We don’t belong to his tribe.
What an unbelievable bull-shit from anyone pretending to possess some intelligence, empathy and humanity.
As he/she has demonstrated so many times of being narrow-minded as many Americans have become. There was no way an imposter as Trump could/should have been elected.
The Ugly American has returned from the shadows and has many distinct forms. Just keep cuddling the beast.
Definitely, I and many others here @BooMan don’t belong to your tribe! 🙂
- [Update-1]
To Don Durito: I’ve tried all available options within my reach. E-mail correspondence included!
I’ve strongly voiced my opinion on the abuse of troll ratings. See FAQ on topic.
My latest diary @EuroTrib …
Christian Zionists Collude with Alt-right Trump
[Note: Trump’s appreciation for support to get elected was rewarded with his gift of Jerusalem to the “Jewish” State of Israel]
○ Trump’s Jerusalem decision is a victory for Evangelical politics | Brookings Institute |
○ Netanyahu Expects Demise of Non-Orthodox Jewry in Two Generations | Tikun Olam |The rise of the alt-right in Western politics due to Middle-East wars [neocon policy] and the refugee crisis in its aftermath. Also the effects of Anglo-American banking, financial institutions, off-shore deposits, stock market, corporate might in capitals and political parties causing wealth accumulation by the 0.1%. The rich getting richer, turning the dials of tax reform, promising trickle-down cents for the working majority. Instead inequality is on the rise in the last 50 years and people’s revolutions are managed for regime change in the mirror of American capitalism while undermining labor rights. Welcome to the new year 2018, more of the same?
Attacking church sermons on Christmas Day ….
Is your reading comprehension really so poor?
Or is this yet another example of retreating to your little tribal circle-jerk in the diaries to misrepresent and lie about arguments on the front page?
It’s a dessert topping AND a floor polish!
From the FAQ regarding less acceptable diaries, courtesy of soj:
I don’t intend to be pedantic, but I really want to believe you are still better than this. Seems to me if you have something to hash out, why not either hash it out in that particular thread, or if email is available, go that route? Call-out diaries are just a bummer, and I doubt do anything more than to further cause those you are trying to shame into digging their heels further. Really, try another approach, please.
So, I’m just supposed to tolerate being called a Trump supporting, Putin-Russia lover by those like you that view rational criticism of Clinton (both of them) as code for being a Trumpster, regardless of the frequency of my equally, at a minimum, criticism of Trump? You and the Trumpsters have picked your poison and can’t seem to fathom that some people choose not to imbibe either.
Of course if you feel you’re one of the posters being unfairly criticized for campaigning for Trump you could respond to the criticism in the context it was made.
Or you could start a separate diary and just blatantly lie about the criticism, hoping nobody will track down the original conversation.
Your comment really does not address the point I was making. Essentially, there is (or at least is supposed to be) a norm against call-out diaries. The FAQ is quite clear about that. Booman would most likely take one look at this diary and say something to the effect of “knock it off” for a reason. If an argument cannot be handled in the thread of origin, there probably aren’t a lot of great options. Probably the best is to realize that communication with one another is simply not going to happen on that topic and leave it at that (note – I do get that Oui is frustrated and I am not about to dismiss his reaction to what he is reading as it is at minimum a valid experience for him). I’ll once more repeat that these call-out efforts are more likely than not to backfire. At minimum, I fail to see how this sort of diary will win converts to the diarist’s cause. The more likely result is that the person who wanted to call attention to being offended ends up being perceived of as the offender. I would certainly not want that for anyone, regardless of whether or not I have crossed swords with them in the past. I’ll just leave it at that.
Long (and good) read: LRB, Jackson Lears: What We Don’t Talk about When We Talk about Russian Hacking
As I doubt those that would benefit most from reading it will bother to do so, will cite the final point:
I’m completely down with ending nonstop war and military imperialism. That’s why I supported Sanders in the primary, and that’s why I supported Clinton in the general. I made my decision in the general election despite Hillary’s very bad position on establishing a Syrian no-fly zone and some (not all!) of her past record. I made my decision on this issue in the general election because Trump was an obvious liar on his Iraq position and he campaigned as a hotheaded eliminationist who wanted to torture family members of suspects and massively jack up DoD spending.
If discussing this subject in good faith had been important to you, you could have spent any time at all from August to November 2016 pointing out the many areas where Clinton’s record, campaign positions and temperament were vastly superior to Trump’s. If you can provide posts which show you doing that during those crucial months, I’ll be surprised. My memory is that you slagged Clinton nonstop and resisted discussing Trump’s rank unfitness and immorality.
From the essay you linked, this is shoddy argumentation:
“…even controlling in a statistical model for many other alternative explanations, we find that there is a significant and meaningful relationship between a community’s rate of military sacrifice and its support for Trump.’ Clinton’s record of uncritical commitment to military intervention allowed Trump to have it both ways, playing to jingoist resentment while posing as an opponent of protracted and pointless war.”
The second sentence draws a conclusion which is not supported by the first sentence. At all. My reading of the full essay fails to substantiate this explanatory claim of the second sentence. In fact, Jill Stein’s utter failure to make much electoral hay with a purer anti-interventionist argument strongly suggests that there were other causes for the electoral behavior cited.
My reading of the full essay showed this problem with substantiation throughout. Note the bad faith takes here, for instance:
“The chatter surrounding the hack would never have acquired such urgency were it not for the accompanying assumption: Russia is a uniquely dangerous adversary, with which we should avoid all contact. Without that belief, Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s meetings with Russians in September 2016 would become routine discussions between a senator and foreign officials. Flynn’s post-election conversations with the Russian ambassador would appear unremarkable. Trump’s cronies’ attempts to do business in Russia would become merely sleazy. Donald Trump Jr’s meeting at Trump Tower with the Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya would be transformed from a melodrama of shady intrigue to a comedy of errors – with the candidate’s son expecting to receive information to use against Clinton but discovering Veselnitskaya only wanted to talk about repealing sanctions and restarting the flow of Russian orphans to the United States. And Putin himself would become just another autocrat, with whom democracies could engage without endorsing.”
The paragraph begins with an outright lie re. “…the accompanying assumption…” and goes downhill from there. The credulity with which the writer treats the Trump Tower meeting is particularly bad. Note how the writer seems for some reason to want to evade the fact that Manafort and Kushner were also in a meeting which had been advertised as “…part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.” The writer is also oddly incurious about why Trump Jr. originally lied about the original purpose of this meeting.
It’s got lots of other goodies like Rand Paul being good on civil liberties, and Jim Webb being anti-militarist.
There’s a post on Lawyers, Guns and Money which takes on the section of the Lears essay you highlight here.
The first commenter responding to Lemieux’s post made his own good points, as follows:
“Hillary is a warmonger!” [exaggeration, but there’s a kernel of truth here…]
“We shouda nominated Jim Webb!” [oh fuck you]
ETA: Webb and Paul get to have “troubling idiosyncrasies.” Hillary, apparently, does not. Hmm.
ETA the second: Nominating a white woman with a full resume – is “identity politics” and a “tragedy.” If I actually gave a shit, I’d try to look up what he was saying in 2008…”
Thanks for linking to this, marduk.