The end of democracy as we have lived it in the latter part of the 20th century … new battle to conquer the Persians!

American mercenaries, torture and rendition as in Erik Prince, Oliver North and Black Ops … worse than the Iraq War, Syria, Libya and Afghanistan. So we remember Laos, Cambodia and the Vietnam War. The Victor’s Courts … why are British, French and Americans never prosecuted by the International Criminal Courts for war crimes?

AMYNTAS  m Ancient Greek derived from Greek amyntor meaning ‘defender’. The name was borne by three kings of Macedon. Mythical Amyntor in Greek Tragedy often denoted with chivalry and heroic feats.

Alexander the Great – King of Macedonia and Conqueror of the Persian Empire

Victor In Chains by Amyntor

This book, published by authority of the Greek Ministry of Information and probably written by the minister, Mr. Michalopoulos, who graduated at Oriel College, Oxford, and writes English perfectly, contains the history of enslaved Greece, as far as it is possible, and forms, therefore, a sequel to Mr. Compton Mackenzie’s work. Its text is: “Greece is an occupied country but its people are undefeated.” It describes the guerrilla warfare, especially in Crete and the mountains of the mainland, train wrecking at Drama and Larissa, fires, and sabotage, despite the discouragement of the archbishop, who was deposed for cursing the German military commander for shooting hostages. Italian casualties have been I,200 monthly, but the Germans, who admitted that “they have never come across such stubborn opposition as in Greece,” are more drastic in reprisals than the Italians.

A “Greek summed up the attitude of the ordinary civilians in these words: ‘towards Germans intense hatred, towards Italians intense contempt.'” Worst of all are the Bulgarians in Thrace and Macedonia, who, wishing to retain those provinces after the war, have executed priests who refused to conduct the services in Bulgarian, closed Salonika University, and dismissed all schoolmasters who would not teach in that language. The Italians made Italian the second language taught in schools and issued official history books, compiled on fascist lines. Athens University has been closed indefinitely, but the students, always active in political movements, have continued demonstrations, despite the admonitions of the Greek Quisling, who also in vain asked the people “not to listen to Allied broadcasts.” Public meetings were held in shelters during air raids; “AMera,” the warcry of the Evzones, was chalked up on walls. “The Greeks will not work for the Germans even if faced with famine.”

The 5/42 Evzone Regiment “Delvinaki”

More below the fold …

Pomp and Circumstance | NY Times – 1986 |

The Evzones are surely the most colorful. They are part of the country’s regular military establishment and fight in their country’s wars. In late 1940, when Greece was successfully repelling an Italian invasion from Albania (then Rome’s colony), the Evzones served as scouts working their way through the woods and over mountain peaks. They fought only with knives, hands and teeth in order to insure silence, taking prisoners for interrogation from among the frightened Italians.

Two Evzones, finding that I was American, once gave me a photograph of themselves, arms around each other’s shoulders, on which they had written: ”To Mister Cyrus from his brave Greek friends, Yanni and Costa, who keep their teeth sharp with Kolynos toothpaste.”

When World War II ended in 1945 the Evzones were removed from the regular fighting establishment and limited to service in the Presidential Guard (originally, before Greece became a republic, the Royal Guard). The Evzones had a long and valorous history before being assigned solely to ceremonial duties (although they would be integrated into regular infantry formations should another conflict involve Greece). The word ”evzone” comes from a soldierly term meaning well girded or well armed, which, their current commander says, was used as early as Homer’s epics.

Carnegie Peace Study: Causes and Conduct of the Balkan Wars – 1914
[A journal of atrocities and war crimes by all warring sides of Bulgarians, Serbs and Ottomans – Oui]

h/t Shaun Appleby – Ill Omens @BooMan

Trump White House Weighing Plans for Private Spies to Counter “Deep State” Enemies | The Intercept | by Matthew Cole, Jeremy Scahill


The Trump Administration Is Mulling A Pitch For A Private “Rendition” And Spy Network | Buzzfeed |

A spokesperson for the National Security Council said that Army Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster, Trump’s national security adviser, and other officials were not aware of the proposals.

CIA Director Mike Pompeo has publicly promised that the agency would become “much more vicious” and aggressive. He said in one speech that the administration “is prepared to engage in activities that are different from what America has been doing these past few years.”

