Kevin Robbins of Hometown U.S.A. and I had this enchange in the comments to Entertainers and sports organizations condemn Charlottesville violence and trademark infringement on my own blog.
[Kevin:] I trust Senator Stabenow will chew up and spit out little bits of Kid Rock next year. The Republican primary, presuming there is one, should be a show for the ages.
[Me:] Me, too. Thanks for mentioning that. I really have been neglecting a big story in my own backyard. I’ll have to remedy that in the near future.
It turns out I have been ignoring this story for longer than I thought. Nearly six months ago, Stephen Colbert observed If ‘President Trump’ Is Hard To Say, Try ‘Senator Kid Rock’.
Kid Rock is running for Senate in Michigan, and there’s only one man standing in his way.
LOL! Unfortunately for Kid Rock, his primary opponent won’t be the fictional Shrieking Joe. They’re the very real Bloomfield Hills businesswoman Lena Epstein, who was Michigan co-chair for Trump, and retired Michigan Supreme Court Justice Bob Young. In addition, businessman and Iraq War veteran John James of Farmington Hills has formed an exploratory committee, as The Detroit News reported. Follow over the jump for my analysis of that field.
I consider Young, who is African-American and a political veteran, having served on the Michigan Supreme Court for 18 years, to be the establishment choice. He has a long record of public service, having been a judge since 1995, and a strong conservative track record as a jurist. He can also peel off at least a few African-American votes from Stabenow. In a close contest, that might make a difference. He also might drive a few rural voters into the arms of the U.S. Taxpayers Party, which will run a candidate for U.S. Senate. I don’t think that will make as much of a difference unless the margin is paper-thin.
Epstein, who lives only two towns over from me, nominally represents the insurgent wing of the party, having been Trump’s state co-chair. In a primary between her and Young, I expect her to get crushed, as I don’t know if she can even get all the Tea Partiers on board. Kid Rock, legally known as Robert Ritchie, would be her main competitor for that constituency, and he’d likely get all of it. I wouldn’t be surprised if she withdraws well before next year’s August primary if Kid Rock gets serious.
As for John James, who lives in the town literally across the street from me, he has an interesting biography, but he would have most of the disadvantages of Young with few of the advantages because he’s also African-American but has no record of elective office. However, unlike the retired Supreme Court Justice, he’s actually young at 36, which means he’s better looking. I think he has a future in politics, but should run for a lower office first. The state senate district in which he lives will be open in next year’s election because Vincent Gregory will be retiring because of term limits. I think he should run for that office, where he would have a better chance of actually being nominated.
All that written, Roll Call reports he might still have an advantage.
Ritchie also led the hypothetical GOP primary with 50 percent against former Trump campaign state co-chairwoman Lena Epstein (9 percent), former Army Ranger/businessman John James (7 percent), and retired state Supreme Court Justice Bob Young Jr. (6 percent). Kid Rock’s name ID advantage certainly factored into his early advantage.
Roll Call reported on another poll showing him with a smaller lead.
Ritchie took 33 percent in the Target-Insyght poll, compared to his closest rival, businessman and veteran John James, who had 16 percent.
On second thought, I take back what I wrote about James not being as good a candidate as Young. While Young looks better on paper, James looks better in person.
In addition to the actual people he would have to beat to become the Republican nominee. He’ll also have to overcome his own stage name. On the one hand, Kid Rock has more name recognition than Robert Ritchie. On the other, `Kid Rock’ May Be Ineligible for Michigan Ballot, as Roll Call reports.
Robert Ritchie may end up challenging Democratic Sen. Debbie Stabenow in Michigan next year, but his stage name, Kid Rock, may not be allowed to appear on the ballot.
Kid Rock is a household name to Americans under the age of 50, and voters might be attracted to vote for him, as a middle finger to the political establishment. But it’s not immediately clear whether his famous stage name would appear on the ballot or if he’d be required to run under his less-known given name.
