As reported in the New York Times, August 28th, 2017:
“I arranged for Ivanka to sit in Putins private chair at his desk and office in the Kremlin. I will get Putin on this program and we will get Donald elected. We both know that no one else knows how to pull this off without stupidity or greed getting in the way. I know how to play it and we will get this done. Buddy our boy can become president of the USA and we can engineer it. I will get all of Putins team to buy in on this, I will manage this process.” –Letter from Felix Sater to Trump attorney Michael Cohen, on finalizing a deal to build a Trump Tower in Moscow
As reported in the New York Times, December 2nd, 2017
On Dec. 29, a transition adviser to Mr. Trump, K. T. McFarland, wrote in an email to a colleague that sanctions announced hours before by the Obama administration in retaliation for Russian election meddling were aimed at discrediting Mr. Trump’s victory. The sanctions could also make it much harder for Mr. Trump to ease tensions with Russia, “which has just thrown the U.S.A. election to him,” she wrote in the emails obtained by The Times.
It is not clear whether Ms. McFarland was saying she believed that the election had in fact been thrown. A White House lawyer said on Friday that she meant only that the Democrats were portraying it that way.
Any questions?
I have an OT question: Do you think the tax bill will really go to reconciliation, or will Ryan convince the Rs to vote for it as is? I am inclined to believe Ryan will prevail and avoid the messy reconciliation process.
Essentially they’d be voting on something sight unseen. Wouldn’t put it past them. But there are apparently just enough differences between the two bills, and the three factions Ryan has to deal with inside his own party are just fractured enough to where that might be a harder sell than trying to sell them some flood damaged river-front houses above market value sight unseen. Could play out that way, but color me skeptical for the moment. Does a successful reconciliation happen? Odds seem to be in its favor. However, things can go sideways. There’s plenty to anger just enough factions of potential voters outside of the hardcore Trumpsters (who are simply hopeless at this juncture), that House members could feel some real heat. They’re much more exposed to a potential wave election than the Senators. Regardless, it will be an interesting and stressful next few weeks.
There are 12 House Republicans unhappy with the ANWR drilling that Murkowski slammed through for her vote. It takes another 12 more Nos from Republicans to with Pelosi’s solid opposition of Democrats defeat the bill.
The list of the ANWR environmental supporters includes a strange bunch, like Mark (Appalachian Trail) Sandford of SC. This might turn out just to be a bribe pool for the last minute voting.
And that’s not the only issue for potential holdouts.What about the state and local tax deduction? What about the deficit? This is not exactly a populist bill.
Also, remember that Ryan does not exactly have the delegation wrapped around his little finger.
He managed to get them to accept the new budget reconciliation from the Senate (the hollowed out budget) after they’d worked so hard on their own budget. Even the freedom caucus, who BooMan assured us would never accept another empty budget bill stepped aside. I think Ryan is a better salesman than we give him credit for. They want and need a win and are just desperate enough to swallow their objections to get it.
This is the only thing I’ve read that’s given me a glimmer of hope:
Wall Street Journal. Ohio.
Oh my goodness. That is a find. Think that guy called his representative to complain?
He sounds in a position make his concerns heard!
I hope you are right, but don’t discount the burning need to obey their money masters. They could face a wave election made worse by no help from the money gods and a primary challenger to boot.
I’m hardly sanguine at this juncture. Just not ready to lose hope. The reason this clusterf*ck of a bill got this far was because GOP Senators’ and Reps’ demanded it. Some of those on Capitol Hill were pretty out in the open about it. They’re essentially in “damned if they do, damned if they don’t” territory. In the meantime, keeping up the pressure never hurts. At least we can say we tried.
A question I have is “will we ever hear again from the community members who have condescendingly lectured us that there was no proof of Russia Federation meedling in the election?”
My favorite part of this weekend is John Dowd attempting to claim that he typed the Tweet on President Trump’s account which revealed that the President knowingly obstructed justice. First, Dowd’s claim doesn’t appear to solve the problem for the President. Second, who the hell does Dowd think he’s fooling? Third, now Dowd has made himself a material witness.
To quote Robert Plant, “Does anyone remember laughter?”
There’s a little something in my field called Maier’s Law: “If the facts don’t conform to the theory, ignore the facts.” That’s more paraphrase than quote, but you get the idea. I suspect our faction of denialists will continue to find ways of conveniently ignoring what is in front of them. Wish I could be more optimistic, but have learned long ago not to count on that.
You are too antsy about the election meddling charge. The solid evidence has been walked back to December and to June agreements.
If nobody actually did anything between June and December that was perceivable to actual voters at best they get intent to meddle. And the totals still look legit, which for other reasons I think they are not. This is the most difficult part of the case that Mueller has to build if he is going to be complete about his investigation. My patience so far has been rewarded.
