Progress Pond

A breath of fresh air

Lurking mostly to read a few comments in front-page stories and not participating because of the poisonous atmosphere, I find the opinions and comments by TarheelDem fair and a bit of fresh air in what’s left of the ‘community’ at the pond.

I have returned to the European Tribune to cross-post some of my diaries and the EU bloggers are astonished of what has become of BT and America as a whole.

I have written about PropOrNot as soon as it came on line with the anti-Russian bs/propaganda. Across party lines fear of the unknown has taken a foothold and can be witnessed in the craziness in Washington DC and culminates in what’s left of the legislative arm intended by the Constitution. The U.S. has a disfunctional politcal system which harms its citizens and because of its economic and military power, manages to ruin many other nations/regions across the globe.

Each administration has its very own pet projects to place sanctions on competing regional powers beyond what would be possible in accordance with the United Nations or international law. The global community due to population growth has become very complex. The post WWII institutions can hardly manage. The void is filled by corporate power and its conservative think-tanks whose members fill the leadership roles in the executive branch, State Department, IC and the Pentagon. In addition, the collusion of corporate run mass media in the States has placed a strangle hold on free thought in American society. Just Google the following keywords …

Independent investigative journalism can still be found through the Internet but has no mouthpiece in daily news coverage. The daily headlines from USA media still gets coverage in the compliant European press but is diminishing. After Bush, Obama and now with Trump this process will only speed up. The US has lost its political clout across the globe. With Trump the economic interdependency will take a blow at least due to his rhetoric about trade and with Brexit for the UK to lose its grip on Europe.

PropOrNot listed both Pepe Escobar and Moon of Alabama as a danger for American interest and undoubtedly for being ‘unpatriotic’. Makes it worthwhile to read and get a view from an outsider looking at America. A bit of reflection is never a bad idea. For American patriots like Glenn Greenwald, Noam Chomsky and Seymour Hersh a great achievement just to get their articles published. Freedom – a free world and freedom of expression.

Russia Reset? It became all about policy for the New McCarthyism of the Cold War 2.0 …

Atlantic Council? A NATO think tank seeking a casus belli for war with Russia! The allies of America in the context of PropOrNot.

NATO strategy outlined by the Atlantic Council: “Make Russia a pariah state”
How the media covered Syria and the Imperial project

Favorite columnist Anne Applebaum gets invited for interviews about the conflict in the Ukraine between NATO and Russia. She gets announced as someone with a ‘balanced’ view of the conflict and spouts her warmongering views from neo-cons and husband Radek Sikorski.

War in Europe is not a hysterical idea | WaPo – Opinion | by Anne Applebaum
NATO secretary general Stoltenberg promises a corrupt Ukraine a path towards membership

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