If Ritchie were to submit enough valid signatures to make the ballot and indicate that he wanted to be listed as “Kid Rock,” the Michigan Bureau of Elections staff would have to research the question of whether that name would be allowed. At an initial glance, Ritchie’s stage name isn’t an obviously acceptable one under the state’s criteria.
According to Michigan law via the “Affidavit of Identity and Receipt of Filing,” there are five stipulations regarding the manner in which a candidate can have his or her name printed on the ballot.
For example, a candidate “may specify that both his or her given name and middle name, or only a middle name, shall appear on the ballot,” or “may specify a name that constitutes a common law name in accordance with the Michigan Department of State Guidelines.” But according to the rules, candidates may not use a “nickname that is not a recognized diminutive of the candidate’s given name.”
Ha, ha. Let’s see if he even runs if he can’t use his stage name. If he does and wins the primary, the general election polling is ambiguous. The two Roll Call articles I’ve linked to cite different polls. In the Target-Insyght poll that had him leading James 33% to 16%, he trails Stabenow by 8 points. In the Trafalgar Group poll that had him with 50 percent of the Republican primary vote, he leads Stabenow by two points, 49% to 46%. That’s enough to make people take his candidacy seriously, as CNN notes in State of the Cartoonion: Kid Rock for Senate?
With a former reality star in the White House, why not have a rock star in the Senate? Democratic Senator Debbie Stabenow of Michigan may be facing some interesting competition in her re-election race.
Kid Rock running for U.S. Senate isn’t as dumb an idea as it first seemed, even if it is just a publicity stunt. Now that my readers have mentioned it, I’ll keep an eye on it an report updates as events unfold. Stay tuned.
Originally posted at Crazy Eddie’s Motie News.
See — Trump isn’t the bottom of the barrel. And Kid Rock may not be either.
Perhaps election outcomes are mostly a function of pre-election cycle name recognition. Good news for Dennis Rodman? Another Trumpster that on paper has more qualifications (and no more disqualifications) than Kid Rock.
Yes Marie!!!
First we had dumpster diving, now we have Trumpster diving!!!
How low can we go?
What is there is no bottom?
What then?
A visionary asshole.
While there may be no bottom for wannabe rightwinger politicians, there is a requisite minimal level of discipline required to run and win. Trump had just enough of that but seemingly only just enough. And likely not enough if he hadn’t hit the jackpot on free media coverage. The numbers that could possibly reap that are few — probably in single digits. Without it, a higher level of campaign organization and discipline would be required. Seriously doubt that rockers/rappers have that in them or can adapt to being a puppet (and have the requisite acting chops) for the months of a campaign.
We shall see, soon enough. If not Kid Rock, other…probably higher level…entertainers will start to go for the gold rings. Jay Z. and Oprah Winfield come to mind just for starters. People who have hit the jackpot as entertainers and are wealthy enough and powerful enough to go for the brass ring. These people have all of the “please-a-certain-segment-of-the-public” talents and chops to do the job, just as did D. Trump. It’s just a matter of which segment, how large it is and how it can be motivated to vote. We will see tech tycoons getting involved, too.
You write:
First of all, with the ascendence of social media and the descent of older mass media outlets into clickbait farms your “higher level of campaign organization and discipline” is not required. Trump has proven that beyond a shadow of a doubt. We now have a population the ability to concentrate of which has been literally decimated by the digital revolution. I see it every week when I am teaching and/or playing with younger musicians. With very few exceptions, their attention spans are minuscule compared to previous generations. They can be led by the nose because they simply cannot concentrate long enough to get to the bottom of what is happening. This goes right up into the 50-somethings and younger. Bottom line? Idiocracy wasn’t a movie, it was prophecy. The American public has never been particularly intelligent, but now? People cannot concentrate long enough to mount a tire correctly, let alone discern political bullshit from reality. It’s mostly “Click, click, click” and not much else.
