely, not intended or expected to be used for prosecution, sources say, because of the constitutional position of the President.
That’s the entirely of their report, the brevity of which they justified by saying that in contains only that which was agreed on by both of their sources. They’re pretty far out on a limb with that “bombshell,” but it can’t be dismissed out of hand when there are several other pieces of the puzzle that seem to fit in with the idea that a noose is closing on the president.
The 25th Amendment is one way, short of impeachment, for Trump to be removed from power. Bharara, it seems to me, is saying that it should be considered. Why is he saying that now? Is it only because Comey was fired or because he has some insight into where the FBI is with their investigation?
I’m a bit slow, but I still don’t understand the mechanism of enforcement. If Section 4 requires the VP and a majority of principal appointees to turn against the Republican President, that’s a flat impossibility. If impeachment requires a majority of the House and a a two-thirds majority in the Senate, that is equally inconceivable.
Even if some Whitey tape comes out, who cares? So he pays hookers to pee on each other while he actively plots with Putin to reveal CIA assets. So what? First, it’s a lie. Second, it’s doctored. Third, everyone does it. Fourth, so what? Fifth, fuck you libtard.
I think I addressed this reaction in my post on Sunday about learned helplessness, apathy, cynicism, and ultimately nihilism.
To me, talk of impeachment promotes helplessness, because it’s out of our hands. We have to depend on the kindness of monsters. I’d rather hear about things we can do.
well said by Charles Blow at the NYT
Gotta take it one Friedman Unit at a time!
back on the Friedman units are we? that’s good news [I guess]
Democrats and patriots need to paralyze Congress and the Presidency anyway they can in order to prevent any further destruction. If the Presidency is effectively paralyzed maybe, just maybe Trump will resign voluntarily out of frustration (at which point he can be indicted for high treason). But expecting the GOP Congress to be patriotic and responsible is simply laughable.
They’re already doing about all they can. In the House they can’t do anything unless the Republicans split. In the Senate they can block a lot – except that the Republicans can change the rules at any time, which they did when the Democrats tried blocking committee hearings. The Democrats managed to get a status quo budget passed, which is pretty impressive given their minority status in all branches.
That is my view – if the investigation finds something it finds something – but it’s not something that we can organize around.
There are major battles on policy to be fought in the meantime.
I’m not betting that any investigation would uncover proof of collusion with Russia.
But, it really doesn’t matter. People are motivated and angry… and they’re angry at the right people this time.
The left has no policy agenda to organize around. So we’re left with Trump. That’s what folks are organizing around. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t.
It depends on what you call “proof,” ishmael2. “Proof” can be manufactured and sold just like anything else. We are living in a postfactual universe now. never forget that. “Proof” is what happens…what the Empire says happened.
Never forget this.
This isn’t an either/or situation. We little people can continue to be activists, shout, push & prod while any number of investigations slog along. The less we look for silver bullets and the more we march & knock on doors the sooner we’ll get somewhere.
The leadership however, with their control of resources and airtime, tends to look for silver bullets.
That’s what I find most concerning. That in the public’s mind Democrats get associated solely with trying to investigate Trump and from their it’s a short lazy step to turn that into “baseless political GOP investigations, baseless political Dem investigations.”
Yes we can do both, but we need our office holders to do both.
some good coverage of this at dkos
(as opposed to some other not so good coverage there)
that writer seems sure that the “supremacy clause” reference is wrong, although that doesn’t mean there’s no indictment.
There is a mention of Preet Bharara in this link, that I posted in an earlier thread.
“Eric Schneiderman”
NY Attorney General is well positioned to look at things like laundering Russian mob money, for various reasons, even without Trump Tower being in NYC, etc.
There’s also a story out about this guy’s successor “settling” some Russian money laundering case today, so perhaps Bharara will be asked to comment on this, too. It seems clear that Der Trumper’s fine “bizness” largely involved dealings with Russian mobsters and money laundering. But the incompetent white electorate was told this before the election. etc, etc.
Der Trumper’s very bad week began with our being told by Trumper (and/or his DOJ stooge) that Comey’s 2016 election tampering was clearly improper and against numerous agency guidelines. If that’s the case, the polls at the time clearly demonstrate the (now admitted) impropriety was decisive, and thus Trumper/Pence’s popular vote-losing election was illegitimate. Alternatively the only feasible reason for the firing is that Trumper fears an objective FBI investigation into the campaign’s idiotic collusion with Putin.
It was clear that Trumper would be the greatest lawbreaking prez in history, although one really could not have imagined weekly admissions of lawbreaking by the crazed CEO of AmeriFail, Inc.
Bharara’s WAPO post called for:
Sounds to me like he’s either hustling for the gig or he’s already got it.
And yes…Mensch and Taylor have been way way “aherad of the curve.” The questions remain…is this “curve” really a total curveball thrown by PermaGov interests…something they are making up as they go along? Is the info actually true or is it being blown up way past its true importance?
P.S., Always remember…the snitch who laid on the yellowcake routine during the runup to the Iraq disaster? His codename?
Those spooks are so witty!!!
What fun!!!
Bharara is just poking the bear like the missile NK just shot off. I think Bharara knows that the charges are a straight up RICO as someone has agreed to testify against the donald.
I’ve always believed there were two separate criminal enterprises involved: 1) longstanding money laundering with the Russians through the Donald’s failing enterprises and 2) the Russian hacking interference quid pro quo for sanctions relief and general anti-Clinton hackery. The latter was organized by Sessions and maybe Manafort and a lot of other protectors, amongst them Giuliani and Pence.
Number 2 should be what the trump transition team did. Did they tell the Russians about new Russian sanctions before the donald took oath of office? That info was top top secret before it was revealed by President Obama. So just what has Flynn been telling everyone he spoke to the Russians about….
interesting that Pence is deeply involved, so when impeachment happens we aren’t going to end up with president Pence.
I’m not sure that anyone knows quite what to do with the reporting of Louise Mensch and Claude Taylor, …
Ignore them? They got something drastically wrong late this past week. I mean simple stuff but I expect nothing less from them. I don’t know why supposed liberals hopped on the Mensch bandwagon. She’s the British Sarah Palin, seriously. At least the nearest thing they have to one. And we know liberals wouldn’t believe a word Palin says.
By now we all know that Trump has released highly classified information to the Russians in his meeting at the Oval Office. But of course it was harmless, Amirite?
Just a little mir-i-druzhba action between our two great peoples, fraternal expressions of cooperation, that kind of stuff, I am sure.
Why are people so dead-set on better US-Russia ties? We need their cooperation on so many key progressive issues: peace in Syria, the Iran deal. global warming, keeping Mrs. Clinton out of the White House…
~Richard Engel
What a fucking idiot.
He has shut down one of his critics by giving Mrs McCabe the embassy in the Vatican.
I read that “helmet head” aka Callista Gingrich is the nominee.
RM said a moment ago that Putn asked Trump for that meeting in the Oval Office .
Heard on Morning Joe today. Trump has the right to declassify anything he wants. But this could violate his oath of office. Impeach this clown before he does more damage.
I appreciate a good narrative and the Russia angle and Trump’s personal corruption are great narratives.
Still, impeachment or the 25th amendment option are pipe dreams. The better bet is further de-legitimizing Trump and demoralizing those who gave him a chance not realizing that he’s a charlatan and a parasite.
My bet is still that his bad health will help undo him, but I feel like DJT doesn’t wanna be there anymore. IMO resignation will happen after the sacred tax cut is signed into law. Congressional GOPers care about nothing else.
Plant more bushes for staffers to hide behind.