I don’t know how Sean Spicer lives with himself. I don’t know how he gets out of bed in the morning and gets dressed for work. I mean, how would you feel reading stuff like this about you in the national press?
With Trump feeling as though he’s under siege from all sides, even the people he perceives to be fucking things up are earning points for fucking them up in an attempt to help him. “He looks at Spicer and he sees, like, the coroner from the Wizard of Oz. Remember when the fucking witch got hit in the head with the house?” the senior administration official said. “So, he feels bad for the guy and he knows the guy’s trying really hard. He has a soft spot for the guy. His friends call him up and tell him he’s a loser, and he’s like, ‘Oh, I feel bad for the guy.’”
In the abstract, working in the White House for the president sounds great. But he’s destroyed his reputation and his credibility and they only thing he’s clinging to is that his boss feels too bad for him to hold him accountable for being bad at his job.
His coworkers compare him to the Wicked Witch of the East and call him a loser.
Even the press feels bad for him:
The least likely people you’d expect to feel bad for embattled White House press secretary Sean Spicer are those who are most often subject to his temper.
So it came as a surprise to some on Wednesday when Spicer received an outpouring of sympathy from the press. The reason: As President Trump met with Pope Francis at the Vatican, the Catholic Spicer was noticeably absent from the entourage.
This seems like the kind of situation he should get himself out of as soon as possible. He’s already lost his job briefing the press and the briefings aren’t reliably televised anymore, anyway. There’s no prospect that things are going to improve for Spicer and based on his previous life I have to think that he knows better than to serve the man in the Oval Office.
It would be a mercy if Trump fired him, but apparently Trump only likes to fire people in fake versions of reality.
…or if they are investigating his crimes.
what crimes would that be?
(i.e., Comey/FBI) investigating Trump’s crimes, and getting fired for it (fortunately, he can’t fire FBI, at least so far).
But whadoiknow?
I can’t stand Sean Spicer but even I feel bad for that Pope thing. That is one of the most callous, shitty things I have seen a boss do to an underling in public. I can say with utmost certainty that I would quit any employer that did pull such a stunt.
Don’t waste crocodile tears for Spicer. Buy the ticket, take the ride. He wanted this gig. Everybody in the free world knew to stay away from Trump the way you would a vicious plague rat, because of the way he treats everybody around him, but he figured he could make a living feeding off that carcass.
It’s like that old parable about the fox and the snake: To paraphrase:
The Fox came to a raging torrent but couldn’t find a way across when he saw a snake. They snake promised to guide the fox across safely if he would carry the snake on his back. Only in the middle of the stream the snake suddenly bit the Fox. The Fox turned to the snake in despair asking “why did you bite me? Now we’ll both drown!” The Snake’s answer: “It’s my nature. You knew I was a snake before you promised to carry me across the stream!”
If he has any shred of self respect left, he should quit and find a dramatic way to do it. He’ll find employment.
The twerp is a complete jackass. A jackass with poor judgment.
The stain of Trump is on him.
And that woman replacing him is really a nasty POS, meaning standard issue Republican like Conway, Pence, Trump.
She’s Mike Huckabee’s daughter, who is the epitome of nasty. The apple certainly doesn’t fall too far from the tree in this case.
Mean nastiness cloaked in religiosity. Ugh.
Huckabee’s willingness to enthusiastically and bitterly support Trump’s abandonment of Jesus’ “turn the other cheek” teachings is quite a sight to behold. Logs in their eyes, indeed.
I heard a Trump-defending woman on the TV this morning talking about the sharp criticisms Jesus issued toward the Pharisees. The extremely hostile embodiment of Not Getting The Point. So they’re heading toward familiar, terribly divisive and hypocritical territory again.
If he were worthy of the literal faith so-called Christians offer to him, Trump would offer the same treatment of Mika and Hillary that Jesus gave Mary Magdalene. Although, to be in line with the story, that might require repentance from those fallen women. Because calling Trump and offering your obsequiant apology in exchange for terminating tabloid attacks against you is a godly display of repentance and humility. Or something like that.
Go back and take a look at Spicer’s first press conference. That should cure you of any sympathy you feel for the man.
Like most of the Trump crew he is a horrible person who has happily defended every horrible decision by his boss. Spicer can leave any day he wants to. Feel sorry for the many victims of Trump’s policies who don’t have that option.