All of the swirl of information about Cambridge Analytica, outsourced social media operations in the Balkans and other central European shops, and the hacks against state and local election boards (which did happen) will generate a new cast of characters for the narrative whether they can be subpoenaed or reported on by Trump campaign people already being worked by Mueller’s team.
When you were last slowed down in your rush to judgement, there was meddling but besides GOP meddling (still not adequately incorporated into this story) there was no definite attribution that it was from the Russian Federation. The leaks from the Mueller investigation and hard legwork by BooMan, emptywheel, and lots of others have filled in the details that allow solid attribution that the Russian Federation was behind the meddling. I don’t think we are to the point that there is a smoking gun that Putin himself had any involvement; of course that’s what heads of state try to do–ensure plausible denial. And for US political purposes, we might not ultimately need it. But for sake of the truth and historical record, I hope that the Mueller investigation ferrets out even this.
It’s not about vote totals.
It’s about whether Strongman Trump communicated via his family/friends/advisors/campaign staff with Strongman Putin, in order to increase the chance of his winning the election.
Never f-ing mind that multiple jurisdictions were hit by hackers attempting to gain access to voting machines. A US politician getting help from a foreign leader to influence, aka social media bots/trolls, public discourse and ideas, isn’t just unethical. It’s illegal.
Never. Mind. The. Vote. Totals.
Clinton lost the Electoral College vote.
Did Strongman Trump, for example, ask Strongman Putin to help him win the election by influencing the electorate. Is there, perhaps, any audio where Strongman Trump directly or indirectly asks a foreign actor to help him win the election? Are there other links? Money? Quid pro quo agreements? Etc.
The goalposts keep getting moved by everyone who wants to change the narrative. This isn’t about whether Strongman Trump and Strongman Putin were personally hacking into state election boards and manually inputting numbers.
This is about somebody’s self being put in the slammer like Haldeman, Ehrlichman, and Dean were.
If you are going to claim “meddled in the election”, I might believe you but few outside committed Democrats would. And that doesn’ get beyond wasting time. At least Watergate did bring down Nixon and set up Ford for defeat.
So, you know that none of this is going to lead to Strongman Trump and Friends not winning in 2018/2020/beyond…right now, because…
There is no doubt about Russian interference. The worst part is they want to harm us and our allies. And they seem to have found a willing partner in Trump and co. Maybe the Flynn guilty plea will open the floodgates and I hope soon. But I still have doubts whether they can impeach or indict him and beyond that whether it makes a tinkers damn to the GOP or his base. Perhaps, now that it appears he will get his and his friends tax cut and screwed the rest of us, he will resign or they will push him out. I’ll take it, this ugly hateful man must go.
Let’s play match the deflections!
Maybe needs more “deep state” derpery but otherwise it’s goddamn eerie.
h/t LGM
Yep, I saw this earlier today as well. It is remarkably, disgustingly familiar.
Gee, I hadn’t thought about Art Buchwald for years and years.
you mean they didn’t have e mails? or Hillary to lock up? what about Obama and his phony birth certificate? What about Bill? Besides it was Flynn who lied?
Nice list.
Read Oui’s diaries.
Those collections of massive quotes that routinely violate the fair use doctrine, interspersed with naked links lacking any analysis or discussion?
My one and only question is: Cui bono in changing the story regarding how Strongman Trump and Friends have attempted to get support from a foreign power, by any means necessary by the way, to win an election here in the United States?
Any answer that whataboutism’s about how the US engineered a coup in Iran, or a coup in the Ukraine, are either not US citizens, or perhaps should think about moving to another country that they actually give a shit about.
Our government meddling in other countries elections and governments is not the same as a right-wing authoritarian US politician getting help from a foreign right-wing politician to win an election in the United States.
You know how you have to put on the O2 mask in an airplane before you put one on your infant, because that infant can’t help itself if you pass out? It’s the same concept here. We can’t do a god damn thing about meta problems such as US Empire, if our government has been captured by a right-wing authoritarian in league with other right-wing authoritarians around the world.
You’ve captured a main concern of mine to a t. Right now the focus should be on neutralizing the authoritarians in our own government first. Get that done and then a good set of sit downs about how the US should use its power (to the extent any is left) going forward is in order. But first things first.
As Reported in the NY Times, 2003-2004 by Judith Miller, undoubtedly with the full consent and cooperation of her editors, publisher and whomever else (read “Spooks”) oversaw the Times’s reporting of affairs in Iraq during the beginning of the buildup to Bush II and Cheney’s Iraq war:
Disinformation on an industrial level.
