The basic premise of the United Nations, according to the Trump administration, is that the U.S. spends a lot of money on the organization and in return we expect other members to vote the way we want them to vote. If they don’t, we may punish the entire organization. We may punish individual countries in other ways by withholding or canceling economic or military or humanitarian aid. We also will react negatively to anything that can be perceived as disrespect, and if the United Nations as a whole questions our foreign policy decisions, that is definitely a sign of disrespect rather than substantive or moral disagreement.
I don’t think we have to get too complicated here or delve into the details of any particular case. This behavior is corrupt. The United Nations does many things, but at its heart it is a set of legislative bodies and associated committees. And our position is that these bodies are not free to vote according to their conscience without fear of retribution to the institution, the individual members, or both.
Realistically, the members of any legislative body are subject to outside pressure, bullying, and retribution. That’s politics. But these elements of politics always push up against ethical boundaries, sometimes crossing them. We try to balance that out with sunshine and accountability, so we have requirements that people disclose who is giving them money and we make lobbyists register and abide by certain guidelines. We limit what kind of gifts are allowed and we have ethics committees that try to limit bribery and kickbacks.
What’s truly unusual in this case is that the legislative body itself is being threatened. It’s far different to be a lawmaker who has to decide how to vote based in part on fundraising considerations and threats from lobbying groups, and to be a lawmaker who feels he has to vote a certain way or else the body he serves will be stripped of funding and perhaps see a reduction in its area of responsibility or its influence.
Obviously, the United States is going to use its power as leverage within the United Nations, as do other major powers. But it’s a major transgression to attack the institution itself. It’s also unseemly to so brazenly threaten individual nations in an effort to coerce their votes. This, too, is corrosive to the health of the institution. And it’s deeply resented all across the world, among our closest allies and our foes alike.
All of this would apply to any topic, but that the topic is as controversial as Jerusalem makes matters even worse. And it doesn’t help that most of our threats are empty. Threats we can’t keep don’t make us stronger or more respected, and they certainly don’t increase the likelihood that we’ll get the votes we want in the future.
Overall, this has been a shameful and horrid day for the United States on the international stage.
I have worked my entire career in the field of international development (mainly environment and renewable energy) and no American president has been so widely hated as Trump (in many foreign countries, Americans are actually liked, especially by the middle and working classes. Even before he was elected and he was unexpectedly the GOP candidate, a lot of foreign folks were either deeply puzzled about what was going on in the US or quite apprehensive. It’s only gotten much worse since then.
If the US manages to survive Trump and the GOP Congress, the country may be crippled in foreign affairs for a long time. Putin must be overjoyed.
If the US manages to survive Trump and the GOP Congress, the country may be crippled in foreign affairs for a long time. Putin must be overjoyed.
You do remember that the GOP, especially the Fox News/InfoWars/Glenn Beck wing, has hated the UN for quite a while, right?
Doesn’t the “hate the UN” contingent go back to its inception? Pet cause of the John Birch Society.
Yeah but I meant a more “mainstream” position. Wasn’t it Frank Gaffney or some other guy who said they’d like to see 10 stories loped off the UN building(the same thing Ann Coulter said about the NYT building)?
Nikki Haley is about .0667 of a Jeane Kirkpatrick. And Trump is really only about three-fifths (see what I did there?) of a Reagan.
For the rest, see “League of Nations”.
. . . [you] did there”, just not what there is about it that would lead you to ask. Care to explain what you meant by “what I did there”?
Speak Loudly and Carry a Small Stick.
Doesn’t Trump have hotels and/or licensing agreements in foreign countries? What about financial asset? Maybe he shouldn’t be throwing stones inside his tastelessly decorated glass house.
Wonder how many world leaders took the donald’s threat seriously? We know none of them called Tillerson or anyone in the WH for an explanation. Did they call Ryan or McConnell who advised they just ignore the president?
You write:
“…none of them called Tillerson or anyone in the WH?”
How exactly do the mythical we “know” that? Because it wasn’t in the news? Please. The news is now simply clickbait. Trust it not.
Arthur’s tired, poorly targeted, poorly substantiated attacks on the media have become even more hysterical since media sources sharpened their reporting on Trump’s numerous scandals.
Trump’s plan to cut funding and raise barriers to social welfare programs is a policy change that Arthur has supported in his voluminous writings here. He wouldn’t be the Ron Paul evangelist he is without signing off on a savage governmental attack on the poors.
Perhaps Arthur’s attacks on the media at this time aren’t coincidental.
A portrait of centerfielddj’s worldview.
Arthur, thank you for essentially conceding that you share Ron Paul’s hungry desire to sharply cut or eliminate Federal social welfare programs.
Tell us again, as you have told this community before, how unemployment insurance hurts Americans.
Arthur’s silence when inconveniently confronted with his own policy beliefs speaks loudly.
We all know this is how Trump thinks: “I pay you, you have to do what I want.” “Putin says nice things about me, of course I’ll say nice things about him.” All his relationships are 100% economized, and he has no concept in his mind of a different kind of basis for relationships, including the acceptance of rule of law,.
It used to seem in the earlier months as if the staff was developing ways of coping with that. Of ignoring the tweets, for instance, when he made some typical Trumpy demand with which the government couldn’t really comply. But it seems now with the advent of the Jerusalem issue they’re really falling into line, or he’s learning how to project power, or something. It’s horrifying to hear a moderately educated person like Haley parroting his crazy theory of how the UN is supposed to work.
Haley works for Trump. People who work for Trump have two options – either be an abject sycophant, or be someone who used to work for Trump.
You saw yesterday with the tongue baths Trump got from various politicos that you flatter him abjectly if you hope to influence him.
