Much jaw-flapping has already gone on about these two elections…pollsters and pundits weighing in, various political interests spinning the results like crazy to prove that their particular interests “won” even if they didn’t win, etc. The usual prime time major media bullshit, right on down through to social media and blogs.
I haven’t done any in depth research on the subject…nor will I do so, because any major domestic or international development could blow this house of cards that we laughingly call “the U.S. political system” right off of its rickety card table…but so far I have not heard one word about a primary reason why the “OH so desired!!!” DemRat uptick in the heartland did not occur.
It is plain to me that one of the main reasons that the Dems have not yet profited from the obvious incapacities of the Trump regime is the…again, so far…ongoing failure of the huge mass media Trump hunt (Also sometimes known as “RussiaGate.”) to lay a finger on Trump, coupled with the (still ongoing after…how many months? 6? 7? More?) failure of the U.S. intelligence services that are plainly running this game to show the public a single shred of actual evidence that Trump was in collusion with the Russians to skew this election.
The U.S. public is awakening from a decades-long sleep as it realizes that the mass media are…to put it mildly…full of shit and totally in the employ of a corporate system that is interested only in ramping up the .01% vs. 99.9% economic inequality situation. One of the results of that awakening is a sort of reaction-based tendency to go in exactly the opposite direction that the mass media is plainly trying to herd them. Trump’s win was the first real result of this awakening, and all of the king’s horses and all of the king’s men…trying valiantly with everything in their power…have not and probably will not be able to patch up this cracked Humpty Dumpty of a media system.
Why is social media so popular?
Because of the fact that it at least appears to be a “one person/one opinion,” egalitarian construct. (Nevermind the corporate/intelligence bots and trolls that are involved. Most people have not yet even begun to awaken to that side of the hustle.)
The Dems want a “comeback?” Maybe they ought to start a double-down system…have the major media begin to hoot and root around trying to pin major Dem leaders’ financial and political transgressions. If that movement reached parity with the anti-Trump movement, maybe then the Dem rebound would start.
(Just kidding, of course. I think…)
Nevertheless, the “whatever” question remains:
GA-6/SC-5 losses certainly prove one thing.
Whatever the Dems think that they are doing, it’s backfiring.
Allying themselves with the RatPubs isn’t helping to turn public opinion back towards them.
Neither are the wonderful, fresh faces that they are trotting out as leaders.
Like these.
My bad.
Yore freind…
Emily Litella
P.S. For real…
If the Trump hunt doesn’t come up with some red meat for the public’s dinner table…and soon, thoroughly trussed up, well roasted and otherwise prepared for the table… the Dems can throw in the towel. It’ll be all over but the landslides.
P.P.S. Once again…Trump fake or Trump bombshell?
Chicago Tribune this morning:
He might could blow Comey right out of the water.
We shall see.
Soon enough.
Won’t we.
Bottom line: Dems lose again when predicted (by Dems) to win.
Must have been Putin fixing the voting machines, right?
Trump big mouth is his worst enemy. Someone should tape it shut and glue mittens on his hands to keep him off twitter.
I am really not sure of this, Voice.
On the evidence:
He won and he’s still there despite an unprecedentedly huge, mass media-driven propaganda effort against him from the time he actually announced his candidacy. You don’t like his act, neither do I and neither do millions upon millions of others, but this fact needs to be faced.
He’s still there.
Just as he was no more a “clown” than any other long-term successful hustler during thg campaigb, attacking him as crude or stupid just won’t cut it now.
This seems to be a U.S.-ian trait, this demonization of crudity. I remember well when Nikita Khrushchev took off his shoe and started banging it on the table at the U.N. in 1960.
Note well the diplomats behind him cracking up. They’re hip to the scam.
We need to be, too.
Khrushchev was of course vilified and mocked by the U.S. media of the time. But…this man survived in vicious U.S.S.R. politics for over 50 years, successfully dealing with mass murderers like Stalin. He may or may not have been “principled” as the general U.S.-ian understands the term, but he damned well wasn’t “stupid.”
Ditto Trump.
Bet on it.
At least we can disagree without demonizing each other. That’s an accomplishment when one looks at how this blog has deteriorated since 2015.
George Patton thought he was the reincarnation of some ancient conqueror. Proves that one can be crazy and still be effective. Looking at his hard charging tactics, it probably was an asset!
Intelligence does not demonize in disagreements.
Only stupidity does this.
If there were a “Blog IQ test” available, this one’s score would have sunk precipitously since 2015.
So it goes.
If some of what I am suggesting in my most recent post comes to pass in the Democratic Party…a result for which I sadly do not have very high hopes…the IQ level here will again rise as all of the neocentrist botsters re-emigrate to Daily Kos or wherever else they came from.
Let us pray.
Patton was our Gen Curtis LeMay of the ground forces. And crazy not for believing in reincarnation*, but in this sense: as JFK put it,” If you have to go to war, you want LeMay leading the bombing squadron. But you don’t want LeMay deciding whether you go to war.”
Patton was effective in pushing back the Nazi forces. But when that was done, when war was over in Europe, he was frustrated that we didn’t “complete the job” by attacking the “real” enemy, Russia.
Now that would have been insane.
* can’t be proved or disproved at this stage of our science. Perhaps in our next lifetime proof will be found. Meanwhile, it has a long history in the belief systems on our planet, going back at least to the ancient Egyptians, no slouches they in many areas of civilization. For some of us, things make more sense if it does exist than not.
That NK alleged shoe-banging incident: I think you might be misremembering. And the figure in your video doesn’t look like Nikita. It appears to be a myth, per various reporters and NK’s son Sergey, ex prof at Brown Univ.
NKhrushchev shoe myth incident starts around 2:06 in video.
i was very young. I may still have believed in Santa Claus, at least in the back of my mind. I believed in the Roman Catholic Church, for sure. Well…at least enough not to get in trouble with my parents…
In a PostFactual world?
Hell, maybe JFK is still alive, living in old age comfort on some remote tropical island.
Who knows?
Believe anything or believe nothing.
Our only two choices, i guess.
Well, we did believe the MSM in those days.
○ Eisenhower Leaves Paris and Khruschev Hold Press Conference (1960)
Of course his death is suspicious for the Kremlin watchers. Did Brzezinski pass away recently?
Even in Russia, The Greatest Generation eclipsed their children and grandchildren.