LA Times headline:

Nearly a year after Trump’s election, both sides think they’re losing.

That’s because they are.


Nearly a year after the election of a president who promised Americans would win so much they would grow “tired of winning,” a funny thing has happened in American politics — both sides think they’re losing.

That lose-lose mood, which is on display daily on Capitol Hill, is strongly reinforced by a study of public opinion released Tuesday by the nonpartisan Pew Research Center. More than 6 in 10 Americans say they believe their side is losing more than it’s winning on the issues that matter most; only about 1 in 4 think their side is mostly winning.

That attitude might not be surprising from Democrats, who, with the election, lost control of all three branches of the federal government. More strikingly, Republicans, too, think they’re getting the short end of the stick.

The Pew study is the latest in a series the research group has done for the past three decades using people’s answers to a battery of questions to group them into clusters according to political views. This year’s study produced eight such political groupings — four mostly Republican and four mostly Democratic — plus a ninth category of about 8% of the public who are primarily bystanders to America’s political debate.

Of the eight groups who do have opinions about politics, none has a majority who think their side is winning; only one has even a plurality who feel that way.


Fuck with the bull(shit), you get the horns.

Lie often enough and seriously enough and eventually even people who normally don’t pay much attention to national affairs begin to smell the methane.

And they do not like it!!!

As I have been saying here since the rise of Trump, we are are teetering on a time of wonderful possibilities. If the Democratic Party would rise out of its payoff-induced torpor…or if a new party were to take the bullshit-producing major party bulls by the horns and go directly to the American people by way of the digital information revolution now available to almost everyone…all of this could change in one election.

And if this does happen…God willing…future history books will put Bernie Sanders up there as the one major politician in the U.S. to effectively stand up to the duopoly political/media machine.

Let us pray.