In the NY Times.
Her rewards for services rendered? A well-paid place in the neocentrist revolving door system.
And you still use the Times as a trusted source!!!???
Booman… I know that you know better.
Still impaled upon the prongs of the lesser of two evils choices, aren’t you.
Sorry…I can’t join you.
So it goes.
The Judith Miller episode 13-15 years ago doesn’t make everyone at the NYT today untrustworthy.
Not today and not even then.
You write:
Why not?
Do you know about the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird? Look it up. Or go to Wikipedia if you want the watered down version. It started in the early ’50s…essentially an effort to control the media when deemed necessary using totally covert means. This is no “secret”…it has been widely known for decades. Understand this approach and even a cursory look at the concerted actions of U.S. mass media…from the assassination years right on through to the current effort to get rid of Trump…will correctly inform any inquiring mind.
The only real question is the following:
Can the anonymous controllers (unelected and basically unsupervised by any and all elected officials) be trusted to act in the best interests of the citizens of the U.S., or have they so outgrown their bounds that…again, only when deemed necessary to their own interests and to those of their allies…they wll act in ways that have no basis whatsoever in the true common interests of U.S. citizenry.
“Trusting” them to “act in our best interest” essentially ends any pretense whatsoever of an elected democracy in this country, which at least partially explains why about 40% of the eligible voters in this country decline to vote for anyone, especially in national elections.
I only trust the NY Times for cooking advice, and even there I need to prove it out in my own kitchen.
these are fucking emails, jackass.
No they are not, Booman. That’s bullshit. These so-called e-mails were faked by Judith Miller with the connivance of the entire editorial staff of the New York Times.
I suspect AG’s hangup about the Times has more to do with his class obsessions. You know, affluent twits read the Times, but real working class New Yorkers, the only New Yorkers whom AG believes are worth a damn, read the Daily News.
You write:
More two-dimensional thinking, JDL.
Those who do not at least reflexively “believe” anything that is promulgated by the thoroughly-proven-to-be-totally-lying-since-at least-the-assassination-years mass media are the the only ones that I trust.
This has nothing to do with class or affluence; it has only to do with native intelligence.
. . . imagine (or pretend to?) they do:
Arthur has some Indo-American followers:
Weirdly, you trust the Times more than anyone. You think they are infallibly incorrect–when you disagree with them.
My dog once peed on the bed. Hence, my dog only pees on the bed.
When almost every dog allowed in my house pisses on my bed…especially the bigger, more popular breeds and alpha dogs in general…my own choice is to simply not let them into my house.
Lie down with dogs and fleas aren’t the only thing you get.
In this case., you get fleeced as well.
Bet on it.
That’s exactly what the Deep States wants you to do. Lock your doors against the labradors, and embrace the post-truth world.
Bet on it.
No. You cannot have it both ways, Steggie.
There are dogs that do not piss on the bed. I welcome them in.
And…I do not “embrace the post-truth world.”
I reject it.
P.S. The Deep State[s?] plainly do not want us to reject their dogs. If they wanted that, they wouldn’t invest billions of dollars in media control. They want us to embrace them as “comfort dogs.”
Companion dogs.
Guard dogs.
Wake the fuck up.
But I think you’re the one having it both ways, A.
Do you honestly believe that Judith Miller is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations?
Betcha she collects a check, one way or another.
Payola for loyalty and silence.
I hope she’s getting paid, after the NYT put her name on all those articles she didn’t write.
And I’m wondering how much these two got:
Only your dog pees on the bed, I think you mean.
. . . anything ever printed in NYT must therefore be false.
Never mind sourcing, credibility, concordance with known Reality, etc., etc. etc.
You know, the sorts of considerations anyone capable of critical thinking/reading automatically takes into account.
That makes it a very convenient pretense, though, for espousing (yet again, ad nauseum [literally!]) ag’s idiotic, knee-jerk pet theories!
So there’s that.
How dare you repeat such mean-spirited crypto-neo-centrist accusations?
. . . neo-centrists each have to do our part, amirite?
How else will the Mean-Spirited Crypto-Neo-Centrist Movement sustain itself, much less conquer?
“It is not clear whether Ms. McFarland was saying she believed that the election had in fact been thrown.”
Really? Seems pretty frickin’ clear to me.
What she wrote and whatever she said while at the WH is why they want to send her to Singapore.
Here Are 6 Of The Most Radical Aspects Of The GOP Tax Bill.
And here is a quote caught my notice.
They are past the victory lap and now wanting to take a little more. Nice bullshit excuse but the rubes will buy it. Oh woe is me. Don’t fall for it. Debt is meaningless, they know it but want to tell us it is absolutely terrible.