I don’t expect any better from the New York Post’s Page Six, but this is still remarkable:
The federal grand jury handing down indictments for special counsel Robert Mueller doesn’t appear to include any supporters of President Donald Trump, according to one witness who recently testified before the panel.
“The grand jury room looks like a Bernie Sanders rally,” my source said. “Maybe they found these jurors in central casting, or at a Black Lives Matter rally in Berkeley [Calif.]”
Of the 20 jurors, 11 are African-Americans and two were wearing “peace T-shirts,” the witness said. “There was only one white male in the room, and he was a prosecutor.”
It reminds me of this, from October 22nd, 2008:
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin apologized yesterday for implying that some parts of the country are more American than others, even as similar comments by two Republican congressmen were causing a backlash that threatened their chances for reelection.
In an interview on CNN, Palin said comments she made last week in North Carolina praising small towns as “the real America” and the “pro-America areas of this great nation” were not intended to suggest that other parts of the country are less patriotic or less American.
“If that’s the way it has come across, I apologize,” she told CNN’s Drew Griffin.
That might be the last time that Sarah Palin or the conservative movement apologized for anything, and it obviously wasn’t sincere. In their view, the country is divided into whites, particularly white men, and everyone else. White men can serve on a grand jury but if anyone else serves on a grand jury then the proceedings lack legitimacy.
The obvious point here is to undermine the credibility of the investigation into the Trump campaign’s dealings with the Russians. Not only is the FBI biased, but the grand jury pool is biased, too. They might as well be peace-shirt wearing hippies and black militants from Berkeley and Oakland. They’re not going to give the president a fair shake.
Of course, Steve Bannon just dropped a nuclear bomb on this strategy by accusing the president, his son, his son-in-law, and his former campaign chief of committing treason. If Bannon and his type are prejudging the case against Trump, then it’s hard to see where a fair-minded jury might be found.
One thing that’s significant in this Page Six piece is that the source recently testified in front of the grand jury. They clearly felt that the members of that grand jury are going to bringing the hammer down soon or they wouldn’t be talking trash about them. Things do seem to be headed in that direction. Trump’s bizarre, irrational and irresponsible tweeting seems to have been turned up to eleven since the new year, and people are wondering what might be behind it:
“There’s the possibility that something else is going on here,” Jeff Zeleny said on CNN, noting that Trump “knows more about the Russia investigation” than the public — he knows more, “through his attorneys and other things, about what may be coming.”
There were hints of something coming down in the days before the indictments of Manafort and Papadapoulos, and again before the announcement about Michael Flynn. I think we’re about to begin Phase Three.
Leaks, dribs and drabs of information, innuendo, supposition…this melodrama has dragged on a long time and I am fervently hoping something will actually come of it.
I have faith in Mueller; he seems to be going at this methoically and carefully and covering himself and his team as he goes along. I don’t care if it takes longer, either, as long as he’s getting solid proof and lots of it.
My concern is that this investigation will be diverted or corrupted somehow before it gets to the top. We assume Trump and his family and cronies are the end of the line, so I hope Mueller can get to them and hold them criminally accountable.
The way this administration has been run, I’m not convinced they’ll be charged, but I have fingers and toes crossed for some satisfaction.
They have all been acting pretty squirrelly since the week before x-mas when the lawyers were planning to meet with Mueller’s team (on 12.21 or thereabouts).
gotta’ be the shoes.
For those of us who grew up during the cold war doing duck and cover exercises, and after seeing DT’s latest saber-rattling tweet, the use of the term ‘drop a nuclear bomb’ might be misplaced these days. The very idea that this maniac might actually do that–I’m leaning toward not getting that hyperbolic.
Add to all the drama
And in still more drama, Manafort is suing Mueller, Rosenstein and the DOJ. Fun times.
Defendants also get to do discovery, not just plaintiffs.
I’m not sure they remembered that.
I just wasted ten minutes trying to find a Digby post from the last few weeks, making a similar point about how Gowdy et al. complain that the FBI aren’t uniformly Trump supporters which means they’re biased and must remove themselves from the investigation…and Digby contrasts this to Whitewater and Benghazi where the complaint was that only Republicans could be “fair” when looking at the Clintons. Digby’s point was that the sheer gall of the hypocrisy doesn’t surprise her because they probably can’t even see it; as far as they’re concerned every decision must be made by Republicans or else it’s tainted somehow.
“he (Trump) knows more, “through his attorneys and other things, about what may be coming.”
Boy howdy, “and other things” carries a lot of weight in that sentence. Like knowing, at a minimum, that he’s up to his eyebrows in mob connections, foreign and domestic, and money laundering. Wonder what he hasn’t told his lawyers.
Oh, goody, goody, goody! I can hardly wait! Sooner this child is gone from the White House, the better. Trump, Trump, jr., and all the others committed acts of treason and should be put in jail for that. All Republicans who support Trump and bad mouth Mueller are complicit in the acts of treason and should be indicted and tried and sent to jail, too.
Because I was born with a big heart, I’ll provide a free translation of this;
“The grand jury room looks like a Bernie Sanders rally,” my source said. “Maybe they found these jurors in central casting, or at a Black Lives Matter rally in Berkeley [Calif.]”
“I expected my answers to get a least a few white people to nod their heads in agreement. Nobody nodded. I walked out knowing we are all fucked”
All of that may be true.
But why are we letting the true villains off here?
Hillbots, neo-liberal neo-con neo-centrists, the deep-state media complex, and, of course, the Clinton crime family.
Also: Pizzagate.
Her emails! Benghazi! We would have ended up in a nuclear war with Russia. And underneath it all – those FEMA camps can’t hide themselves. There’s a Deep State conspiracy goin’ on. Alex Jones says. Common knowledge. All the evidence-based stuff Booman insists on gets in the way of the narrative!
Booman writes:
Well…if of course the source is reputable, something to always be doubted regarding the NY Post right out front…but if this is the truth of the matter, anyone who understands the the fix is in as deeply as in can be planted in the anti-Trump division of the Permanent Government will not find it in the least “remarkable.”
Just business as usual from the PermaGov.
Business as usual when challenged, no matter by whom.