And about Trump “hitting the jackpot on free media coverage?” He is the jackpot!!! In a clickbait world, only the first 20 words or so are important. After that the audience’s minds tend to wander. He is our first digital president, and believe me, it’s only going to get worse.
I can envision a day when an ex-gangbanger rap star Democrat runs against…oh, say a Nashville star who made a career and a fortune singing to Hillary’s deplorables. Maybe not by 2020, but as fast as things are changing, even that is a possible date. 2024, for sure. That is, unless the generals step in and halt the whole process, at which point we’ve got other serious problems. Elsewhere on this blog there was recently some talk of Trump in a room of ex-militaries being the only finger that can “lawfully” press the nuclear button and how awful that would be. I can envision a similar situation, but in my picture the militaries physically stop him from doing so.
Could happen…he has surrounded himself with military men most of whom I can pretty well guarantee privately despise everything about him. What is the “opposite” of Trump? How about a celibate general who at one time owned…and read…a library of 7000+ serious books, was a hands-on leader of soldiers (at the front, no matter where that was) and truly believes that the U.S. is the greatest nation ever to exist on earth. I am not saying that one extreme would necessarily be better than the other, just that it damned well could happen.
Like I said…we shall see.
We have all been born(e) into interesting times.
Video with soundbite media coverage of political campaigns has been fully entrenched since Nixon entered the WH. That people click on their phones to check it out instead watching broadcast nightly news is only a superficial change. They’re still getting almost all of the the source material from the MSM. If that weren’t true, Trump’s big ass would have been planted in a studio where he could deliver and record his harangues to upload to Youtube and bots could have made them go viral.
People may be dumb and ill-informed, but they still look to branded political news to tell them what’s important and/or worthy. (Brands function similarly for most of the crap they buy. Same with prescription drugs; people want the brand name drugs and not the generic ones and one of their beefs with health insurers is that they resist paying for the brand names.) No market for ugly ridiculous looking ties, but, and incomprehensible to rational people, stick Donald Trump’s name on the label and some people actually buy them. Same with the Ivanka (and other celebrity) labels. Their sole contribution to the design, construction, and selling of this stuff is the label message that they like it (doesn’t have to be true) and therefore, you should want it. Buy it and contribute to the coffers of the celebrity.
As there’s never before been a novice presidential candidate that entered the race with near 100% name ID and dominated in free media coverage (twice that of HRC during the primary cycle when he spouted his more incendiary rhetoric but more roughly equal during the general election), not possible to say that the massive amount of free coverage wasn’t what carried it for him. Two points about the free coverage — 1) Trump had to get out there to spout crap that the MSM concluded would attract eyeballs 2) the eyeballs didn’t tire of watching the show over a year and a half.
wrt to campaign operation/organization at the beginning, Trump didn’t need much. Most of those efforts go into 1) raising money 2) getting known and 3) creating enthusiasm for the candidate and/or what she/he proposes to do if elected. Trump was able to skip #1 and #2 most definitely and quickly got staff on board to schedule appearances and book events. Soon added staff that could hype the appearances because while he was drawing larger crowds than his GOP competitors, they were smallish compared to Bernie’s. Leading him and his staff to lie by inflating the attendance numbers. (And go ballistic when photo evidence was shown that they were lying.)
There were two other components in this election cycle that made a Trump campaign feasible. 1) Division among (and little to no enthusiasm for the candidates on offer) the GOP elites and big bucks contributors. Also pending legal matters tarnished the reputations and delayed the entry of Christie and Walker. That was apparent by the time Trump entered the race. Whether he’d scoped out Jeb’s campaign chops, the only one in the first tier due to name and money raised, before entering the race may never be known, but he sure acted as if he had. 2) Institutionally, primarily the RNC, wasn’t in the tank for any candidate. Those two components are relatively rare.
Marshall McLuhan pinned it 50+ years ago.
“Video with soundbite media coverage of political campaigns” is old news. One message of TV during that time…and well into the 1990s/2000s…was that people had to sit down…all at the same time…and watch. The system was set up so that there were really almost no major electronic media of any kind and precious few major print media that offered information that diverged from the official, CIA/Operation Mockingbird-controlled info stream, but at least they were united in their consumption.