Those familiar with the proposals say one of the driving impulses for privatizing some missions is a fear by some supporters of President Donald Trump, outside government, that the CIA bureaucracy has an anti-Trump bias that would thwart efforts to fulfill the president’s objectives. “The system does not work,” one source who is sympathetic to the Amyntor efforts told BuzzFeed News. “The people leaking this to you just want to destroy the president.”

Amyntor declined to discuss specifics, but a lawyer for the company, Raymond R. Granger, provided a statement:

As a matter of company policy, Amyntor does not comment regarding whether or not it has attempted or is attempting to secure a contract with any government agency. The type of contract about which BuzzFeed is writing, however, would be entirely appropriate with direction and control by the proper governmental authority. What would be inappropriate, and potentially illegal, would be for any individual purporting to have direct knowledge of what would be a classified contract proposal to disclose that information publicly.

Amyntor Group is a reclusive company headquartered in Whitefish, Montana, a town of 6,500 residents that recently gained notoriety after a company based there won, then lost, a $300 million contract to rebuild Puerto Rico’s electrical grid. There is no known relationship between the two companies.

Amyntor’s website describes its mission as “providing extraordinary security solutions.” It claims to “maintain an experienced cadre of cleared professionals that possess Subject Matter Expertise (SME) in the areas of intelligence training, collections and analysis, risk assessment, and counterintelligence to support U.S. and friendly foreign government activities around the globe.”

Among the management of Amyntor is John Maguire, a former CIA case officer who reportedly led a US effort to provoke Saddam Hussein into war before the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

From the Amyntor Group website – It’s Mission statement has added this quote …

“There is nothing impossible to him who will try.” – Alexander the Great

 « click for more info »


[Update-2] Looks more like a front company for other major entities …

Amyntor Group LLC Whitefish MT – Federal Vendor

913 Wisconsin Ave Ste #202 Whitefish, MT 59937 USA


Contact(s) :
April Elmer (Government Business)
Shawn Lewis (E-Business)

PODA-Police Officer Defensive Actions

Instructor: Shawn Lewis
Credit Hours: 8

Course Details

The lethal threat posed by ISIS trained operatives in America, most recently displayed on the streets of Garland Texas and San Bernardino California, highlight a new challenge for American state, local and municipal police and sheriff departments. For the first time, domestic law enforcement is faced with a threat that, by design and training, is prepared for and seeking an armed, violent confrontation with first responding officers as part of their operational plan. Facing off, without warning with a trained adversary who is willing and able to engage armed representatives of the state, and has prepared for and expects to die at some point during the engagement. This threat calls for a review and consideration of existing training, response, and tactical doctrine. The PODA Program is a hard skills program designed to teach hand picked officers who would be called upon to work offensively inside the incident perimeter, to augment patrol and SWAT or other tactical units, with the purpose of locating the threat and seeking contact, to eliminating the threat as quickly as possible, vice seeking an arrest. The violence of action taught and employed by ISIS operatives, needs to be met with a new type of police response.

Instructor Biography

Shawn Lewis is the President of Amyntor Group, an international secutity firm providing custom consulting, training, security and support solutions to governments and corporations around the globe. As a former soldier with a over a decade of Law Enforcement experience he has been a Team Leader and Primary Instructor for the U.S. Department of State, Diplomatic Security Service, Anti-Terrorism Assistance Program, training over 17 foreign counter terrorism and close protection units, in weapons and tactics. Shawn is a TCOLE Instructor, a TCOLE Firearms Instructor and a graudate of the FBI Firearms Instructor course. He has authored USG and state certified course programs for weapons, use of force, and tactics training. Mr. Lewis is the recipient of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, State of Texas, Law Enforcement Officer of the Year in 2001.

About the TTPOA

In the early 1980’s a group of Texas police officers who were assigned to SWAT units saw an obstacle in the path of their careers. This obstacle was a lack of training, and a lack of standards for tactical officers, tactical teams, and the operations they conduct. These officers recognized a need for a state association to exchange information, to create standards of training, and equally as important, to create and provide affordable training resources for tactical officers and teams.

The Texas Tactical Police Officers Association was the result.

The TTPOA encourages communication and mutual support between agencies. COMMAND magazine has been the communication tool for the association since 1992. Each year the TTPOA holds a Competition to encourage high standards of physical fitness, and a conference to give members a chance to “network” for the exchange of ideas and techniques as well as to attend high quality tactical training.

My recent diary …