We don’t belong to his tribe.

What an unbelievable bull-shit from anyone pretending to possess some intelligence, empathy and humanity.

As he/she has demonstrated so many times of being narrow-minded as many Americans have become. There was no way an imposter as Trump could/should have been elected.

The Ugly American has returned from the shadows and has many distinct forms. Just keep cuddling the beast.

Definitely, I and many others here @BooMan don’t belong to your tribe!  🙂


    To Don Durito: I’ve tried all available options within my reach. E-mail correspondence included!
    I’ve strongly voiced my opinion on the abuse of troll ratings. See FAQ on topic.

My latest diary @EuroTrib …

Christian Zionists Collude with Alt-right Trump

[Note: Trump’s appreciation for support to get elected was rewarded with his gift of Jerusalem to the “Jewish” State of Israel]

The rise of the alt-right in Western politics due to Middle-East wars [neocon policy] and the refugee crisis in its aftermath. Also the effects of Anglo-American banking, financial institutions, off-shore deposits, stock market, corporate might in capitals and political parties causing wealth accumulation by the 0.1%. The rich getting richer, turning the dials of tax reform, promising trickle-down cents for the working majority. Instead inequality is on the rise in the last 50 years and people’s revolutions are managed for regime change in the mirror of American capitalism while undermining labor rights. Welcome to the new year 2018, more of the same?

Attacking church sermons on Christmas Day ….