Now? People do not congregate at the same time in pretty much the same sort of place…the living room…to consume information, and the info stream since the dawn of the many-channelled cable TV system has changed so radically that there are channels about horses, hot rods and old locomotives, let alone social and political views of almost every kind. Add in the digital revolution and the info stream has become so diverse that even people with very specific interests…say old locomotives…could easily spend hours every day clicking from site to site. Would they get new or even reasonably accurate information? Sometimes, but eventually the glut of information available would begin to resemble a stew put together by too many cooks of different abilities. Glut stew, neither nourishing nor particularly tasty, consumed alone in a room at any hour of the day or night.
Consumed because of addiction to the medium, not for any real information.
Not a pretty picture, but there we are.
The electorate’s essential…almost familial…unity has been shattered. For all the talk of “social” media, what has really arisen is an antisocial system. Information addicts cooped up in front of their media screens, consuming, consuming, consuming because there is little or no real nourishment in the information, and most certainly no mutually shared experience in time…the very definition of sociality.
We maunder on now about “the breakup of the American system.” About identity politics, about special interest groups, shattered families and lonely people. Network TV (and network radio before it) at least required us to consume something in unison wth millions of others…a grand…if somewhat dispersed…”sociality.”
No more.
It’s “YOYO” now.
So here’s some clown who has spent most of his time playing video poker for a couple of decades…known as “standoffish” by his neighbors, with a house that contains two chairs, a bed and a table…some guy who has amassed a couple of million dollars staring at video screens and outsmarting the computer coders who designed the games without ever meeting his so-called opponents. When he has a bad day or week or month, instead of maybe going out and getting in a bar fight or some other way of venting his anger, he holes up in a hotel room and plays video game murder with real weapons.
This is some kind of surprise!!!???
We are in the process of being completely desocialized by the very social media that we are told is “connecting” us.
Case in point:
There are many “coffee houses” and bars in hipster neighborhoods that offer entertainment…usually musical. I have played in some of them. Invariably most of what audience is there is raptly working their laptops, phones and tablets, paying almost no attention to the music. It’s just live background music to their singularity-obsessed digital lives.
The prophetess/musician Nina Simone knew as early as 1969:
It’s about time for us to begin to learn that lesson, and soon.
Or else…
That clown winning a Senate seat is improbable – not impossible of course. Worth keeping an eye on just in case he can get some traction in the primaries next year. Never quite understood the appeal among those my age and younger. He was not exactly a good rapper. If you wanted to stick to Michigan state white dudes, Eminem was and is far superior. Only reason I have any awareness of Kid Rock was that he played an asshole in a minor comedy called Joe Dirt. Good role for him as his antics the last year have convinced me he really didn’t have to do more than be himself wearing a different wifebeater than he would in public. Anyhoo, this guy has to somehow hold his own against seasoned politicians who have probably learned a few lessons about how to deal with campaigning against a celebrity narcissist. Stabenow is battle tested as well and does have an incumbent advantage. Not impossible to beat, but improbable if Kid Rock is the best they can bring. Might as well go full on Ted Nugent if they’re going the failing celebrity route.
You write:
I got two words for you, and they ain’t “Happy Birthday.”
Donald Trump
The depths of American stupidity have not yet been plumbed.
“…seasoned politicians who have probably learned a few lessons about how to deal with campaigning against a celebrity narcissist.”
Right out of the Pelosi cookie cutter.
If Trump had run as a Democrat he would have cleaned the floor with opposition like this just as he cleaned the floor with the standard Republican pols.
I don’t know if Kid Rock has the talent to do the same thing, but then neither is Stabenow and a Michigan Senate seat on the same level as a presidential run.
It’s gonna be interesting if he runs.
As the country spirals further and further down, “Fuck you, you superannuated old bitch. Go drink some Flint water.” might very well be his campaign slogan.
