In his book Spymaster: My Thirty-two Years in Intelligence and Espionage Against the West, former KGB head of foreign counterintelligence Oleg Kalugin disclosed some of the fake news that the Russians put into America’s national discourse during the directorship of Yuri Andropov:
Under Andropov the disinformation branch of the KGB flourished. For both domestic and external consumption, it concocted stories to deceive, confuse, and influence targeted audiences. It conducted operations to weaken Soviet adversaries and to undermine the internal stability and foreign policies of the Western world in order to facilitate favorable conditions for the eventual triumph of Communism.
The CIA ousted President Nixon; the CIA arranged the 1978 mass suicide and murder of more than nine hundred people of the Jonestown cult; the U.S. was developing an ethnic weapon that would kill blacks and spare whites; the CIA was behind the assassinations of Olof Palme in Sweden, Indira Gandhi in India, and Aldo Moro in Italy, and an attempt on the pope’s life; the U.S. military planned to use tactical nuclear weapons in Italy in case the left parties came to power; U.S. Army scientists developed the AIDS virus; Americans steal foreign babies to use their organs for transplant — these and hundreds of other faked stories hit the front pages of the world media at one time or another. And though Andropov died in 1984, his legacy and that of his KGB predecessors in the area of psychological warfare eventually developed into practical guidelines for the KGB and its friends and allies across the world.
He also wrote about more sinister “active measures.”
One of our dirty tricks involved a nasty letter-writing campaign against African diplomats at the United Nations — an idea cooked up by KGB headquarters in Moscow and approved by the Communist Party Central Committee. Our KGB staff, using new typewriters and wearing gloves so as not to leave fingerprints, typed up hundreds of anonymous hate letters and sent them to dozens of African missions. The letters, purportedly from white supremacists as well as average Americans, were filled with virulent racist diatribes. The African diplomats publicized some of the letters as examples of the racism still rampant in America, and members of the American and foreign press corps quoted from them. I and other KGB officers working as correspondents in the United States reported extensively on this rabidly antiblack letter-writing campaign. I lost no sleep over such dirty tricks, figuring they were just another weapon in the cold war.
Our active measures campaign did not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, or color: we went after everybody. Attempting to show that America was inhospitable to Jews, we wrote anti-Semitic letters to American Jewish leaders. My fellow officers paid American agents to paint swastikas on synagogues in New York and Washington. Our New York station even hired people to desecrate Jewish cemeteries. I, of course, beamed back reports of these misdeeds to my listeners in Moscow, who — tuning in to my broadcasts — no doubt thanked the Lord or Comrade Lenin that they had been born in a socialist paradise, and not in a hotbed of racial tension like the United States of America.
I immediately thought about this history when I saw Greg Sargent’s tweet this afternoon:
It's striking how many bots are out there responding to condemnation of Trump's "shithole" comments with tweets designed to sow more general racial division.
— Greg Sargent (@ThePlumLineGS) January 12, 2018
Obviously, America suffered from plenty of racism and anti-Semitism in the pre-internet era of the 1970s and 1980’s, but the Soviets sought to exaggerate our problems in order to weaken our society and make it look less attractive abroad. During this time, Vladimir Putin was serving in East Berlin as a KGB officer. It shouldn’t be shocking that the same playbook is still being used.
Hopefully, seeing this old history in print will help you bring a healthy skepticism to a lot of what we see happening in this country. I wouldn’t put it past FSB officers to paint a swastika on a synagogue or desecrate a Jewish cemetery. It would be no more surprising than learning that they have a symbiotic relationship with Alex Jones and his InfoWars radio program. This isn’t to say that you should see a hidden Kremlin hand behind everything, but the hand is there and it is busy at work. Today, it has bots working overtime to amplify divisions over the president’s obvious racism. Last year, they had BernieBots working overtime to insult women and supporters of Hillary Clinton and HillaryBots busily insulting supporters of Bernie Sanders.
It may seem like a new thing, but it’s really just a revival of something that we lived with during the Cold War, stripped of even the hint of socialist idealism and put on steroids by the digital age.
What is a given platform’s (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) responsibility in all this?
What about print and TV journalism as they continue to fall for this stuff, only to later tisk tisk their reader’s for not being the skeptical enough.
One could argue, given the tax windfall alone, such private entities have no motivation to prevent their platform from being used this way.
