It’s baaack..
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and his leadership team are seriously considering voting on a bill that would scale back the federal government’s role in the health care system and instead provide block grants to states, congressional and Trump administration sources said.
It would be a last-ditch attempt to repeal Obamacare before the GOP’s power to pass health care legislation through a party-line vote in the Senate expires on Sept. 30.
It is unclear to me whether the House needs to pass the Senate Bill bu September 30th. In the end they won’t get Collins or Paul – so they need McCain and Murkowski.
Graham’s relationship with McCain is well known. So maybe they have a shot.
I would bet against this even coming up for a vote – because if it comes up for a vote I think they will be sure.
But this fight isn’t over.
This is not good. McCain based his opposition in large part based on guidance from the Arizona Governor. This means Murkowski may be the swing vote.
This is significant: Arizona governor — who McCain seeks counsel from on health care — supports Graham-Cassidy.
— Sahil Kapur (@sahilkapur) September 18, 2017
Some good news:
Murkowski inching toward no. Keep up the pressure!
— Topher Spiro (@TopherSpiro) September 19, 2017
Best to not take anything for granted. We’re back to the grind of daily phone calls, and in my case retweeting any relevant updates that come along. I am also doubting this goes anywhere, but I won’t breathe easily until after the 30th of the month comes and goes. I’ll need blood pressure medicine once this is said and done.
Yea – the Seacoast Resistance is organizing calls up here.
This stuff flies under radar.
It frustrates me that people put stock in predictions. Nobody is smart enough to know how all of this will work out.
It keeps people from doing the work – as the predictions did in 2016.
Our local Resistance group is doing likewise. Improbable events are not impossible. So I try to act accordingly. Best to err on the side of caution, and if that means being a thorn in the sides of my state’s Senators in the process, so be it. I live in one of the red states that expanded Medicaid, and the bill would blow a bit of a hole in our state’s budget. And given our own personal circumstances (comes with long-term disability), the last thing needed is any change to health care legislation that would throw us under the bus. My spouse and I are both being mindful, but we’re not quite in panic mode – just pester mode.
We’re in panic mode. The House will have an up or down vote on this – which was an easy with skinny repeal.
Whatever it takes to get the job done. My spouse and I are persistent to a fault on matters like healthcare. We leave very little to chance. We’re fortunate to be surrounded by people in our local community who are just as persistent. As one of my elders would have put it – we’ll pester the pee out of our Senators and their staffers. It’s life or death for us, so of course we would do so. In the meantime, there is much work to be done. Eyes on the prize.
The elephant forgets nothing on its agenda.
They’re still working on repealing Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, and any of the other New Deal regulatory legislation that WJC and BHO left standing.
This one worries me a lot. If McCain caves, I’m not sold on Rand Paul refusing to be the 50th vote – although he is against it because it doesnt completely repeal Obamacare, it still guts Medicaid which should excite him. And he did vote for skinny repeal after all. And they might also get Murkowski’s support by flooding money to AK (and not having the White House threaten her this time).
We really really need to find a R from a state that is particularly hurt by the new formula. Heller?
Not sure.
It is not clear McCain is a yes – he said today he has amendments he would like to offer.
But if he is a yes, the next vote is Murkowski.
I would put the odds at 50 50 right now. If McCain is a yes I think they will pass this.