And it just might work.
Guaranteed to be tired of the same old same old.
A new voting bloc?
Pissed off blacks and pissed off whites?
Could happen.
P.S. “Seasoned politicians?” Yeah, right. Seasoned with Wall Street money, like McDonalds nothingburgers. Look at what happened to HRC.
The tastes, they are a’changin’.
Stabenow has a history of running and winning tight elections, although her last two Senatorial runs were essentially blowouts. The 2012 election was one that the Tea Party wing of the GOP had targeted as one in which they could make some gains, and Democratic candidates did face some headwinds that year. 2018 is a different animal and historically unpopular incumbent Presidents don’t do their own party any favors. Trump may have won Michigan electoral votes, but unless Trump manages to morph into something tolerable, the GOP is not going to capitalize on what should have been one hell of an advantage for them – including in upper-Midwestern states. As of now both Cook and Sabato still have the Senate race in Michigan in the Blue column. Nothing you’ve said in your diatribe has given any reason to believe otherwise. Your opinion of Americans is very conflicting – simultaneously condescending and dripping with revolutionary rhetoric. You have yet to offer a productive or coherent alternative to Democratic candidates or to the Democratic Party. Any plans to go back to plugging Ron and Rand Paul? Are you going to suggest that those of us who are less economically advantaged and may not be entrepreneurs are going to magically decide that regressive libertarianism that gives away what we do have to big corporations will be the path forward? Certainly that has been your go-to this decade. In the meantime, I look forward to my county’s next Democratic Party meeting – where we have plenty of pissed off folks representing a variety of ethnicities, sexual orientations, and vocations who want to throw the bums out in our area and in our state. It’ll be an uphill battle, but I am seeing some energy that was lacking until just a few months ago. Hate to disappoint you but no fans of the Pauls in that audience.
You write:
Trump just rewrote “history.” We are in a different place now. Not better, just different.
See above. it’s not going to be about “party” anymore, it’s going to be about attitude. And style of attitude.
See above. And about Trump morphing “into something tolerable”…
Tolerable to whom? And to how many?
To you and your Democrats? He could care less. In fact, every time you yelp “intolerable” at him he gets more votes. It’s the new “deplorable.”
Cook and Sabato!!!???
Get real.
Sabato’s Crystal Ball Predicts Hillary Landslide
And all I can find about Rhodes Cook’s 2016 predictions is hit after hit of “page no longer available.” I wonder why he would do that? Don’t you?
What imagined world do you live in?
I guess it depends on which “Americans” you see. I am all for equality of every kind, and this is he most multi-racial country and culture on earth. I have great hope for “Americans.” Just as soon as they get a political party that they can trust.
Ron Paul is old news. He’s out of the picture entirely. Rand Paul? Anybody who manages to seriously piss off Donald Trump must have some good qualities.
Oh!!! Me too!!! But…the question is, which bums do they want throw out? They need to throw out the old Dem bums first, and if they don’t do that then they won’t be able to throw out the old RatPub bums.
Don’t bet on it.
P.S. Learn to use the “return” key.
You know…paragraphs and such? Please.
As far as no Paul fans in the audience of which I speak, I will bet on it. Safest bet I could possibly make. Easy money. As far as the rest? Just more contentless diatribe from you that we’ve all come to expect. I can bet safely on that as well. Go figure. Funny thing about Cook: I was able to find the 2018 Senate ratings so easily. Seriously. Stabenow is currently in the column labeled “Likely D.” Here is the link again, just in case you can’t make the previous one work. I really do not know what your problem is. Don’t care to know either. In the meantime, I’m starting to enjoy extended paragraphs. Maybe I will respond this way to you more often, since you seem to derive so much pleasure from the format.
Learn to read.
And…I was quite obviousy referring to 2016 presidential predictions.
You know…the ones that all the captive Dem pollsters and media predicted for HRC?
Learn to read? Right back atcha. Great job failing to address the original point again.