Progress Pond

‘Trump University Fraud’ wins Outstanding Business, Consumer, Economic Report

“Stay tuned, as I have at least two more News and Documentary Emmy Winners to post here.”  That’s what I promised to end Frontline’s ‘The Choice 2016’ wins Outstanding Politics & Government Documentary.  Watch Katty Kay present the award for Outstanding Business, Consumer, Economic Report for the payoff.

Yes, the winner really was “Trump University Fraud,” a segment on CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360.  CNN has all of the clip used in the awards ceremony: Trump University instructor: What I did was sales.

As Donald Trump’s Trump University lawsuit moves forward in court, CNN’s Drew Griffin sits down with a former instructor and real estate expert who said he was the best salesman at the school.

The most damning part of the interview was used again in New motion filed in the Trump University case.

President-elect Donald Trump faces three lawsuits surrounding Trump University. CNN’s Drew Griffin investigates.

Judge Curiel advised the parties in the case he’s overseeing to settle the suit.  That happened a few days later, as Trump University lawsuits settled for $25M.

New York’s Attorney General Eric Schneiderman announced his lawsuit against Trump University will be settled for $25 million, calling it a “stunning reversal” of President-elect Donald Trump’s position. Two class action lawsuits are also covered by the settlement.

That should have taken care of the suit except that Sherri Simpson is appealing the settlement so she can sue independently.  This case is not over.

I have one more Emmy winner to post that features a President, one that covered a town hall with then President Obama.  Stay tuned.

Originally posted at Crazy Eddie’s Motie News.

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