It is important to keep in mind that Haley has literally zero diplomatic experience. Nonetheless, simple understanding of human nature should allow her to know that this “nice place you got here, shame if something happened to it” act will further alienate her and our nation from others at the U.N., even nations historically our allies.
The United Kingdom was one of the 128 nations which voted for this Draft Resolution. Here are the illustrious nations which stood with the United States to vote No:
Marshall Islands
Haley is doing a great job, the best.
It’s a political win for everyone. World gets to stand up to the US/Trump which is popular at home. Trump gets to stick his tongue at the UN which plays well with his base. Palestinians are fucked, actual policy is fucked.
Precisely. Thank you.
We all must understand that Trump is playing hardball here. He wants to run things. Simple as that. Will his tactics continue to work? We shall see. I believe that he will ratchet up his threats in the hope that whomever is being threatened will back down. If they don’t? Then…if doing so is at all survivable…he will carry them out. This goes for Congress, the U.N., and any other situations where he is being opposed. That’s his M.O., and he has risen from being a local real estate salesman to being President of the United States of Omertica by consistently using that approach.
Notice that he is not “threatening” China or Russia. Not in public, anyway. It’s the classic gangland script…three mob families divvying up the neighborhoods of a given area…in this case, the whole world. “Diplomacy” in the U.N. is now basically about keeping a balance of power among those three families. The most powerful family worldwide is the U.S. It controls almost all of North and South America, Japan, South Korea, Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and large parts of the Middle East. It also has troops…clandestine and not so clandestine…all over Africa and in the area that the wonderful author Gary Shteyngart so accurately labelled “Absurdistan.” Neither Russia, China…or even an alliance between those two gangs…can really challenge the U.S. empire right now. They can take little potshots, push at some boundaries…witness Crimea, the whole Ukraine boondoggle/stalemate and China woofing about who owns the Asian seas…and they make occasional threatening gestures (mostly to keep their own people in line), but that’s about it.
This has basically been the case since the end of the Vietnam war. Russia, China and the U.S. have all had their ups and downs since then, but the balance of power has pretty much remained.
Until Trump.
Trump wants it all. He wants to be the Boss of All Bosses, and every move he makes…whether it’s domestic or international…is based on that one idea. Any opposition to that idea is met with lots of words and the threat of action. So far…including Congress…the only truly strong opposition that he has received is from North Korea. That’s still in the posturing phase, mainly because North Korea is a relatively small sub-gang in the Chinese mob. If the Chinese get to thinking that Kim Jong-un is a seriously annoying burr under their saddle…as was Crazy Joey Gallo to the Profaci/Colombo mob in the NYC area…then a contract of some sort will go out on him and his whole little gang. It’s probably out already; they’re just trying to figure out how to rid of him without nuclear war. Nukes are bad for business, don’tcha know. Good for threat, but very bad for business.
Now, back to Trump. The office of the presidency in the U.S. is almost unassailable in a legal sense. I mean…let’s get real, here. The politics of impeachment…real, successful impeachment…are simply too complex. That would be “bad for business” too. Is Trump’s lust for power so great that he begins to resemble Joey Gallo too? Most of the important members of both major gangs in the U.S…the Ratublicans and the DemocRats…see him as a threat to their own interests. So apparently does the Deep State…a third gang that keeps a very low profile but carries a lot of power. If they can force Trump to start issuing pardons…to others and to himself…then public opinion will finally turn so against him that he will essentially be powerless. But…so far…that war is still in posturing mode as well. We shall see. It’s been a year…
Meanwhile, back at the ranch…Trump is still president and he is still dominating the news cycle. So it goes. The “Write anything you want about me but be sure to spell my name right” approach has worked very well for him.
As he might say in an unguarded Twitter moment:
So far?
All talk and no walk.
We shall see…
Won’t we.
Now a standalone post.
No, Booman. Trump Wants To Rule The WORLD.
Please comment there.
Thank you…
Or nein, or non. Even nyet. 🙂
We’re headed to second tier status on the world stage. Most of the countries will find they don’t need us. Might even be better off without our bullying.
Does Trump realise what will happen to New York real estate prices if the UN and all associated staff and agencies were to up sticks and move somewhere that is actually supportive of their work? Most of the money the US contributes to the UN budget ends up being spent there, unlike any other contributor bar perhaps Switzerland.
More dangerously for all of us, Trump is not so much hated in the rest of the world, as not taken seriously. It’s as if Caligula had appointed his horse to the job. Dangerously, he may feel he has to start a war somewhere, with someone to get the “respect” he deserves. Otherwise he is just good for a laugh, although I can understand why our US friends aren’t laughing.
I think we crossed that bridge with the Powell performance…
Well, we had our first African American president, and now we have our first Mob President.
Some would say that was Kennedy. Trump certainly isn’t the first I bet.
Say what you like about JFK, he wasn’t imbued to his core with mobster values.
Uhhh…don’t forget JFK and Nixon.
A relative has studied this. The mob has influenced a number of Presidents, including both Nixon and Kennedy.
It is bizarre that the status of Jerusalem is the issue that we’re going to smash up the UN over. But if what you want is to make the fundie base happy it’s terrific – they hate the UN! Now all we need is nuclear war with N. Korea and they’ll be ecstatic – the Rapture will be just over the horizon!
Doesn’t any one know the history of the UN? Doesn’t any one know the history of Eleanor Roosevelt and her work on Human Rights in the UN? I know it because I lived through it; and, it was impressive to a young girl. Mrs. Roosevelt was impressive. Trump’s treatment of the UN is simply disgusting, which is the only adjective that should ALWAYS be attached to Trump.