I had other plans for today, but Trump announcing that the U.S. was leaving the Paris Climate Accord took precedence.
The news caused all kinds of reaction, some of which I’ll post tomorrow, but the one I found most worthy of immediate attention came from The Weather Channel. TMZ summarized it in one paragraph and posted the screen capture image above.
The Weather Channel devoted nearly all of its website’s home page Thursday to a not-so-subtle shot. This is what it looked like moments after the Prez ended his announcement at the White House — and ALL its top stories are dedicated to making Trump’s decision look like total foolery.
It didn’t even wait until Trump announced. It prepared a video on the rumors and posted it as U.S. Quits Paris Agreement: What Happens Now?
The results could be disastrous.
After Trump spoke, it followed up with To President Trump: Regardless of Politics, Science Screams The Truth.
Weather Channel meteorologist Kait Parker addresses the decision to leave the Paris Climate Agreement.
As TMZ wrote, “There’s nothing lukewarm about this reaction.”
An extended version was originally posted at Crazy Eddie’s Motie News.
Macron’s response was epic. In our age, not only must such statements be spoken, but tweeted:
HAHAHAHA! Perfect!
He used that sentence for the conclusion to his video response to Trump.
It worked there, too.
Thanks for this. I’m old enough to remember when the Weather Channel was a climate denialist organization.
Macron’s tweet is wonderful as far as it goes, as is his instantaneous decision to confront Der Trumper. He is the Churchill of our time.
The problem is that Trumper’s action in repudiating the Paris Accord is simply an implementation of longstanding “conservative” orthodoxy as practiced by the Repub Party. The American conservative movement is the Great Satan. The world seems to resist understanding this.
The proper global response to Trumper’s climate retardation is to denounce TrumpAmerica as a rogue nation, and each civilized nation needs to consider proper sanctions. The UN General Assembly needs to condemn TrumpAmerica in a resolution as well.
Of course such measures will not affect the thinking of a single Trump voter and will cause the jackasses to bray and dig their hoofs in even further. But nevertheless the straightforward measures of world condemnation need to be taken, whatever the mentality of the Trumper jackasses. Responsible citizenship can no longer be expected of them in any event.
“[S]uch measures will not affect the thinking of a single Trump voter and will cause the jackasses to bray and dig their hoofs in even further.”
Remember, we Democrats are the donkeys and the Republicans are the elephants. That sentence should have read ‘the elephants will trumpet and dig their feet in deeper.’
The follow up to this diary is now posted: Elon Musk dumps Trump over Paris Accord.