I’m kind of waiting around to see what emerges out of the chaos in Congress at the moment, so I’m going to give you two stories I found last night while researching my Murkowski-Collins defection piece. They both come from the Senate floor on January 5th, 2001 as the agreement on how to organize the 50-50 Senate was being announced and debated. The first story comes from Republican Senator Pete Domenici of New Mexico and talks about his experiences dealing with the legendary Democratic senator, Russell Long of Louisiana.
Did I have any real friends in the Democratic Party who went to exceptional ends to be helpful to me.
Let me tell you a brief story.
I was a pipsqueak in the Senate, and Senator Long was a very big Senator. I was just starting my first term. I passed only one bill. It was a big bill. It imposed a 10-cent gasoline tax–Senator Byrd, you remember that–on the users of the inland waterways. Do you remember that fight?
It went on forever, but I won fair and square, and I went home to campaign. And, believe it or not, a Senator from that side of the aisle, in my absence–I was in New Mexico–was going to undo my victory because they had the votes and he had the floor. A staffer called me and said: You better come back, get off the campaign trail and come over here and defend the only legislative victory you have, of any significance, in the first 6 years. I was prepared to do it.
Guess what the next call was, in about a half hour–Russell Long. I had defeated him on the floor in that debate.
And he said: Pete, they won’t do that.
I said: What?
They will not upset your victory. You won. You stay home and campaign.
Think of that, telling a Republican to stay home.
You stay home and campaign and I will take the floor in your place and object to what is contemplated. And the victory that you got will not be undone here on the floor by a Democrat.
That is friendship, right? But, listen, I didn’t agree with Russell Long on a lot of things–and he knew that–here on the floor of the Senate.
I say to my Democrat friends on the other side of the aisle, all kinds of expressions have been used talking about what is going on: “We extend a hand to you,” and all those other wonderful words. All I can say is, I am going to do my best to work with you, and I hope you will do the best you can to work with me on the Budget Committee and get something done.
The second story comes from Republican Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska and likewise involves his early experiences in the Senate.
When I was a very new and appointed Senator, I asked a Senator here who was managing the bill on the other side of the aisle to call me when it came time to offer an amendment. I was tied up in a committee. I was surprised that the bell rang in the committee and the vote was going on. I came to the floor. I am not one to be shy in expressing my opinions, and I went to the then manager of the bill and started to berate him. Senator Mike Mansfield came to me and said: Senator, you should not use language like that on the floor of the Senate. I told Senator Mansfield what had happened. He, as the majority leader, looked at that Senator and said: Is that true? The manager of the bill said: “That’s true, but that amendment would not have passed.” Senator Mansfield said: “Have you got your amendment, Senator?”
He took the amendment from me, he stopped the vote that was going on, he returned the bill to second reading, and he offered my amendment. That amendment passed, and it has benefited my State for a long time.
I merely state it here today to say every Senator on this floor has equal rights. The 50/50 that we have is the result of the voters of the country, but there need not be a division between this body in terms of the 50. We work on the basis of a majority. We can have a tie at almost any time, or a majority with a quorum.
We are looking at a process where every Senator has the right now to understand the responsibility that comes from this agreement that has been reached. I congratulate the Democratic majority leader; I congratulate our future Republican majority leader for reaching this conclusion. I share the feelings of my friend from West Virginia [Sen. Robert Byrd] that this is an act, really, of true statesmanship. I believe those who have not agreed should help us make it work because it will take the relationships that exist between myself and my great friend from West Virginia to make this work. I not only trust the Senator from West Virginia, I trust him with my life, and he knows that. We have never had an argument. I have served with him as chairman; he has served with me as chairman. We have resolved every difference we ever had before we came to the floor. That is what is going to happen now.
Most of the work we do will be in committee. This resolution gives us the ability to work in committee on the basis of trust. I honor the two leaders for what they have done. I am proud of the Senate today.
I can get impatient with pundits and commentators who wax poetic about the good old days in the Senate when everyone went to each other’s homes for dinner and drinks and bipartisanship was in vogue. But there really has been something lost in the last two or three decades, and it has to do with honor and decency.
