No, the GOP isn’t giving up:

The Cassidy-Graham proposal hasn’t been scored by the Congressional Budget Office, which would be required if it were to receive a vote under the fast-track budget “reconciliation” procedure. There is also no bill text publicly available. The plan would keep intact most of Obamacare’s taxes except the medical device tax, send federal health care funds to the states in block grants, kill Obamacare’s individual mandate and maintain protections for people with pre-existing conditions.

Trump pressured aides over the weekend to show progress, and the Graham-Cassidy proposal is seen as one possible way forward. Administration officials have sought to bring together Graham and Cassidy, along with conservative Sen. Mike Lee of Utah and House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows of North Carolina, to agree on a proposal. For now, the effort is mostly supported by mostly rank-and-file GOP lawmakers.

Basically, if they can find a bill that will appease McCain, they will have a bill that can pass.

It is true they did not pass the Skinny Repeal.

It is also true they were one vote short.  Can they find a way to get McCain to vote for something?  My guess is yes.

Can they do that and get the same bill past the House?
I have no idea.

And neither does anyone else.