The Trump administration will suppress the Senate Intelligence Committee’s comprehensive report on torture during the Bush presidency, somehow thinking that this will be beneficial to mankind.
White House Economic Advisor Gary Cohn has now told the world not to expect a tax reform plan until the end of summer.
They probably won’t be able to agree on any health care bill this year, either, at least if Senator Richard Burr is correct in this predictions.
Relatedly, the White House is also refusing to cooperate or comply with any Democratic requests for information to help them in their oversight responsibilities.
Of course, the Republicans won’t be able to avoid the need to raise the debt ceiling, but…
is it possible that this will be first administration to inflict debt-limit crisis on itself?
— John Harwood (@JohnJHarwood) June 2, 2017
The answer to that appears to be ‘yes.’
[Treasury Secretary Steve] Mnuchin told lawmakers last week that his “preference” would be for the debt ceiling to be increased without any spending cuts. Many Democrats have said they will not support a debt-ceiling increase if spending cuts are attached.
But White House Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney, in an interview Wednesday with the Washington Examiner, said he would “like to see things attached to [a debt-ceiling increase] that drive certain spending reforms and debt reforms in the future.”
On Thursday, however, White House officials stressed that Mulvaney was not endorsing a specific White House position and was simply referring to the principle he followed when he was in the House.
I often forget that The Drudge Report exists, but it’s hyping a story that Steve Bannon is the source who leaked about Jared Kushner’s plan to hole up in the Russian Embassy and chit-chat with Russian generals, or whatever that was. Apparently, it’s Priebus pushing the Bannon story about Kushner to Drudge, which squares the triangle, I guess.
Are we still waiting to hear if Trump will block James Comey from testifying? That seems like a real Catch-22. Except, it’s not clear that blocking Comey is being seriously considered. Maybe it is and maybe it isn’t.
Kathy Griffin is doing pretty much everything wrong. If she wants to be a left-wing Ann Coulter then she should act like one. There’s no crying in partisan knife-fighting for fame and profit. If, on the other hand, she wants to be considered either funny or a somewhat decent human being, well, it’s far too late for that.
If you try to keep up with all the connections between Trump and the former Soviet Union, you’ll never find time to do anything else.
Have a nice weekend. Go outside.
Here’s another one.
Mercy. Why? It sure does feel like Flynn has something to hide or the donald is that incompetent.
Change that “or” to “and” and I’m with you.
“…Flynn had listed Woolsey as a member of an advisory board to his company, Flynn Intel Group, but Woolsey said he never received any compensation and had no contract or official role. He did attend one meeting, in September, and said he left deeply troubled.
Woolsey said he arrived late to the meeting and found Flynn and some Turkish government officials brainstorming a plan to kidnap and fly to Turkey one of the country’s leading dissidents – Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen, whom Ankara has accused of assisting in a failed military coup attempt last summer. Gulen is living in a heavily secured compound in Pennsylvania.
“They were working on the assumption that they could take Gulen,” said Woolsey, who told the Wall Street Journal in March that such a scheme would be illegal.”
Some community members came to the Frog Pond during the general election campaign to organize voters against Clinton. I don’t care about their denials that was their intent at the time; I don’t care if the number of voters they possibly could have organized if they had been successful was insignificant.
It’s what they did. Those of us who were around during the campaign know who they are. Remember when they complained that BooMan was posting too many stories which covered another horrible Trump statement/action/position? Many of them remain here, now complaining about the Russia/Trump coverage. This appears to be emotionally important to them. Reason isn’t being fully employed by these select people.
These are and have been terrible times. We’ll win anyway.
My blood ran cold listening to Kathy Griffin’s press conference. I imagine she’s been threatened by the secret service, along with other Trump goons. The social media response by the Trump family seems coordinated.
It’s ridiculous that the SS is wasting its time on this non-threatening comedic stunt by a harmless comedienne. An attempt at pushing the envelope that went too far. In poor taste and not funny, and also not something worth investigating.
Her former CNN co-host’s cowardly reaction was interesting, but not entirely surprising. The riches-to-riches Cooper Anderson chose career over friendship. What a guy.
I’m not sure if Bill Maher has reacted yet, or given his own history of getting canned by a big media corp for his 911 comments, whether he has decided to keep his distance. She’s been a guest on his show several times, lives not far from the studio where Maher does his show, and presumably now has a lot of free time on her schedule.
Will she be invited back?
I’m guessing history will be kinder to Kathy Griffin than we might expect. Time will tell, the consequences of the Trump administration haven’t arrived but they are certainly coming and will continue for a long time.
I doubt history will even acknowledge Kathy Griffin existed
I meant history through the lens of the historians of whichever culture sifts through the rubble of these times; I agree our collective attention span seems to be in terminal decline.
I was outside, all day, in a parking lot….being the SCCA Safety Steward for a bunch of college kids testing their race car.
Great group of young people. Easiest event I have ever done as Safety.
All and all not a bad way to spend the day.
I even got a few runs in,
Some good Labour ads.
I liked this one:
beautiful ad
Incompetence and Infighting, Anger and Assholery, Confusion and Corruption, Greed and Gutlessness…the list never ends!
Any one of these things would have been enough to derail and/or lead to the impeachment any normal President. We have a whole rat’s nest of illegal, immoral, and indecent events happening, pretty much piling up like a high speed train wreck.
And ain’t nobdy answering for it. And ain’t nobody stopping them.
That’s because Jesus* has taken the wheel.
*GOP version