Have you read our cover story?
Unfortunately no. I swear it was on the pile.
That is a good outline of the problem and possible solutions, now is there a political will to make such a broad based, industry focused, reform happen? Guess we shall see.
I’ve always thought Never Asking Where The Money Came From was the key part of Faustian bargain that made social media/Web 2.0/whatever profitable in the first place. As Sen. Franken pointing out in response to Facebook lawyer’s Sargent Shultz act (aka. We Knew NOTHING!) they took payment in rubles.
It’s one helluva story. Should be read and shared!
Obviously, America suffered from plenty of racism and anti-Semitism in the pre-internet era of the 1970s and 1980’s, …
And even before the 1970’s!! I mean there is a reason “Bull” Connor is infamous. Did he, or his fellow travelers really need to be ratfucked by the USSR to do what they did? The efforts of Putin can’t really top the efforts of the Koch brothers and Rupert Murdoch, can they?
National interest and national ideology always diverge in practice first of all. Propaganda and spy agencies seem (based on histories of them long after the fact) are never as brilliant as the biographies and especially the autobiographies of their leaders. Nothing shows this more clearly than The Devil’s Chess Game which takes apart the ledgendary swashbuckling status of Allen Dulles and the several histories that have unwound James Jesus Angleton’s legendary “brilliance”.
As you remember the 1950s through 1980s, how many of these events do you remember? Did the CIA actually out Richard Nixon? Did many people in the US opine that the CIA was behind the Jonestown massacre, and so on? This list within the US news sphere is most laughable, even if you look at out of mainstream areas (Marcus Raskin, for one) or I.F. Stone or some of the smaller offbeat magazines, the KGB never caught on to the resonance because that resonance sabotaged the direction they wanted their stories to move.
Yes, Russia’s efforts to divide us are not new and just about as hamhamded our efforts to divide people in other countries whom we do not deign extend the dignity of understanding. That is also why the purported Russian social media looks so laughable.
All countries that have bought into this information war notion are wasting bunches of effort on very little and little of that evers justifies the effort. False short cuts are what they are or dirty tricks just for the sake of feeling like Roger Stone–a thrill of a personal hobby, not a practical contribution to covert operations statecraft.
Yes Tarheel!!!
This whole ting is just a hottest-thing-ever, clickbait version of the pot calling the kettle a (
kitchen) tool. Have we all forgotten about Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty?Here is their intended broadcast area in their prime.
Outdated technology?
New tools available?
Of course.
But does anyone with even half a brain actually think that the U.S. has backed off of its attempts to influence the minds of the populations of oppositional countries???
Anyone who thinks otherwise is either simply another sleeping tool of the domestic media system or is in on the hustle…usually in the interests of sheer survival if not great profit.
So it goes.
We go along to get along, at least until the inevitable “#MeToo” moment that appears at the end of every hustle.
End of story.
Sooner rather than later, I hope.
snip: “But does anyone with even half a brain…”
You appear to be over looking the fact that well over half the US population actually lack half a brain.
As an instructive point I note the number of Americans who read the New York Times is approx. 1 million. Much of the rest of the 3 hundred million are watching WWF and Dancing With The Stars. They are pre-literate.
If you don’t think these folks aren’t susceptible to all manner of anti democratic influences you aren’t half as bright as you think you are.
And sadly for those who read the NY Times, they might have gotten the impression that Hilary Clinton’s email practices were a very serious concern that called into question pretty much everything about her.
They might have also thought that Iraq posed an immediate threat to our country and needed to be invaded.
They are probably quite sure that Israel is a wonderful ally of our country and that all Palestineans are terrorists.
You’re missing the overall point.
No. you are missing the “overall point.”
The truth of the matter is that the NY TImes…and pretty much the entire rest of the so-called “elite” media…are in the same business as are the yellowest of yellow presses. They are serving the same purpose for middle class and upper middle class U.S-ians as does The National Enquirer for working class supermarket shoppers…clouding minds up and down the economic culture.
Believe none of it.
. . . point” is ag’s, repeated tirelessly and tiresomely, ad infinitum and ad nauseum, no matter how off-topic and/or wrong.
You’re a rank nihilist and a long winded boor. Every post has the whiff of midnight oil. A pedant.
“Well over half???!!!”
Well over 99%!!!
