Carried into the White House helped by the backlash of eight years of Barack Obama presidency, boosted the far-right white supremacist groups. No surprise here as I’ve written it’s not Trump I fear, but more so the people, our fellow citizens, who gave him their votes.

Violence begets violence … from biblical times on if human nature is left unchecked. A nation should be governed by leaders with vision, not through wealth of a few.

One doesn’t need a crystal ball to see America has been struggling with both domestic and international issues. America has definitely shown lack of humanity on the international stage and I doubt the good will after the horrendous Second World War will ever be part of the view of the global community.

I have mentioned the Aryan Nation of Ohio a number of times …

Arkansas Police Shooting Connected to Ohio White Supremacists by Oui on May 22, 2010

Police killers identified as activists on mission to spread anti-government message   [cached page]
The white van in Thursday’s shootout was registered to a New Vienna, Ohio, organization called House of God’s Prayer. Potok said a former FBI informant says the building where the church was housed also once served as the headquarters for the Aryan Nations, a white supremacist group. “That was an incredibly violent bunch of people up there,” Potok said.

Two More Police Officers Killed, Two Wounded In Shootouts With Apparent White Supremacists | Crooks & Liars |  

White supremacist groups grew during the Obama presidency ….

Map: 917 Hate groups currently operating in the U.S.
Growing hate groups blame Obama, economy | CNN – Feb. 2009 |

In recent years, the hate crimes have been targeting the American Muslim community – the War on Terror and the scourge of Islamophobia in its aftermath … not by accident but by design. With special thanks to a PR campaign and funding by Israel. Spreading fascism to American and Europe.

Removing statues will do absolutely nothing to change the evil mindset of white supremacists as their theology is woven in the fabric of the founding of America.  Same management of history is happening in other fascist states today: Poland, Baltic States, Hungary, Austria and Ukraine.

Angst created by fear of the Red Menace – China – Soviet Union and now Russia. Such damn propaganda spoon fed through the media and U.S. Congress for alterior motives to sell arms and wage war.

Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990 used by UK to boost weapon sales | The Guardian |

Continued under the fold …
As matter of fact, the same happened during the Reagan years. A publication in Ebony Magazine from April 1987

What’s Behind the Resurgence of Racism in America?

Rethinking Our Civil Rights Legacy

In 1989 the Supreme Court issued a rush of rulings that dangerously chipped away at the civil rights protections African Americans had gained not only under the liberal Warren Court in the 1960s but also under the conservative Burger Court in the 1970s and early 1980s. Anchored by the three Reagan appointees (Justices Sandra Day O’Connor, Antonin Scalia, and Anthony Kennedy), the Rehnquist Supreme Court, among other things, made voluntary affirmative action programs more difficult to establish and much easier to undo once established, increased the burden of proving employment discrimination, and reduced the reach of a hundred-year-old antidiscrimination law. These rulings set precedents that so restrict the employment opportunities of African Americans and that so diminish their ability to fight racial discrimination and segregation in employment and elsewhere—precedents, in other words, so decidedly unsupportive of their civil rights interests—that three of the justices felt impelled to wonder aloud whether those justices voting with the majority believe that America still faces a race problem.

My view of the Court’s civil rights rulings (and of civil rights laws and policy in general) is far different from the views held by either conservatives or liberals. To both old-line conservatives and neoconservatives, the Court’s rulings are to be celebrated as one of former president Ronald Reagan’s most enduring legacies. To both full-time and fair-weather liberals, the Court’s rulings are to be recorded as an unhappy fortuity of political timing. To me, they simply underscore an important message conveyed in this.

Unholy Alliance: Aryan Nation reaches out to Al-Qaeda by Carnicki @BooMan on March 29, 2005

August Kreis, leader of the Aryan Nation, wants to work with Al-Qaeda.

I know many on this board are suspect whether Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda attacked the United States. I can understand why so many are distrustful of anything said by George W. Bush.

I do trust Richard Clarke. Bush promised OBL dead or alive and six months later said he didn’t care where he is. For that reason alone, George Bush does not deserve to be president.

Now we have the Aryan Nation seeking common ground with those responsible for the Sept. 11th terrorist attacks. Talk about an unholy alliance.

From CNN

An unholy alliance: Aryan Nation leader reaches out to al Qaeda

“You say they’re terrorists, I say they’re freedom fighters. And I want to instill the same jihadic feeling in our peoples’ heart, in the Aryan race, that they have for their father, who they call Allah.”

With his long beard and potbelly, August Kreis looks more like a washed up member of ZZ Top than an aspiring revolutionary.

Don’t let appearances fool you: his résumé includes stops at some of America’s nastiest extremist groups — Posse Comitatus, the Ku Klux Klan and Aryan Nation.

“I don’t believe that they were the ones that attacked us,” Kreis said. “And even if they did, even if you say they did, I don’t care!”

Kreis wants to make common cause with al Qaeda because, he says, they share the same enemies: Jews and the American government.

The terms they use may be different: White supremacists call them ZOG, the Zionist Occupation Government, while al Qaeda calls them the Jews and Crusaders.

But the hatred is the same. And Kreis wants to exploit that.

Hatred… Bush and Rove and Cheney played the emotion of hatred like a fiddle, stroking their base to feel hatred. Maybe Kreis can find common cause with them.

Exploiting hatred … it has been commonly used in all forms of governments from so-called “democracy” to Nazism, fascism and dictatotial regimes. It’s deeply rooted and even after 150 years since the Great Civil War, the United States is as divided as ever. No commonality to be reached soon, not in my lifetime! There are no exceptions …