Neon Vincent wrote a wonderful piece here about…among other things…how human-produced noise is harming the creatures of the sea. Go read it if you have not yet done so. The NRDC announced it sued the Trump Administration 25 times as it won an Emmy.

Noise is hurting humans, too. Not just the noise of our mechanical creations, but the “noise” of tiny, tinny-sounding speakers and the badly reproduced, limited bandwidth, too often artificially produced and manipulated music and speech that most humans on the planet now accept as normal. Our entire lives are…or should be…a song, from the basic rhythms of our heartbeats through to the polyrhythms produced by our bodies…our walk, our coordinated movements…and the song of our speech.

We are becoming uninflected.


Rushed and arrhythmic.

We do not dance, we clomp, clomp, clomp.


The result?

Among other things, many among us accept this creature as our “leader.”

He has astoundingly bad time and pitch.

Listen to that notorious NY Times interview.

A verbal stumblebum, he is the true picture of our culture as it now stands.


Out of tune.

Forever angry.

Noisy America in a nutshell.

And…he is not alone.

Not by a long shot.

Look closely at them.

They have bad time, too.

They don’t dance, they lurch.

They don’t sing, they scream. Or grunt…

This is not the natural state of humanity.

They have become mechanized.

Clomp, clomp, clomp, clomp, clomp, clomp.

They have been zombified by our culture.

How far is it from this:

To this:

Not very damned far.

Bet on it.

Protect yourselves from this culture, those of you who hear what I am saying.

It is toxic on every level now.


P.S. This is not an exclusively RatPublican problem. The cultural noise machine covers all the bases, and it is almost impossible to avoid. It’s an equal opportunity polluter. Bet on that as well. Look away from it every chance that you get. Turn it off.

When watching TV…sports is about the only thing that I watch anymore, and only good, effective teams and individual athletes, teams and players that demonstrate the way well-functioning societal systems should work…when watching commercial TV, I consistently mute the ads and look away. They are toxic, most of them. Zombie-makers. I often turn the off commentators as well unless they are truly knowledgeable about the sport and not just another bunch of network sports geeks.

Try it.

It works.

Silence is golden.

No hype.

Try it.

As I used to say here:





I don’t say that much anymore…media addiction is too strong for most of us to kick.

But I live it…