Including most Dem voters.
Who are these less than 1% people who can think Arthur, and is there any commonality among their thinking?
Or are they all individual mad geniuses that are not understood by the rest of the world, like yourself?
I will reply seriously to your nastiness, bazzz. Maybe I underestimate the percentage, but not by much. And no, they are neither mad nor geniuses, they are jes’ plain folks who…on massively plentiful evidence over the past 50+ years or so…no longer trust anything that they are told by the for-profit media. In point of fact, they actively distrust anything that the media is selling heavily, be it the JFK/RFK/MLK Jr. assassinations, the Vietnam War, the runup to the Iraq War or any of the many other “We all agree!!!” bullshit publicity/propaganda mass media efforts. It’s all just advertising, bazzz. Selling something. For profit. It works, too.
But…make it 3%, because 3 out of 100 people that I talk to personally or otherwise contact seems to be about right…3% or so of people from all walks of life seem to be almost immune to publicity/propaganda/advertising. All you need to do is take a look at this blog to see this percentage in action. It’s the same on the street, the same in bars and restaurants, the same on subways and busses that i use to commute and…here’s the really interesting thing…the same no matter what political, social or economic positions these people hold.
A very wise man once told me that there is some percentage of the human race that has a certain “loose wire,” a wire that picks up signals that other people do not notice. Now…judging from your shallow, sarcastic posts, I expect you to be internally saying something like “Har har har!!! This dude has a loose wire, alright!!! Har har har!!!”
Mock on.
You’re just doing your life job.
As am I.
P.S. I do not even remotely consider myself to be a “genius,” bazzz. I have been lucky enough to meet and work with several, and they are…different. Their “loose wires” are huge!!! As Albert Einstein once said of Joseph Haydn, “He could write a symphony in one morning that people still listen to hundreds of years later.” Like dat. I’m just a working guy with a working loose wire, that’s all. And I do keep trying.
Is there any way to identify these 3% of people, are they in any way organized? Or is it an exclusive selection made by yourself, or someone else?
I mock you because you are extremely cryptic, and you dont ever seem to react to direct questions with a straight answer.
I give “straight answers,” bazzz. People who cannot recognize a straight answer but willfully swallow the all of the crooked answers in the headlines are beyond reaching.
So it goes.
You can be happy about one thing, though.
You are certainly in the majority.
Staight answers my ass, you dodge the question.
Like always.
What did you mean with the less than one percent, and later three percent? And how do you identify them?
Also cross posted in AG’s diary.
As I understand AG, it’s an observation, not exact, and the general point is to be sceptical of everything peddled as news. To the extent they are organized they are personal networks that are not easily visible and more difficult to manipulate because they disagree with each other frequently on individual issues.
Answering to direct questions with thoroughly honest answers can sometimes involve what used to be appreciated as nuance.
A world map dotted with all the US and Russian military installations would perhaps be more eye-opening to some.
Or they could read Chalmers Johnson’s trilogy.
Another option would be to ask Putin what America should do to pay for all our past actions.
Or appoint Glenn Greenwald Secretary of State.
Hell, I think Trump anti-American ethos would be well served by Greenwald in State. Secretary of State EXXON doesn’t attack Congressional Democrats as often as the rest of Trump’s Cabinet. Orange Mussolini would get constant Democratic Party attacks and supremely hostile and elaborate Both Siderisms from SoS Glenn.
“No collusion! No collusion! Even our Secretary of State, the Liberal Glenn Greenwald, agrees! No collusion!
Tarheel, as far as I’ve been able to determine, you and I are the only ones here that have read Talbot’s The Devil’s Chessboard. Shocking to learn that it was Dulles/State Nazis (authentic WWII Nazis) creating fake Soviet interference in western Europe in the decades after WWII. Makes that historical period far more comprehensible to this lefty American that lived through part of it but was dependent on the MSM and the meager leftish press to understand what was going on.
And the template was employed in throughout much of the world. The CIA “saw” Soviet infiltrators everywhere. Chasing ghosts of their own creation. No wonder so many had total mental breakdowns.
Failure to read is one of failure of the most recent batch of failed establishment Democrats.
BTW, INHO Doug Jones made exactly the right moves to start off with. He can get white voters, but he can’t get Trump mindset voters. I don’t know why Blue Dogs and 20 years of establishment Democrats could not see that.
snip: “It would be no more surprising than learning that they have a symbiotic relationship with Alex Jones and his InfoWars radio program.”
