Progress Pond

The Post-Factual World? Maybe Post-Human, Too. Watch.

(I originally wrote this as a reply to Steggies’s recent post BooMan Bait: A WalMart Closes. It grew. Here it is in final form.)


Besides the Walmart article, The Guardian is offering another frightening piece of news:

Earth’s sixth mass extinction event under way, scientists warn

A “biological annihilation” of wildlife in recent decades means a sixth mass extinction in Earth’s history is under way and is more severe than previously feared, according to research.

Scientists analysed both common and rare species and found billions of regional or local populations have been lost. They blame human overpopulation and overconsumption for the crisis and warn that it threatens the survival of human civilisation, with just a short window of time in which to act.

The study, published in the peer-reviewed journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, eschews the normally sober tone of scientific papers and calls the massive loss of wildlife a “biological annihilation” that represents a “frightening assault on the foundations of human civilisation”.

Prof Gerardo Ceballos, at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, who led the work, said: “The situation has become so bad it would not be ethical not to use strong language.”

Previous studies have shown species are becoming extinct at a significantly faster rate than for millions of years before, but even so extinctions remain relatively rare giving the impression of a gradual loss of biodiversity. The new work instead takes a broader view, assessing many common species which are losing populations all over the world as their ranges shrink, but remain present elsewhere.

The scientists found that a third of the thousands of species losing populations are not currently considered endangered and that up to 50% of all individual animals have been lost in recent decades. Detailed data is available for land mammals, and almost half of these have lost 80% of their range in the last century. The scientists found billions of populations of mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians have been lost all over the planet, leading them to say a sixth mass extinction has already progressed further than was thought.

Billions of animals have been lost as their habitats have become smaller with each passing year.

The scientists conclude: “The resulting biological annihilation obviously will have serious ecological, economic and social consequences. Humanity will eventually pay a very high price for the decimation of the only assemblage of life that we know of in the universe.”

They say, while action to halt the decline remains possible, the prospects do not look good: “All signs point to ever more powerful assaults on biodiversity in the next two decades, painting a dismal picture of the future of life, including human life.”


Wildlife is dying out due to habitat destruction, overhunting, toxic pollution, invasion by alien species and climate change. But the ultimate cause of all of these factors is “human overpopulation and continued population growth, and overconsumption, especially by the rich”, say the scientists, who include Prof Paul Ehrlich, at Stanford University in the US, whose 1968 book The Population Bomb is a seminal, if controversial, work.

“The serious warning in our paper needs to be heeded because civilisation depends utterly on the plants, animals, and microorganisms of Earth that supply it with essential ecosystem services ranging from crop pollination and protection to supplying food from the sea and maintaining a livable climate,” Ehrlich told the Guardian. Other ecosystem services include clean air and water.

“The time to act is very short,” he said. “It will, sadly, take a long time to humanely begin the population shrinkage required if civilisation is to long survive, but much could be done on the consumption front and with `band aids’ – wildlife reserves, diversity protection laws – in the meantime.” Ceballos said an international institution was needed to fund global wildlife conservation.


Citing human overpopulation as the root cause of environmental problems has long been controversial, and Ehrlich’s 1968 statement that hundreds of millions of people would die of starvation in the 1970s did not come to pass, partly due to new high-yielding crops that Ehrlich himself had noted as possible.

Ehrlich has acknowledged “flaws” in The Population Bomb but said it had been successful in its central aim – alerting people to global environmental issues and the the role of human population in them. His message remains blunt today: “Show me a scientist who claims there is no population problem and I’ll show you an idiot.”


A picture is worth a thousand words.

Read on.
From the Walmart article:

Chilling words from the extinction article:

The time to act is very short. It will, sadly, take a long time to humanely begin the population shrinkage required if civilisation is to long survive…

The kicker here is the word “humanely.” A mass die-off of offending humans will not be humane. The reaction has already started as the luckier segments of the world’s population quite inhumanely start to react to the population shifts that are being caused by overpopulation and its concomitant social and ecological disasters.

                                     Fuck ’em. We got ours. Fuck ’em.

And there we are, folks. Hoist by our own petard. The petard of an over-successful species. The population bomb.

The evidence is everywhere, not just in rural West Virginia or the teeming slums of the Third World. It is plain in the streets of New York.

It is plain in the blank faces of the young and the working classes, hooked into an imaginary, digitized world by their cellphones while their transportation system collapses beneath them.

It is plain in the bloated bodies and minds of the badly nourished masses, fattened on the chemically produced, empty caloried fruits of McDonald’s World.

Is there a “humane” solution?

I no longer think so.

Sorry, but there it is.

      All of the globalist, neocentrist’s horses and men

        Couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty together again.

Why couldn’t they?

Because words no longer have any permanent meaning.

They mean whatever our controllers say they mean.

The post-factual world is now upon us.

Dream on.

A post-human world is nigh.




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