Progress Pond

Many Anti-Pelosi Reactions After GA-6 and SC-5 Dem Defeats. From DEMS!!!

There must be ten Google News articles this morning pointing at Nancy Pelosi as the prime suspect in the recent Democratic GA-6 and SC-5 losses.

That’s unfair, of course.

The entire DNC hierarchy should be blamed!!!

And then kicked right out on their elitist, centrist, entitlement-poisoned asses.

Here is one of the most telling phrases in those articles. (Emphasis mine.):

As Democrats point fingers in the wake of Jon Ossoff’s loss in a Georgia special election on Tuesday, some of them are aimed at Nancy Pelosi, the party’s longtime House leader, who appeared in almost every GOP attack ad broadcast in the most expensive House race in history.

That about pins it, in my view.

They spent all that money to win, and then they featured the least telegenic, most confused (recently, anyway), least likable Dem figure (Except for maybe Chuck Schumer…even HRC at her worst was better onscreen than these two.) in their whole stable of hustlers.

How stupid can you get!!!

This is the exact same mistake that was made in the presidential election, only this time featuring an even less attractive character. They could have run Bernie; they could have run Biden…hell, they could have run The Rock for all I care…they could probably have run almost anybody who appears to be even semi-human and caring and beaten Trump.

But they didn’t.

They ran HRC. They even went so far as to fix the primaries just in case her awful political skills eventually started to show.

And, of course…they lost, resulting in quite possibly the single worst electoral result that has ever threatened the survival of this country as even a flawed democracy.

And now…after after a huge, 6+ month anti-Trump mass media campaign…what happened?

They put Pelosi up to bat.


I got yer result.

Right here!!! (NY Times):

Trump Turns an Iowa Rally Into a Venting Session

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa — President Trump said on Wednesday that he was crafting legislation to bar new immigrants from receiving welfare for at least five years. He announced the proposal in a conquering-hero-returns speech in Iowa, his first trip back to the political battleground state since he won it in the 2016 general election.

His mood buoyant after twin Republican wins in congressional special elections the night before, the president also revealed his anticipated plan for putting solar panels on a proposed wall on the Mexican border — an idea he boasted he had come up with himself.


Even the execrable, lying NY Times couldn’t find a way to spin this positively, although they did indeed make a valiant try.

Read on.
A notice to all the neocentrist Dem posters/botsters on this site:

You have already lost.

Or, to put it better…we have already lost. Who “we?” The well-meaning liberals and progressives who had any remaining hopes that the Democratic Party might be able rediscover its New Deal roots.

You only have three alternative results, botster people:

1-The current DNC continues on its suicidal ways and the Democratic Party eventually joins the other U.S. political parties in the Political Museum on the shelf marked “Extinct.”

2-The Dems continue their ongoing rightward move, further allying themselves with the centrist Republicans and creating a neocentrist block that will continue to try to resist Trump’s every move while remaining powerless to actually get rid of him. He wins a 2nd term against a DNC-chosen patsy and topples the whole neocentrist construct while doing so. And then there is real hell to pay.


3-The neocentrist alliance actually manages to get rid of Trump. Could happen, he’s obviously in too deep with too many negative characters to be able to survive any real investigation. Only…if that sort of investigation truly got serious (Instead of pitty-patting around with a trumped-up Russiagate), it would reveal collusion with the same sorts of people up and down the entire elected government.

We cain’t be havin’ that, now can we?


But if they did manage to get rid of Trump and replace him with a more…manageable…construct of some sort, where would the so-called “ideals” of the Democratic Party be?

In the political dumpster, that’s where.

In the corporate-owned, political dumpster.

What to do, what to do!!!???

I only have one practical suggestion, and no idea whatsoever how to manage it.

Clean house at the DNC.

Listen to Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.

Start a real attack on the corporate control of government.

Would this work?

Done right?


Done in a mainstream, U.S.-style, compromise politics, pander to the mainstream media manner?


That’s how we got into this mess in the first place.


Or go down with the ship.

Your choice.

Fight, goddamnit!!!




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