In my opinion, while it’s true that there is some measure of “both sides” being responsible for the breakdown, by far the most damaging development has been the emergence of Senator Mitch McConnell as the leader of the Republicans. I can get into all the reasons why I believe this some other time, but here I just wanted to give you a little peek at how things used to be different, and better.
Wrong target.
Right target: Newt Gingrich. He changed the Hill. Took a while but it got to the Senate too.
Misses about 20 points.
Honest question:
Why did this collegiality exist? Saying that Senators went to dinner at each other’s houses seems too pat for me. There must have been a structural change or a change in the rules or something.
There was a time when the parties were not ideologically divided, with the trappings of religious cults. People with similar outlooks cropped up in both parties because of the the scrambling of geography and interests represented in the two parties. Part of that was the lingering deformation of the “solid Democratic South” even after the New Deal and the civil rights bills. Part of it was people who had common acquaintances. Part of it was a more relaxed and socializing atmosphere in DC and less grueling fund-raising and meetings back home. This was mostly before the obligatory PR “town meetings”. And part of it was the population of the country was smaller.
It was a political culture change driven by more and more ideological strictness in conservative primaary after conservative primary and fewer gimmicky issues around hot-button issues like God, guns, gays, and abortion. Mostly about the Commies and taxes. And there were earmarks and logrolling and other quid pro quos allowed within the procedure of the Congress. Actual topics that could be discussed outside of conversations that required leadership discipline.
Lots of normative changes and changes in the communication media.
Another honest question:
I see the comparison between Boehner and Ryan, but wasn’t it the RWNJs that sank Boehner? Not the centrists? I’m not nitpicking here. If the answer is yes, the difference is interesting and significant.
It will still be the RWNJ’s that sink the Speaker, because they won’t vote for their own spending bills our protect our credit rating and then they’ll get mad when Ryan asks the Democrats to do these things for him. And that assumes that the Dems will agree when they don’t have a president to protect.
I have Charles Sumner on line two and he would gladly trade this senate for his.
I can get impatient with pundits and commentators who wax poetic about the good old days in the Senate when everyone went to each other’s homes for dinner and drinks and bipartisanship was in vogue. But there really has been something lost in the last two or three decades, and it has to do with honor and decency.
What honor and decency? Was McCarthy honorable and decent? They’re politicians. And George Carlin was right about them.
So when you have an anecdote about a Republican helping a freshman Democratic senator I’ll start paying attention.
I’m remembering when Tom Daschle retained his sat in a tight election because the Republican leaders honored the tradition of not going balls to the wall and raising a shit ton of money to defeat him while he had obligations in Washington as the majority leader.
Or maybe I’m misremembering that.
Or that time the Republicans refrained from morphing the face of a severely wounded veteran senator into bin Ladin just win an election.
The good old days.
Politics is a blood sport.
People will across party lines if there is a mutual interest. Two senators from two different states and two different parties might work together on an energy bill if they both represent oil states, for instance.
Then it’s not the friendship or bipartisanship speaking, it’s the donors and their constituency. If they like each other, that’s just incidental and won’t involve either one in other legislation just because they are friendly.
They might find non-offensive ways to do non-offensive legislation but not the big issues of the day.
Oh, for those who don’t believe politics is a blood sport, should ask the victims of the Republican Obamacare repeal, all the victims of the Vietnam and Iraq Wars, all the African Americans denied their full rights (voting, housing, education, etc) for the past 150 years.
Yeah, why can’t the rich white bros just get along and not be as nastty to each other as they have been to the rest of the country?
Holy guacamole. That’s just… I can’t even….
the political universe BooMan wrote about is lost and gone forever. We are now in a world where the President’s official spokesman says stuff like that to a reporter, on the record.
The cult is fine with it.
Locker room talk amongst the mobbed up white thugs.
They’re not even fascist – just crude, crass trash.
The thing about Republicans are not that they would be the Nazi leaders (they just go all Walter Mitty about shooting up shit if they are ever threatened) but they would definitely be the followers.
The bullies just love to strut their lack of human kindness for everyone to see. Really nice people.
Rich white gangsta talk.
This guy is the communications director?
He’s completely batshit bananas
The White House be like non-stop cray-cray 24/7!