I’ve been thinking this since the mid 80’s, particularly in regard to much of the malignant right wing radio spectrum long since taken up by Murdoch and spewed with such effect on television.
The KGB couldn’t have done a better job of poisoning the body politic than Murdoch/Fox.
Nor could they have done a better job of poisoning the rest of the body politic than has been done by WAPO, the NY Times, CNN and MSNBC.
Just for starters.
Say Arfur, if we’re consistent about your exhortation to “believe none of it”, then we can’t believe you either.
Let’s all go down the rabbit hole with Arfur Gilroy…who, I hasten to add, is not a nihilist.
This kind of thing is ancient. Socrates himself was put to death, at least according to Plato, for instructing his students to be skeptical of everything, no matter the messenger. It’s hard to function in light of intelligent caution. Can’t trust the church. Can’t trust the government. Can’t trust the internet. Can’t even trust your own eyes. Where have you gone Walter Cronkite? As a lefty, I put a lot of trust in Bill Moyers but at 83 he’s well past his prime. Plus, heck, as a former actor, I put a lot of trust in Dustin Hoffman and look at how that turned out.
What you are reporting is definitely true (and your Facebook article in this month’s issue of Washington Monthly is excellent). I think the larger point is that our enemies are able to easily exploit us because of the widespread ignorance and racism that is baked into this country. That’s the real problem.
JPost – Israel charges teen hacker over JCC bomb threats, blackmailing US state senator
All on his own, one little nutter with a keyboard stirred up real (as opposed to virtual) havoc. But no let’s keep hunting for Russia-Putin bots that stirred up racial divides because even though they can’t be seen, they must exist.
Just as MLK, Jr. and Paul Robeson were Soviet agents. In fact the whole civil rights movement was a dastardly commie plot. And we knew that because that’s what non-commie US newspapers told us and the vast majority of Americans believed that.
Ronald Reagan: Address to the Nation – March 16, 1986.
The truth? Iran-Contra. US funded death squads.
Jeremy Scahill:
In fairness to Democratic politicians of that time, they (at least most of them) weren’t on-board with the Reagan/GOP wars in Central America. But those were mid-Twentieth Century Democrats that were attempting not to get suckered into another Vietnam War.
Slate: The Color of Surveillance
Through the rabbit hole — but of course Democrats in The Resistance hand sweeping surveillance powers to the claimed focus of The Resistance while still bleating that Putin put Trump in office.
More importantly, Hillary Clinton had a private email server, which was such a crime against acceptable civilized norms that America needs to pay for it forever.
The conflations marie3 is moving on this thread display her desperation. Placing MLK and Paul Roberson with Trump as victims of U.S. intelligence services is a new low for her.
She could simply address the question of what she thinks Trump Jr., Kushner and Manafort were doing in a face-to-face meeting which was advertised as one which would deliver “very high level and sensitive information” as “part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”
She could then address the question of why Donald Trump asked Russia to reveal Hillary Clinton’s emails in public.
She could then address the question of how she feels about her months and years of constant condescending defenses of Assange and WikiLeaks, now that it has been revealed that Assange frequently and secretly communicated with Trump Jr. with offer after offer to help the Trump campaign.
She could then address the question of why so many Trump campaign officials have already been indicted, why they lied to the FBI about their communications with Russians, and why two of them have already become informants.
A dispenser of anti-Democratic Party propaganda who has made previous claims which were swamped by subsequent events might be more careful in forwarding even more evasive bullshit. Recent history suggests she is just piling up more words she will have to eat soon.
centerfielddj, marie3 has never eaten her words because she has never been wrong. Just ask her.
Another crap deflection from you on a serious matter that strictly partisan Democrats can’t deal with.
Like all the jerks that jumped into Elizabeth Warren’s tweet thread on MLK, Jr and surveillance legislation.
And you are nothing but an alt right Putin stenographer.
Iran-Contra? I’ve heard of that somewhere, Great Enlightened One. Please explain to those of us who were asleep through the 1980s.
BTW I love the line of reasoning about the Israeli teenager. The kid was indicted–he hasn’t been tried yet, but based on this indictment, you’ve decided that everything about Russian interference in our election is utter bullshit.