Chicago Sun-Times Columnists, Jesse Jackson: JACKSON: To win in Alabama, Jones must create a new coalition”>

Points to note:
How Alabama has changed since the 1960s, starting with the Iron Bowl.

The savviest African-American politician in the state, State Sen. Hank Sanders, warns, “Right now, many African-Americans do not know there is an election on Dec. 12.” The NAACP has begun calling “sometimes voters” to get out the vote. Jones should be campaigning with Sanders and others, and introducing himself to black congregations. Real resources need to go into black newspapers and radio stations.

Listen to Hank Sanders. There are two weeks to work a miracle.  Send some funds to Doug Jones with the quote from Hank Sanders.  Strategically placed radio can be quite inexpensive we found out from Larry Kissell and with the right pitch can self-fund and expand.  If you are or know NAACP members, see if it is appropriate to participate in phone banking to Alabama.

If he fails, Democrats must learn to stop ignoring their core voters between campaigns and start appealing on kitchen table issues across race lines.

Stunning that in 2017, someone must say this.  This has been a 17-year problem at least.  The wrong lesson taken from Al Gore’s loss.