You be the judge. You tell me. On first read…all that I have time for today…it sounds like the first public break in the “NeverTrump” neocentrist media forces.
Read it.
I will say this…there is not a truly unflattering image of Trump in the entire article. This from a NY Times that has been the absolute master in the use of subtly backstabbing images for decades.
The initial image? It actually casts him in a pensive pose, highlighted by what looks to be a magical ray of the brightest light surrounded by darkness. I would think it subtly heroic if I knew nothing at all about the subject except that he was a very important man. A deep thinker.
The rest? A blurred close-up of Trump’s face standing in front of a very sharp image of President Andrew Jackson (Essentially the founder of the Democratic Party!!! See my P.S. below.), the next a dark-toned crowd shot apparently taken inside the White House with no evidence of Trump at all, just some VIP suits walking towards a door and looking very small and unimportant in the context of the shot. Then one of the presidential desk…empty. And finally? One of Trump…again looking very small…walking with his back to the viewer towards a helicopter on the White House grounds.
Read…and look…at it and then come back to me with your thoughts, please. I am really at a loss here. Overall this article is most definitely not the usual, emotionally-loaded anti-Trump hit piece that we have come to expect from the neocentrist media.
A sea-change?
Preparation for a sea-change?
But…in which direction(s)???!!!
Thank you…
P.S. From the Wikipedia article about Andrew Jackson:
As president, Jackson sought to advance the rights of the “common man” against a “corrupt aristocracy” and to preserve the Union.
P.P.S. All authored by Peter Baker:
Chief White House Correspondent, New York Times, MSNBC analyst. Proud husband of Susan Glasser, columnist for Politico and the New Yorker.
Are they folding!!!???
Spooked by the following from Trump’s NYTimes interview?
Given their roster of candy-ass reporters, being spooked is plausible, but more likely they’re passing along the current messages from portions of the deep state and the banksters — You know, this is all working out very well for us. Eight years of Trump and we will own it all. So, no skin off our noses to describe the nincompoop as a genius to keep this good thing for us rolling along.
For all its arrogance, the NY Times highlights mostly crap when it’s trashing and praising an administration and congress. Solid reporting does slip through as asides in buried articles and gets picked up by astute reader/writers in the alternate media.
AND Jackson was a racist. Will read and comment later.
Jackson was a slave owner — and unlike Washington, Jefferson, and Madison (who wasn’t conflicted) — he wasn’t born into, raised, and inherited from the landed and slave owning gentry. He aspired to it. (Monroe straddled the line between Madison and Jackson both chronologically and in political orientation.) Too bad the country didn’t stick with Q — possibly the smartest, most educated, and competent among the first fifteen presidents.